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已有 3743 次阅读 2014-12-18 08:52 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:人文社科



前些天提到康德“负量”(negative magnitude,NM),以前没听说过,也不知那词儿怎么译。后来找到一篇文章(Melissa Zinkin, 2012. Kant on Negative Magnitudes. Kant-Studien103(4): 397-414),浏览了一下。因为那词儿少见(师傅自己后来都不用了),所以留几行笔记。

引入这个概念的文章,Attemptto Introduce the Concept of Negative Magnitudes into Philosophy1763),是康师傅批判哲学前的几篇重要文章之一,却经常被忽略或误会了。那时,师傅对具有不同“度量”(degrees of magnitude)认识活动(mental activity)感兴趣,认为那些活动能产生概念,而不是从概念确定结果。他反对休谟对所谓功、能、力等“obscure ideas”的怀疑,指出我们确能感知力(an impression of force),认为它是我们认识活动的必要组成部分。而这种认识活动,就是通过NM来感觉的——师傅的定义如下:


A magnitude is, relative to another magnitude, negative, in so far as it can only be combined with it by means of opposition; in other words, it can only be combined with it so that the one magnitude cancels as much in the other as is equal to itself. Now this, of course, is a reciprocal relation, and magnitudes which are opposed to each other in this way reciprocally cancel an equal amount in each other.


康师傅的NM是在对立关系中呈现的,这是一种“真实的对立”real opposition),而不是逻辑对立或“矛盾”(logical opposition or contradiction)。例如,一个物体不可能既运动又静止,那是逻辑矛盾的;但它可能既有向左运动的潜力,也有向右运动的潜力,是真实存在的(静止状态)。显然,NM不是一样东西,而是一种性质——能被对立性质消减的性质,如运动的潜力(或动力)、美德与缺点、力的吸引与排斥。


NM的意义在于它的“因果力量”(causal power)。如师傅说的,债务虽然是“负资本”,却也是能让资本减少的“正原因”(what I mean when I call debts ‘negative units of capital’ is this: debts are the positive grounds of the diminishment of the units of capital.)。因果力当然是“强度量”而不是广延量。在《纯粹理性批判》中,康师傅定义强度量是只能作为整体来理解的量(I call that magnitude (Größe) which can only be apprehended as a unity (Einheit), and in which a mount (Vielheit) can only be represented through approximation to negation = o, intensive magnitude.


师傅还说,NM的增减是实现综合(而非分析)判断的真实基础(real ground)。因为时空特征,先验几何判断是综合判断;同样,因为NM的性质,其判断也是先验综合的。负量的直觉形式起着时空的直觉形式的作用。时空是我们自己的直觉形式,而负量是我们的认知形式(form of cognition

师傅在《纯粹理性批判》中将重心转向经验的时空结构,而不再谈经验的强度,也就没NM续下去了。但我们还是看到了康师傅区分了物理世界的因果与感觉世界的因果,而“真实的对立”却是二者都需要的。(The difference here only relates to the different laws governing the two types of being; for the state of matter can only ever be changed by means of an external cause, whereas the state of mind can also be changed by means of an internal cause. The necessity of the real opposition, however always remains the same, in spite of the above difference.


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