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已有 17643 次阅读 2010-10-20 15:32 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:教学心得| 量子力学, 爱因斯坦, 南京大学, 科学方法, 狄拉克




有鉴于自己对我国理科教学的现状的了解,今年本人先期课程中概述了古希腊首创的科学传统(主要是爱因斯坦强调的形式逻辑体系)、文化重生与科学革命(Renaissance and scientific revolution)时期完成的科学方法的创造与历次科学革命中的范式转变(Paradigm shift)。本人确认,没有这些前期准备,不具备 reason、objectivity、logic 这三种主要科学品格和思维能力的基础,是不可能弄懂量子力学的。



课件 10月19日              量子力学没有测不准原理




Lecture Notes on Dirac's Principles of Quantum Mechanics

Chapter One   Recipe to comprehend and command Quantum Mechanics:
              Paradigm shifts

Section 1.1    Brief history of quantum physics
A.  Expeimental discoveries leading to quantum mechanics
B.  Theoretical innovations in quantum era

Section 1.2    The Scientific Method
A.  Definition of science as given by Einstein
B.  Greek philosophers :From Thales to Aristotle
C.  Euclidean geometry and formal logical system
D.  Renaissance and scientific revolution: From Copernicus to Newton
E.  Descartes’ Method of Science: The four precepts
F.  The Cartesian geometry

Section 1.3    Review of Classical Mechanics
A.  Einstein’s critical review of Newtonian mechanics based on Descartes’ 
      four precepts

B.  The Lagrangian mechanics
C.  The Hamiltonian mechanics

Section 1.4    Paradigm and paradigm shifts in scientific revolutions
A.  Paradigm in science
B.  Paradigm shifts in scientific revolutions

Section 1.5   Paradigm shifts: the recipe to comprehend and command Quantum Mechanics
A.  Example one of paradigm shifts in quantum physics: Planck oscillator, from
    c-number to q-number and from visible physical space to abstract
    mathematical space
B.  Example two of paradigm shifts in quantum physics: The Stern–Gerlach
    experiment and spin, paradigm of quantum measurement and Pauli matrix
    approach to two-level system

Chapter Two   Dirac's four axioms of Quantum Mechanics: Superposition,
              Observables, Canonical quantization and Equation of motion

Section 2.1   Axiom I:Principle of superposition
A.  Definition of quantum states and the general principle of superposition
B.  Mathematical formulation of the principle
C.  Dirac's notation for vectors:  the ket
D.  Dirac's introduction of inner product function and bra vectors
E.  The dual relationship between ket and bra

Section 2.2   Axiom II:Principle of observables
A.  Linear operators (q-numbers)
B.  Operator operating on the bra vectors
C.  Conjugate relations
D.  Eigenvalues,eigenvectors and eigenspace
E.  The eigenvalue problem of Hermitian operators
F.  Axioms of observables in quantum mechanics and explanation of the 
 Stern-Gerlach experiment

Section 2.3  Axiom III:Quantization conditions
A.  Sequential Stern-Gerlach experiment again
B.  Commutability and compatibility
C.  Uncertainty relation
D.  Axiom of quantization conditions: Dirac canonical quantization
E.  Heisenberg uncertainty relation between x and p

Section 2.4   Axiom IV:Equation of motion
A.  The Heisenberg equation of motion
B.  The Schrödinger equation of motion

Chapter Three   Dirac's three rules of manipulations in Quantum Mechanics: 
                Representations, Transformations and Pictures

Section 3.1   Representations of discrete eigenvalue spectra - matrix
A.  The basis of a linear vector space and the basis vectors
B.  The eigenvectors of Hermitian operators as orthonormal basis of Hilbert
C.  The discrete eigenvalue spectra and the matrix representation or matrix
D.  Matrix (energy or Heisenberg) representation of Planck oscillator
E.  Matrix representation of spin one half and the Stern-Gerlach experiment 


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