處理投到Physica E的稿件時,發現東北某大學一傑青投稿時推薦的評審人很可疑:一個是美國UIUC的S. M. Tripathi,一個是英國City University London的T. Hien Nguyen,提供的email地址全是gmail或yahoo.co.uk這樣的可任意註冊的信箱,搜索後完全找不到任何相關人信息。給投稿人去信,要求提供解釋:
"......So please provide me with their further information including publications, and telephone numbers I can reach them.
Please provide me aprompt and full response within 7 days, which I will also [discuss/share] withthe party raising this concern. Depending on thenature of your response, I should also inform you that I [may OR also] considerit necessary to inform and involve the research institution at which theunderlying research took place [or is alleged to have taken place], and[possibly] the funding agency that supported the research [or that allegedlysupported the research].
Please note that ifwe do not have an adequate and timely response, we may be forced to concludethat the allegations are truthful."
正如懷疑的那樣,這兩個審稿人全是編造的,如果編輯上當,選取其中的人審稿,實際上將時這些投稿人自己在“審”。更為可恥的是,如國內以往幾乎所有類似學術不端情況,投稿人將責任推到了學生身上:“收到您的邮件后,我认识到了事情的严重性,就把他(指學生)找来,了解情况。他说投稿时,需要推荐三位专家,他以为推荐审稿人只是个形式问题,如果不填全,投稿就不会成功,就随便瞎写了两个。” 可能也只有他們自己才“相信”這是隨便瞎寫兩個吧。正如我以前微博 http://weibo.com/2323668352/Cf9PCwlkZ中指出的:做為導師,出了問題將學生推出來是極為猥瑣惡劣的! 首先導師不僅是通訊作者,文章還是從導師帳號投出的,出了問題推給學生,不承擔責任,這樣的人是根本不配做教師的,更何況是所謂“傑青”。
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