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已有 5813 次阅读 2019-4-12 09:48 |系统分类:海外观察



这几天我拜读了美国地震学会题目为“California’s Current Earthquake Hiatus is an Unlikely Pause”的地震新闻报道https://www.seismosoc.org/news/californias-current-earthquake-hiatus-is-an-unlikely-pause/


我也拜读了美国科学新闻网题目为“California should have had a major earthquake by now, geologists warn https://www.upi.com/Science_News/2019/04/03/California-should-have-had-a-major-earthquake-by-now-geologists-warn/5601554306980/


这两个新闻报道均来源于美国地质调查局的地震科学家Glenn P. Biasi博士和Katherine M. Scharer博士,201943日,发表在《Seismological Research Letters》的最新研究论文。论文题目为“The Current Unlikely Earthquake Hiatus at California’s Transform Boundary Paleoseismic Sites https://doi.org/10.1785/0220180244。论文摘要如下:

Paleoseismic and historical earthquake records used to quantify earthquake recurrence rates can also be used to test the likelihood of seismically quiescent periods. At principal paleoseismic sites in California on the San Andreas, San Jacinto, Elsinore, and Hayward faults, no groundrupturing earthquake has occurred in the last 100 yr, yet this interval is about three times the average interearthquake period for the ensemble of sites. We examine long paleoseismic records from these faults, as they carry most of the transform fault slip on the plate boundary, to see if the current hiatus has any precedent in the last 1000 yr. The selection of sites is designed to sample fault sections unlikely to have ruptured together, so their conditional probabilities of a hiatus can be combined as independent events. We find a 100yr hiatus is not predicted by common timedependent or timeindependent recurrence models. Paleoearthquake dating uncertainties can allow long open intervals at individual sites or subsets of sites, but do not explain the observed gap in the ensemble. After approximately removing redundancies in the full paleoearthquake record, the timeindependent probability of the current 100yr gap is of order 0.3%. This raises several questions. Do we live in a statistically exceptional time? Or does some widescale effect modulate earthquake occurrence among sites over longer timescales? Finally, how should we understand seismic hazard estimates in California if the recurrence models on which they rely seem, at minimum, incomplete? Whether due to a statistical anomaly, some longerterm modulation of earthquake occurrence, or another cause, our results emphasize that the hiatus of the last century has been exceptional.

他们根据古地震研究发现,加州这三条主要大断裂(San Andreas, San Jacinto, Elsinore, and Hayward faults)在过去1000年以来,每100年就要发生大地震!上一次一百年周期的大地震是在1918年结束的。但是,自1918年以来,这三条主要大断裂一直平静!这三条大断裂是分割北美板块和太平洋板块之间的大断裂,具极其重要的地质和地球科学作用和意义。


美国地震专家们在努力寻找,百年来造成这个断裂滑动缺乏的原因“there is a reason for the dearth of fault slippage over the last 100 years”。








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