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那段Tenure-Track工作好时光 精选

已有 17274 次阅读 2016-11-2 19:37 |系统分类:海外观察



昨天,我主持了,我们系岩土工程领域的一位Tenure-Track Assistant Professor申请人的面试工作。看到、听到、体会到这位应聘年青人的蓬勃朝气、敏捷答对和充满信心,我不由地想起了,20年前那段Tenure-Track工作和日子。

1992年春天,我基本上完成了博士论文,就想到要找下一步的博士后或Tenure-Track工作了。我就打电话给Otto J. Svec教授,希望他做我的工作申请推荐人。当时,Svec教授是加拿大国家研究院(National Research Council of Canada, NRCC)的建筑研究所(Institute for Research in Construction, IRC)的高级研究员。他1972年在Waterloo大学土木工程学获得博士学位,导师是固体力学大师G.M.L. Gladwell(参见http://www.civil.uwaterloo.ca/ggladwell/)。


虽然我没有系统学过道路工程专业,但是,他认为,我同他一样,固体力学理论和数学基础好,从事应用科技研究和创新应该没有任何问题。在他的指导和帮助下,1992年4月30日,我获得了加拿大国家自然科学和工程基金委员会的Visiting Fellowship(一年奖金35184加币),在IRC做博士后工作,导师是Svec教授。

在完成博士论文答辩后,1992年10月1日,我加入了IRC的沥青混凝土道面工程研究团队。在我加入之前的夏天,Svec教授被诊断,头内部有肿瘤,而动了头部手术。之后,他一直处于疗养和半日工作状态之中。因此,当时的研究室主任,LaVerne Palmer博士就成了我的实际导师,在各个方面都给了我悉心的指导(下图)。一年之后,我又获得了IRC的Tenure-Track Assistant Research Officer两年合约。








第六,最为重要的是,在1992年8月,组建了一个小家庭(参见博文“一份充满殷切希望和关爱的婚礼致辞http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-240687-951694.html)。这个小家庭,先后在1994年初和1995年夏,迎来和诞生了一位女儿和一位男儿,建成了一个“好”理想的四口人家庭(加拿大人所讲的Millionaire Family)。最为精彩的是,时常在周末,同全家人或朋友一道,开车郊游和河边钓鱼!

1996年4月1日,被动离开IRC时,心情虽然不好, 但是,很快就感到极其轻松自由:不用再天天上班了,不用再去单位了,不用再想科研了,不用再想申请项目和经费了,不用再撰写和发表论文了。






A.     道路结构力学分析、强度无损测量、机场跑道结构设计新规范

A.1    HM El Hussein, ZQ Yue, 1994. A criterion forevaluation of rutting potential of asphalt concrete based on repetitive uniaxial compression test, Transportation Research Record No. 1454, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. pp.74-81.

A.2    ZQ Yue, OJ Svec, 1995. Effect of tire-pavement contact pressure distribution on the response of asphalt concrete pavements, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 22(5):849-860.

A.3    ZQ Yue, 1995. Role of mechanics in pavement design and rehabilitation, Canadian Civil Engineer, January, Vol. 12, No.1, pp.1,3-4. (Invited by the Engineering Mechanics Division of Canadian Society of Civil Engineers).

A.4    HM El Hussein,ZQ Yue, 1993. Repetitive uniaxial compression test for evaluating asphalt concrete resistance to rutting, Proceedings, Annual Conference of the Canadian Technical Asphalt Association, Fredericton, NB, Canada, November,pp. 98-110.

A.5    OJ Svec, ZQ Yue, 1994. Useof non-circular loading plates for better backcalculation of pavement moduli, Proceedings,the 4-th Int. Conf. of Bearing Capacity of Roads and Airfields,Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, July, 1994, Vol.2, pp. 1741-1754

A.6    ZQ Yue, OJ Svec, 1994a.Effect of vertical non-homogeneity in pavement structural layer moduli on non-destructive evaluation, Proceedings, the Int. Conf. of Bearing Capacity of Roads and Airfields, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, July, 1994, Vol.1, pp.109-122.

A.7    ZQ Yue, OJ Svec, 1994b.Effect of tire-pavement contact pressure on the performance of asphalt concretep avements, Proceedings, Annual Conference of Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Winnipeg, June, 1994, Vol.1, pp. 659-668.

A.8    ZQ Yue, 1995. Influence ofinterface conditions on backcalculated layer moduli of pavements, Proceedings,1995 Annual Conference of Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Ottawa,Canada, June 1-3, 1995. Vol.2, pp.473-483.

A.9    HM El Hussein,OJ Svec, M Gervais, W Bekking, ZQ Yue, 1993a. Development of asphalt concrete mix designs with large aggregate, Submitted to Nova Husky Research Corporation, Calgary. (NRC Client report A-750 1.2).

A.10   HM El Hussein,OJ Svec, M Gervais, W Bekking, ZQ Yue, 1993b. A field evaluation of asphaltic pavement reinforcement materials, Submitted to Transportation Department, Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton。

A.11   ZQ Yue, 1994a. Computer Program NRCBACK & User Guide, Internal Report,IRC/NRC, Ottawa, Canada, July.

A.12   ZQ Yue, 1994b. Computer Program NRCLAYER & User Guide, Internal Report,IRC/NRC, Ottawa, Canada, July.

A.13   ZQ Yue, 1995. A high performance computer program for a solution of global minimum in backcalculation of layer moduli, Internal Report, IRC/NRC,October. and Oral presented at the 1995 FWD Users’ Group Annual Meeting, October 1 to 3, North Carolina.

A.14   ZQ Yue, JHL Palmer, 1995a. Application of multilayered theory to airfield pavement design, Interim Report No.2 submitted to Transport Canada.NRC Client reports No. A7504.2, Ottawa, November.

A.15   ZQ Yue, JHL Palmer, 1995b. Application of multilayered theory to airfield pavement design, Interim Report No.1 submitted to Transport Canada.NRC Client reports No. A7504.1, Ottawa, September.

A.16   ZQ Yue, JHL Palmer, 1996. Application of multilayered theory to airfield pavement design, Final Report submitted to Transport Canada. NRC Clientreports No. A7504.3, Ottawa, March.

A.17   G Argue, ZQ Yue, JHL Palmer, B Denyes, A Bastarache, 1996. Layered elastic design criteria for airfield asphalt pavements, Submitted to Transport Canada, Ottawa, April.

B.    沥青混凝土细观颗粒空间分布数字图像定量方法和应用

B.1    ZQ Yue, W Bekking, I Morin, 1995.Application of digital image processing to quantitative study of asphalt concrete microstructure, Transportation Research Record No. 1492, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., pp.53-60.

B.2    ZQ Yue, I Morin, 1996. Digital image processing for aggregate orientations in asphalt concrete, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 23(2): 480-489.

B.3    K Sepehr, OJ Svec,ZQ Yue, HM El Hussein, 1994. Finite element modeling of asphalt concrete microstructure, Proceedings, LOCALIZED DAMAGE 94, Computer Aided Assessment and Control, 21-23 June, 1994, Udine, Italy. pp. 225-232.

B.4    ZQ Yue, I Morin, 1995. An investigation of aggregate orientations in asphalt concrete using digital image processing, Proceedings,1995 Annual Conference of Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Ottawa,Canada, June 1-3, 1995. Vol.2, pp.59-69.

C.     多层弹性力学空间问题的解析解

C.1    ZQ Yue,1995a. On generalized Kelvin solutions in multilayered elastic media, Journal of Elasticity, 40(1): 1-44.

C.2    ZQ Yue,1995b. Elastic fields in two joined transversely isotropic solids due to concentrated forces, International Journal of Engineering Science, 33(3):351-369.

C.3    ZQ Yue,1996a. Elastic field for an eccentrically loaded rigid plate on multilayered solids, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 33(27):4019-4049.

C.4    ZQ Yue,1996b. Closed-form Green’s functions for transversely isotropic bi-solids with a slipping interface, Structural Engineering and Mechanics,An International Journal, 4(5): 469-484.

C.5    ZQ Yue,1996c. On elastostatics of multilayered solids subjected to general surface traction, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 49(part3): 471-499.

C.6    ZQ Yue, JH Yin, 1996. Closed-form fundamental solutions for transversely isotropic bi-materials with inextensible interface, Journal of Engineering Mechanics,ASCE, 122(11): 1052-1059.

C.7    ZQ Yue, 1995c. Indentation of a rigid plate on a multilayered solid, in Contact Mechanics II,Proceedings,Second International Conference on Numerical Methods in Contact Mechanics,ed. M.H. Aliabadi and C. Alessandri, Ferrara, Italy, July 11-13, 1995.pp.91-98.

D.     饱和多孔弹性介质固结空间问题的解析解

D.1    APS Selvadurai, ZQ Yue, 1994. On the indentation of a poroelastic layer, International Journal for Numerical & Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 18: 161-175.

D.2    ZQ Yue, APS Selvadurai, 1994. On the asymmetric indentation of a consolidating poroelastic halfspace, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Modeling, 18:170-185.

D.3    ZQ Yue,APS Selvadurai, KT Law, 1994. Excess pore pressure in a poroelastic seabed saturated with a compressible fluid, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 31:989-1003.

D.4    ZQ Yue,APS Selvadurai, 1995. Contact problem for saturated poroelastic solid, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 121 (4): 502-512.

D.5    ZQ Yue,APS Selvadurai, 1995.On the mechanics of a rigid disc inclusion in a fluid saturated poroelastic medium, International Journal of EngineeringScience. 33(11): 1633-1662.

D.6    APS Selvadurai, ZQ Yue,1992. Consolidation behavior of an embedded rigid foundation, Proceedings,the 45-th Conference of Canadian Geotechnical Society, Toronto, Canada,October, pp. 64-1 to 64-8.

D.7    ZQ Yue, APS Selvadurai,1992. The role of Poisson's ratios on the consolidation response of soils, Proceedings,the 45-th Conference of Canadian Geotechnical Society, Toronto, Canada,October, pp. 11-1 to 11-11.

D.8    APS Selvadurai, ZQ Yue,1993. A contact problem for a thin poroelastic layer, Proceedings, FirstInternational Conference of Computational Methods on Contact Mechanics,Southampton, UK, July, pp. 285-296.

D.9    ZQ Yue, APS Selvadurai, KT Law, 1993. Pore pressure generation in a poroelastic seabed saturated with a compressible fluid, Proceedings, the 4-th Canadian Marine Geotechnical Conference, St. John's, Canada, June, pp. 66-85.

D.10   ZQ Yue, APS Selvadurai, 1994. Eccentric settlement of a rigid foundation on a consolidating thin layer, in Vertical and Horizontal Deformation of Foundation and Embankments, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 40 (2): 612-627.


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