同事:我认为,如果取消了“不确定性图灵机(NonDeterministic Turing Machine NDTM)”这个概念,把NP定义成“确定性图灵机(Deterministic Turing Machine DTM)”在多项式时间内可验证的问题类,不会影响NP问题的实际求解,对NP完备理论也不会产生影响。
注:The original statement of Cook’s theorem was presented in Cook’s paper entitled “The complexity of theorem proving procedures” as:
-Theorem 1 If a set S of strings is accepted by some nondeterministic Turing machine within polynomial time, then S is P-reducible to {DNF tautologies}.
The main idea of the proof of Theorem 1 was described:
-Suppose a nondeterministic Turing machine M accepts a set S of strings within time Q(n), where Q(n) is a polynomial. Given an input w for M, we will construct a propositional formula A(w) in conjunctive normal form (CNF) such that A(w) is satisfiable iff M accepts w. Thus ¬A(w) is easily put in disjunctive normal form (using De Morgans laws), and ¬A(w) is a tautology if and only if w ̸∈ S. Since the whole construction can be carried out in time bounded by a polynomial in | w | (the length of w), the theorem will be proved.
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