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"Time-space variable system multi-line vector physics" Intro

已有 2306 次阅读 2013-10-26 08:49 |个人分类:物理|系统分类:论文交流| System, quot, variable, Time-space, multi-line

"Time-spacevariable system multi-line vector physics" Introduction


WuZhong-xiang (Institute of Mechanics, AcademiaSinica)



"Time-pacevariable system multi-line vector physics" is


Inthe "Theory of Relativity" suggests,

High-speed(3D space velocity compared with the speed of light in vacuum, can not beignored) moving object, it must be expressed by 4D space-time ,

Fornon- inertial tow motions, the basic characteristics of curved space-time mustbe taken into account.

Andthere must be physical problems yield by the vector of the time-space variable systemmulti-line vector and vector calculus.


Andthe erroneous views of so-called "wave, particle 2 elephant "ofquantum mechanics and its field theory that can not justify itself and must beremoved.

Thekey properties and characteristicsof theirwave function are not clear so far onthe basis of such issues,


Forexisting theories exist variety physical problems need to be solved,

Todevelop, create that in all kinds of time-space variable system multi-linearvector, and vector calculus can perform vector operator to discuss the physicsof general covariance,


Andstatistical mechanics of variety multi-linear vectors, and thus to refome and developthe theory of relativity and quantum mechanics and its field theory.


Specialrelativity only in terms of inertia simplified special case.

Generalrelativity can only give up vector and vector operations, only use the curvilinearcoordinates and tensor operations, by the analysis of the metric tensorcharacteristics, formly phenomenologically , confined to draw some of thegravitational problem.

Theapproximate results of low speed (3D space speed as compared with that of lightin vacuum can be ignored) and small temporal range (curved time-space property isnegligible) non-inertial tow movement is the corresponding commonly classicalphysics.

Experimentaltests used for the " three big validation " of the important basisfor the correctness of only existing non- inertial tow movement theory ,general relativity ,, the results are also consistent with Einstein , and knownexperimental results exactly.

Bythe various types of multi-line vector "Phase space" statisticalmechanics, We get the time-machine-optirimum probabilitydistribution function,

Undernormal conditions of time-space 1-linear vectors, that is usually "wavefunction" of "quantum mechanics " and its field theory.



"QuantumMechanics" and its field theory are the statistical results of a largenumber particles,

Theso-called "waves" are all just the collective performance and thestatistical results of the large number particles.

Thus,the erroneous views of so-called "wave, particle 2 elephant" is excluded,and every wrong philosophical views yielded from it are proved collapse of themself..


Using the time-machine-optirimum probabilitydistributionfunctions obtained by varius multi-linear vector space "Phase space"statistics as wave functions of corresponding quantum mechanics and field theories,We reform and develop them,

Whileits simplified conditions in the corresponding special case,  that is the time-machine-optirimum probabilitydistribution function of the usual quantum mechanics and .its field theory.


Thefindings above,

Ofcourse, this also proves the correctness of the corresponding conditions.

Thenew theory system of "Time-space variable system multi-linear vectorphysics" had been formed to solve various macroscopic and microscopicproblems.


Theexisting theories about various misconceptions such as : " The Big Bang UnipaseTheory" , "dark energy " and " ' quark ' based on the'standard model ' " ,"God particle ", " There are threeneutrino types and transformation two-two for each other" and so on , allhave been corrected,


Existingtheories have not, or can not, be solved, many related important issues, suchas : unified field theory , elementary particles and so on, all have been solved.


5 . References:

[ 1 ] "space vector variable basedmulti-line world," Dr. Wu Zhongxiang Ivana Press November 2004

[2] http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/ variablebased multi-line vector space master /


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