美国科学院院士、哲学家--约翰·杜威(John Dewey)
1904—1930年,美国哲学家John Dewey(约翰·杜威,1859--1952)供职于纽约哥伦比亚大学。
1910年,John Dewey当选为美国科学院院士。
1919—1921年John Dewey访问中国。
(1919年摄于上海。 前排左起:史量才、杜威夫人、杜威 后排左起:胡适、蒋梦麟、陶行知、张作平)
1919.04.28 Leaves Kobe for China on Kumano Maru [1919.04.27 (03893) enroute?]
1919.04.30 Arrives inShanghai [1919.05.01,02 (03898); Millard's Review 8 (3 May 1919): 365]
1919-1921 Lecturer atNational Universities of Peking and Nanking
1919.05.01 Motoring triparound Shanghai [1919.05.01,02,03 (03898)]
1919.05.02 Goingto Chinatown [1919.05.01,02,03 (03898)]
1919.05.03,04 Lectures on"The Relation between Democracy and Education" in Shanghai,
Kiangsu Educational AssociationBuilding, West Gate [1919.05.02 (03898);
Millard's Review8(3 May 1919): 365; ibid. 8 (10 May 1919): 410; Clopton,
John Dewey, 312]
1919.05.04 "Lecturewith a dinner afterwards" [1919.05.04 (03899)]
1919.05.05-09 In Hangchow[1919.05.09 (03903); Millard's Review 8 (3 May 1919): 365)]
1919.05.11 In Shanghai[1919.05.01 (03909)]
1919.05.12 Dinner with SunYat-sen
1919.05.14 Lectures inHangchow under auspices of the Educational Association [Millard'sReview 8 (17 May 1919): 449]
1919.05.14 Goes to Nankingfor approximately two weeks [1919.05.01 (03909); 1919.05.09
1919.05.17 "Japan andAmerica" published [MW11]
1919.05.18 In Nanking[1919.05.18 (10756)]
1919.05.20? VisitsChinkiang [1919.05.22 (10757)]
1919.05.** "Visitedone of the chief Buddhist shrines" [1919.05.23 (10758)]
1919.05.22 Lunch at home of"an adviser to a military official" [1919.05.23 (10758)]
1919.05.27 "We plannedto go to Pekin tomorrow" [1919.05.26 (03906)]
1919.05.** Lectures givenat Peking National Academy of Fine Arts, "Trends in Contemporary
Education": "TheNatural Foundations of Education," "The New Attitude Toward
Knowledge," "TheSocialization of Education" [Clopton, John Dewey, 313-14]
1919.05.30 In Peking,"present abode is at the Edwards in the Y M C A compound" [1919.06.01
(10759); 1919.06.10,17 (03910)]
1919.05.31 "Went tothe Western Hills" [1919.06.01 (10759)]
1919.05.31 "Wentto the famous museum" [1919.06.01 (10759); 1919.06.02 (10760)]
1919.06.01? "Went tothe summer palace" [1919.06.02 (10760)]
1919.06.02 Dinner withMinister of Education at the Oriental Hotel [1919.06.01,05 (03907)]
1919.06.08 Lectures on"The Development of Democracy in America" at auditorium of Board of
Education, Peking [1919.06.10,17(03910); Clopton, John Dewey, 309]
1919.06.10 Second lecture,"Freedom, Equality, Individualism, and Education in American
Democracy" [1919.06.10,17(03910); Clopton, John Dewey, 309]
1919.06.10 Luncheon at theTenneys' [1919.06.10,17 (03910)]
1919.06.11 Dinner at theBakers' [1919.06.10,17 (03910)]
1919.06.12 or13? Thirdlecture, "The Social Aspects of American Democracy" [Clopton, John
Dewey, 310]
1919.06.14 "Going forthe week end to one of the suburbs, where Chingwa [Tsinghua] college is"
[1919.06.10,17 (03910);1919.06.20 (10764)]
1919.06.21 "Going toWestern Hills tomorrow night" [1919.06.20 (10764)]
1919.06.22 "Dinner atthe house of a Chinese official (Ling?)" [1919.06.23 (10765)]
1919.06.28 Dinner atColonel Drysdale's [1919.06.27 (03558)]
1919.07.04 "Going outto the Higher Normal this morning" [1919.07.04 (10769)]
1919.07.16 "On the TwoSides of the Eastern Sea" published [MW11]
1919.07.25? Lucy arrives inPeking [1919.08.01 (05019)]
1919.07.28 In Tientsin,attends conference of heads of higher schools to consider reopening schools
[1919.08.01 (05019); 1919.08.04(10779)]
1919.08.04 Still in Peking
1919.08.06 "TheStudent Revolt in China" published
1919.08.06 "TheStudent Revolt in China" published [MW11]
1919.08.15 Lectures on"New Problems of Knowledge" at New Learning Association, Peking
[Clopton, John Dewey, 310]
1919.08.21 Lucy in hospitalwith typhoid fever [1919.08.21 (03568)]
1919.08.27 "TheInternational Duel in China" published [MW11]
1919.09.04 Moves to Dearings's"flat" in Peking, 135 Morrison [1919.08.21 (03568); 1919.08.25
1919.09.10 "Militarismin China" published [MW11]
1919.09.** Lectureson "Industrial Education" [Clopton, John Dewey, 314]
1919.10-1920.03 Fifteen lecturesin Peking on Ethics: "The Nature of the Discussion," "The
Constant and the ChangingElements in Morality," "Morality and Human
Nature," "The Role ofEmotion in Morality," "Social Emotion," "Selfishness,"
"Self-Regard and Regard forOthers," "Self-Regard and Regard for Others
(continued)," "Virtueand Vice," "Virtue and Vice (continued)," "A Comparison
of Eastern Thought and WesternThought," "Desire and Happiness," "Desire and
Temptation," "Desireand Its Relationship to Customs and Institutions," "The
Essence of a Democratic Institution"[Clopton, John Dewey, 326-27]
1919.10.** Lectures on"Student Self Government" [Clopton, John Dewey, 317]
1919.10.02 Farewell dinnerfor Smiths [1919.10.04 (03570)]
1919.10 Plans to be inTaiyuan, Shansi province; return by 31 October [1919.10.04 (03570)]
1919.10.04,18, 1919.11.01 "Liberalismin Japan" published [MW11]
1919.10.08 "TheDiscrediting of Idealism" published [MW11]
1919.11.01 Dinner anddancing at hotel [1919.11.02 (03571)]
1919.11.02 Lunch with EdThomas of Chicago [1919.11.02 (03571)]
1919.11.02 Attends Mr.Wan's wedding at naval club [1919.11.02 (03571)]
1919.11.02 Leaves Pekingfor Mukden "tonight at eight" [1919.11.02 (03571)]
1919.11.09 In Mukden,"have had one busy little week here" [1919.11.09 (03572)]
1919.11.11 Back in Peking[1919.11.11 (03573)]
1919.11.12 Starts "anew course of eight lectures at the University called types of thinking":
"Aristotle's Concept ofSpecies," "Characteristics of Aristotle's Thought,""Descartes:
Extension and Motion,""Characteristics of Descartes' Thought," "John Locke:
Sensation and Reflection,""Characteristics of Locke's Thought," "Experimentalism,
Answer to the Conflict betweenEmpiricism and Rationalism," and "Characteristics of
Experimentalist Thought"[1919.11.13 (05022); Clopton, John Dewey, 326]
1919.11.** "Transformingthe Mind of China" published [MW11]
1919.11.22 Lunch with EdThomas [1919.11.22 (03574)]
1919.11.27 "Going outto Tsing Hua for Thanksgiving" [1919.11.12 (03574)]
1919.12.** Lectures attwenty-second anniversary of founding of National Peking University, "The
University and Public Opinion ina Democracy" [Clopton, John Dewey, 310]
1919.12.03 "TheAmerican Opportunity in China" published [MW11]
1919.12.03 Invites WitterBynner to dinner [1919.12.03 (03328)]
1919.12.24 "Our Sharein Drugging China" published [MW11]
1919.12.24 Lectures inTsinan, assembly hall of the Provincial Assembly [Millard's Review 11(27
December 1919): 177]
1919.12.** "ChineseNational Sentiment" published [MW11]
1919-? Member, ForeignPolicy Association
1919.12.31-1920.01.02?InTientsin [1920.01.04 (03579); 1920.01.01,02,04 (03578)]
1920 One of foundersof American Civil Liberties Union [Dykhuizen, 173]
1920 Reconstructionin Philosophy published[MW12]
1920 "ThreeContemporary Philosophers: William James, Henri Bergson, and Bertrand
Russell" published [MW12]
1920 Lettersfrom China and Japan published
1920.01.02 "Mamma andI both speak at the same meeting" [1920.01.02 (03578)]
1920.01.04 In Peking[1920.01.04 (03579)]
1920.01.20 Lectures on"The Concept of 'Right' in Western Thought" at Chinese University,Peking
[Clopton, John Dewey, 310]
1920.02.07 "Dinnerparty of mr and Mrs Tenney" [1920.02.08 (03582)]
1920.02.08 Attends"exhibition of Mr Liens pictures" [1920.02.08 (03582)]
1920.02.19 Dines with Mr.Hunt [1920.02.20 (03587)]
1920.02.24 Evelyn arrivesin Peking [1920.02.15 (03585)]
1920.02.25 "The Sequelof the Student Revolt" published [MW12]
1920.02.26-27 Annual meetingof Chihli-Shansi Educational Association, Peking, American
Board Mission; JD scheduled tospeak [Millard's Review 11 (28 February 1920):
1920.03.** Six lecturesdelivered in Peking: "William James," William James(continued)," "Henri
Bergson," "Henri Bergson (continued)," "BertrandRussell," "Bertrand Russell
(continued)" [Clopton, JohnDewey, 326]
1920.03.03 "Shantung,As Seen from Within" published [MW12]
1920.03.09 Tea for Evelynhosted by "ladies of the faculty of Yenching College in Peking"
[Millard's Review 12 (20March 1920): 122]
1920.03.13 Dinner withCowdrys [1920.03.15 (05026)]
1920.03.24 "OurNational Dilemma" published [MW12]
1920.03.** Attends"two dinners given for Professor Levy Bruhl" [1920.04.01 (03593)]
1920.03.** "Familydinner at the University" [1920.04.01 (03593)]
1920.03.31 Farewell
1920.03.31 Farewell dinnergiven by Mr. Tsai, president of Peking Government University
[Millard's Review 12 (10April 1920): 282]
1920.04.** "The NewLeaven in Chinese Politics" published [MW12]
1920.04.01 Lastday in Peking [1920.04.01 (03593)]
1920.04.01 "Giving afarewell dinner tonight, Chancellor Tsai the chief guest" [1920.04.01(03593)]
1920.04.02 Leaves Peking[1920.04.04 (03598)]
1920.04.03 Goes up TaishanMountain [1920.04.05 (03595)]
1920.04.04-06.**Arrivesin Nanking for six weeks, eight lectures per week; "nineteen lectures at
Nanking Teachers College":"The Origins of Philosophy," "Early Philosophical
Problems," "The Searchfor a University Principle," "Being and Becoming,"
"Facts and Theories,""The Sophists," "Skepticism and Logic,""Socrates,"
"Socrates' Postulates,""Socrates'" Logic," "The Platonic 'Real'," "ThePlatonic
'Idea'," "Plato'sEpistemology," "Plato's Educational Philosophy," "Plato's
Politics," "From Platoto Aristotle," Aristotle's P_ otentiality' and A_ ctuality',"
Aristotle's 'Individual' and'Species'," and "Aristotle and the Modern World"
[1920.04.05 (03595); 1920.04.11(03916); 1920.05.30 (04095); Clopton, John
Dewey, 325-26, 327]
1920.04.13 Goesto Rain Blossom Hill [1920.04.14. (03918)]
1920.04.13 Dines with Mr.Williams [1920.04.14 (03918)]
1920.04.16 "Spoke atUniversity last Friday" [1920.04.19 (03920)]
1920.04.18 Tea party withYoung China Association in Garden of the Gentry Club [1920.04.19
1920.04.20 Speaks "toscience teachers of TC tomorrow" [1920.04.19 (03920)]
1920.04.21 "Going tospeak at Ginling Wednesday night" [1920.04.19 (03920)]
1920.04.23 "Went to atea in the Cockcrow temple" with student editors of Youth and Society
[1920.04.19 (03920); 1920.04.24(03921)]
1920.04.30 Lectures on"Vocational Education and the Labor Problem" [Clopton, John Dewey,
1920.05.** "What HoldsChina Back" published [MW12]
1920.05.05 "Freedom ofThought and Work" published [MW12]
1920.05.07-08 "TeachersConference here [Nanking]" [1920.04.19 (03920)]
1920.05.16 "Supposedto leave here [Nanking] May 16th" [1920.04.24 (03921)]
1920.05.17 In Chinkiang[1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.05.18-20 InYangchow [1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.05.21-23 In Tsingkiang[1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.05.24 Travels toChinkiang [1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.05.25-26 In Changchow[1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.05.27-06.03InShanghai, "left on Friday the forth" [1920.04.** (03924); 1920.06.14
1920.05.31 ACD addressesKiangsu Educational Association [Millard's Review 13 (12 June 1920):
1920.06.** Lectures on"The Real Meaning of Democratic Education" [Clopton, John Dewey,316]
1920.06.04-08 In Nantung[1920.04** (03924); 1920.06.14 (03928)]
1920.06.04 Sightseeing,"went to the Changs to dinner" [1920.06.14 (03928)]
1920.06.05 In Sunkiang,visits grave of General Ward [Millard's Review 13 (12 June 1920): 78]
1920.06.08 In Shanghai[1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.06.09-13 In Hangchow[1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.06.14-15 In Shanghai[1920.04.** (03924); 1920.06.15 (03929)]
1920.06.** Lectures on"Education for Citizenship" at P'un-tung High School, near Shanghai
[Clopton, John Dewey, 316]
1920.06.16-19 In Tsuchow[1920.04.** (03924); 1920.06.16 (03926)]
1920.06.20-26 In Wusih[1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.06.27-29 InSoochow [1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.06.30 Returns toNanking [1920.04.** (03924)]
1920.06.** "Americanismand Localism" published [MW12]
1920.06.30 "China'sNightmare" published [MW12]
1920.07.** "Shall getback to Peking early in July I suppose" [1920.05.30 (04095)]
1920.07.** Lectures on"Student Government" [Clopton, John Dewey, 314]
1920.07.27 InTsingtao; Chamber of Commerce dinner [1920.07.28 (03936)]
1920.07.28 Goes to themovies [1920.07.29 (03943)]
1920.08.06 Leaves Peking[1920.08.20 (04100)]
1920.08.07-09.14InPeitaiho Beach [1920.08.19 (04099); 1920.08.20 (04100); 1920.09.12
1920.09.01 "HowReaction Helps" published [MW12]
1920.09.14 Going to Peking,"shall be here till about the first of March" [1920.09.12 (04102);
1920.09.15 (04103)]
1920.10.06 "APolitical Upheaval in China" published [MW12]
1920.10.10 Lectures on"Cultivation of Character as the Ultimate Aim of Education" atShan-Shi
University [Clopton, John Dewey, 315]
1920.10.12 Lectures beforestudents of the Normal School, Headquarters of the Tenth Regiment of
the Infantry of the Shan-si Army,on "School and Village" [Clopton, John Dewey, 315]
1920.10.17 Honorary degree,Doctor of Philosophy, University of Peking (Government University)
[New York Times, 19October 1920, 10; San Francisco Chronicle, 19 October 1920;
Millard's Review14(30 October 1920): 482]
1920.10.22 Leaves Peking[1920.10.26 (03946)]
1920.10.25 In Changsha[1920.10.26 (03946); Millard's Review 14 (6 November 1920): 554)]
1920.10.27 Deweys attendbanquet hosted by governor of Hu-Nan [Autobiography of Bertrand
Russell, 199]
1920.10.31 Picnicon YoloShan [1920.10.31 (03947)]
1920.11.01 AttendsConference on Constitutionalism and Self-Government in Changsha
[Scalapino, _Revolutionary, _ 47;McDonald, Urban Origins, 46; China Quarterly 68
(1976): 766-67.]
1920.11.** Meets BertrandRussell and Dora Black [Clark, The Life of Bertrand Russell, 387-88]
1920.11.01 Leaves Changsha[1920.10.31 (03947)]
1920.11.** Visits"provinces" [1920.11.15? (04888)]
1920.11.04-06 Delivers sixlectures on education and social reform in Wuchang [1920.10.31
(03947); Millard's Review 14(13 November 1920): 614]
1920.11.05 Dinner hosted byProvincial educational office [Millard's Review 14 (13 November
1920): 610]
1920.11.07 Visiting Hankow;"ought to leave Hankow" [1920.10.31 (03947); Millard's Review 14
(13 November 1920): 614]
1920.11.08-13? Lecturing atKiukiang and Nanchang, Kiangsi [Millard's Review 14 (20
November 1920): 668]
1920.11.** "Entertainedat home of Dr. Ida Kahn," Nanchang [Millard's Review 15 (4 December
1920 (50)]
1920.11.14 "Expectedback in Hankow" [Millard's Review 14 (20 November 1920): 668]
1920.11.15 In Peking[1920.10.31 (03947); 1920.12.05 (04113)]
1920.12.01 Reports toAmerican Legation in China, "Bolshevism in China" [MW12]
1920.12.08 "IndustrialChina" published [MW12]
1921 "SomeFactors in Mutual National Understanding" published [MW13]
1921 Contribution to Encyclopaediaand Dictionary of Education published [MW13]
1921 Foreword toSalmon O. Levinson's Outlawry of War published [MW13]
1921 FirstIntroduction to Scudder Klyce's Universe published [MW13]
1921 Honorarypresident, Chinese Education Promotion Association [Xu, Comparison of
the EducationalIdeas and Practices of John Dewey and Mao Zedong in China, 13]
1921? Adviser toLittle Red School House [De Lima, The Little Red School House, 349]
1921? John born toFred and Elizabeth; died in automobile accident 29 December 1929
1921.01.12 "Is China aNation?" published [MW13]
1921.01.19 "TheSiberian Republic" published [MW13]
1921.02.09 "SocialAbsolutism" published [MW13]
1921.03.16 "The FarEastern Deadlock" published [MW13]
1921.03.26 Visits BertrandRussell during Russell's illness (pneumonia) [Clark, The Life of
Bertrand Russell, 391]
1921.03.** Lectures on"On the Chinese Fine Arts" before the Fine Arts Club of PekingTeachers College [Clopton, John Dewey,317]
1921.03.30? Leaves forFoochow [Millard's Review 16 (9 April 1921): 316]
1921.04.** Lectures on"Educators at Leaders in Society" at First Normal School, Fukien[Clopton, John Dewey, 318]
1921.04.13 "TheConsortium in China" published [MW13]
1921.04.28-05.09?InCanton; addresses students in High Normal School and Canton Christian
College [Millard's Review 16(14 May 1921): 598; ibid. (21 May 1921): 652]
1921.05.** "Old Chinaand New" published [MW13]
1921.05-? Spring, visitssouthern provinces of Fukien and Kwantung
1921.05.** Lectures atFukien First High School, Foochow, on "Self-Activity and Self-
Government" [Clopton, JohnDewey, 318]
1921.05.** Lectures atEducational Association of Fukien Province on "The Organization of
Educational Associations inAmerican and Their Influence on Society" [Clopton, John
Dewey, 319]
1921.05.** Lectures atFukien YMCA on "The Relationship between Education and the State"
[Clopton, John Dewey, 319]
1921.05.** Lectures atPrivate Fukien College of Law and Administration on"Essentials of
Democratic Politics" [Clopton, John Dewey,311]
1921.05.** Lectures atPeking Women's Teachers College on "Educational Principles for Teaching
the Youth" [Clopton, JohnDewey, 319]
1921.05.24,31? "Tuesdaythe John Deweys . . . for lunch here [Peking]" [Dorothy Dickinson
Barbour journal, 29 May 1921entry]
1921.05.** Lecturesat Foochow YMCA on "Education and Industry" [Clopton, John Dewey,320]
1921 Spring, lecturesin Tsinan, "The Social Factor in Education," "The Relationshipbetween
School Subjects andSociety," "The Relationship between the Organization and
Administration of the Schools andSociety," "Psychological Factors in Education," "The
Relationship between School andSociety" [Clopton, John Dewey, 322-24]
1921.06.** Lectures atFukien YMCA on "The Relationship between Elementary Education and the
State" [Clopton, JohnDewey, 320]
1921.06.** Lectures atFoochow YMCA on "Spontaneity in Learning," "The Relationship ofthe
Natural and Social Environmentswith Human Life," "Habit and Thinking" [Clopton,
John Dewey, 320, 321]
1921.06.** Lectures beforethe Student Self Government Club on "Impressions of South China"
[Clopton, John Dewey, 311]
1921.06.24 InPeking, "busy packing" [1921.06.24 (05102)]
1921.06.** Delivers"Farewell Address" at Peking Teachers College [Clopton, John Dewey,324]
1921.07.** Lectures atKwantung Provincial Education Association on "The Scientific Spirit and
Morality" and "Educationfor Interaction [Clopton, John Dewey, 311, 322]
1921.07.** Lectures atKwantung Teachers College on "The Importance of Dynamic Morality"
[Clopton, John Dewey, 321]
1921.07.** "NewCulture in China" published [MW13]
1921.07.06 "Hinterlandsin China" published [MW13]
1921.07.** Lectures atFukien Shang-yu Club on "The Meaning of Democracy" [Clopton, John
Dewey, 311]
1921.07.20,27 "DividedChina" published [MW13]
1921.07.22 In Tsinan[1921.07.22 (03963)]
1921.07.25 On train toTsingtao [1921.07.22 (03963); 1921.07.25 (03964)]
1921.08.02 Sail for Kobe [1921.07.21 (03965); 1921.07.22 (03963)]
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