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已有 11193 次阅读 2009-3-5 11:33 |个人分类:科学|系统分类:科研笔记


Reducing environmental risk by improving N management in intensive Chinese agricultural systems 

    1.   Xiao-Tang Jua,1,

2.   Guang-Xi Xingb,

3.   Xin-Ping Chena,

4.   Shao-Lin Zhangb,

5.   Li-Juan Zhangc,

6.   Xue-Jun Liua,

7.   Zhen-Ling Cuia,

8.   Bin Yinb,

9.   Peter Christiea,d,

10. Zhao-Liang Zhub and

11. Fu-Suo Zhanga,1

-Author Affiliations

1.    aKey Laboratory of Plant and Soil Interactions, Ministry of Education, China, and College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;

2.    bState Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;

3.    cCollege of Agricultural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China; and

4.    dAgri-Environment Branch, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Belfast BT9 5PX, United Kingdom

1.     Communicated by G. David Tilman, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, January 3, 2009 (received for review July 3, 2008)


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Excessive N fertilization in intensive agricultural areas of China has resulted in serious environmental problems because of atmospheric, soil, and water enrichment with reactive N of agricultural origin. This study examines grain yields and N loss pathways using a synthetic approach in 2 of the most intensive double-cropping systems in China: waterlogged rice/upland wheat in the Taihu region of east China versus irrigated wheat/rainfed maize on the North China Plain. When compared with knowledge-based optimum N fertilization with 30–60% N savings, we found that current agricultural N practices with 550–600 kg of N per hectare fertilizer annually do not significantly increase crop yields but do lead to about 2 times larger N losses to the environment. The higher N loss rates and lower N retention rates indicate little utilization of residual N by the succeeding crop in rice/wheat systems in comparison with wheat/maize systems. Periodic waterlogging of upland systems caused large N losses by denitrification in the Taihu region. Calcareous soils and concentrated summer rainfall resulted in ammonia volatilization (19% for wheat and 24% for maize) and nitrate leaching being the main N loss pathways in wheat/maize systems. More than 2-fold increases in atmospheric deposition and irrigation water N reflect heavy air and water pollution and these have become important N sources to agricultural ecosystems. A better N balance can be achieved without sacrificing crop yields but significantly reducing environmental risk by adopting optimum N fertilization techniques, controlling the primary N loss pathways, and improving the performance of the agricultural Extension Service.


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