昨天在《天津古文化街》中贴出了严复的塑像。想起他对chaos的翻译。借用司马相如《大人赋》中的“纷湛湛其差错兮,杂遝胶葛以方驰”,严复把chaos译为“纷纭胶葛”。 看看他翻译的实例。
John S. Mill在其A System of Logic (8th ed, 1882)中用了chaos,相关的原文是
“The order of nature, as perceived at first glance, presents at every instant a chaos followed by another chaos. We must decompose each chaos into single facts. We must learn to see in the chaotic antecedent a multiple of distinct antecedents, in the chaotic consequent a multitude of distinct consequents.”
chaos现在通常译为“混沌”。这种译法强调chaos的极度无序。chaos的本意,除了极度无序,还有组分非常复杂的意思。第一部英文字典的编纂者约翰逊博士将chaos释义为Anything where the parts are undistinguished,现在仍被《牛津英语字典》所引用。从chaos这种复杂组分的意义上,有了gas一词。
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