伊瑞克提翁(Erechtheus)是荷马史诗《伊里亚特》第二章联军聚集时中提到的雅典保护者(大陆有影印版的R Fitzgerald英译本33页)。
Next were the men of Athens, that strong city
The commonwealth protected byErechtheus
He it was whom Athena, Zeus’s daughter
cared for in childhood in the olden time-
through, he was born of plough land kind with grain.
仔细想想这多少有些费解,处女雅典娜为什么要带孩子。后来(公元一或二世纪)的神话汇编The Library of GreekMythology中在某种程度上圆了这个故事。某种程度,因为不再是伊瑞克提翁,而是厄里克托尼俄斯(Erichthonius)。据说早期神话中,两者不分。汇编中的故事,厄里克托尼俄斯为赫淮斯托斯和雅典娜的儿子。
Athene visited Hephaistos, wanting to fashion some arms. But Hephaistos, who had been deserted by Aphrodite, yielded to his desire for Athene and began to chase after her, while the goddess for her part tried to escape. When he caught up with her at the expense of much effort (for he was lame), he tried to make love with her. But she,being chaste and a virgin, would not permit it, and he ejaculated over the goddess’s leg. In disgust, she wiped the semen away with piece of wool and threw it to the ground. As she was fleeing, Erichthonios came to birth from the seed that had fallen on the earth.
在公元前四世纪的古典时代,厄里克托尼俄斯是伊瑞克提翁的爷爷。厄里克托尼俄斯是雅典王,与另外的国家交战,通过向神献祭自己的女儿,他杀了对方的国王,海神波塞冬的儿子。后来被海神所杀,因此成为波塞冬·厄瑞克透斯,又成了波塞冬-伊瑞克提翁(Poseidon Erechtheus)。这大概也是两者混为一谈的一种原因。
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