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The tune of Chinese Culture

已有 2682 次阅读 2013-10-4 21:48 |个人分类:My Ideas|系统分类:生活其它| Chinese, Culture

The tune of Chinese Culture


By Xuefeng Pan


What's the tune of Chinese Culture? and How to Perceive it if it does exist?

For sure, any culture should have its own tune, including chinese culture.


What's Chinese Culture then?


"Chinese culture is one of the world's oldest cultures. The area in which the culture is dominant covers a large geographical region in eastern Asia with customs and traditions varying greatly between provinces, cities, and even towns. Important components of Chinese culture include literature, music, visual arts, martial arts, cuisine, religion etc." (from wikipeddia)

However, these literature, music, visual arts, martial arts, cuisine, religion etc. are all about  external phenomena (visible forms),  There should be a spirit hidden in the bottom?


What's this spirit?  "天行健, 君子以自强不息, 地势坤, 君子以厚德载物"?

(Heaven runs strong, a gentleman should always make self-improvement ( As Heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection.” –《I CHING》 )and " 地势坤, 君子以厚德载"(the momentum of land is generous and rolls, a gentleman should thickening virtue, and boatloads of things)


So to be a chinese man, one should always strive for self-perfection, while thicking virtue, and boatloads everything.


This may be  the highest and the lowest tones of chinese culture, respectively. Between these, it should be " 中庸”(Golden Mean).


Therefore, the highest " heaven" , the lowest " Land" , and "Golden Mean" in between Constitute a tune of Chinese culture.



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