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已有 5680 次阅读 2012-9-30 21:38 |个人分类:观点评述|系统分类:观点评述| 经费, 生物

前些日子一位助理教授没有评上终身教授,把实验室关掉了,自己去找了一份与写作有关的工作。从他这几年发表的文章来看,应该是很不错的,通讯作者的文章分别发表在ScienceSignaling, Molecular Cell, JBC, MCB等,加起来有十多篇。关实验室的原因也是经费的问题。



但美国学术界还是有那么一帮认死理的人,他们认为scienceis science,不强迫自己去做一些粗糙的、自己不想做的事情。这些人之中,也许有极少数的可以在二三十年以后成为英雄,但大部分的就这么沉没了。


The career of Ronald Konopka provides a poignantexample. Although he won a faculty position at Caltech on the basis of hisexceptional discovery of the period mutants, Konopka failed to get tenure andhad to leave. Weiner explains this by saying that “his colleagues weredisappointed by Konopka’s reluctance to publish. Konopka was a perfectionist,and he did not feel he had anything perfect to say about period.”Konopka then took a position at Clarkson College, where he continued to work onperiod. But again tenure was denied. Konopka is now out of science and:

lives a few blocks away from the Caltech campus,alone in a small house half hidden by palm trees and magnolias, as anonymous asKafka’s K. He spends his days collecting butterflies now, tipping his foreheadsharply forward to peer at them over his glasses. He also collects GratefulDead tapes and photographs of local waterfalls.

The career of Ronald Konopka provides a poignantexample. Although he won a faculty position at Caltech on the basis of hisexceptional discovery of the period mutants, Konopka failed to get tenure andhad to leave. Weiner explains this by saying that “his colleagues weredisappointed by Konopka’s reluctance to publish. Konopka was a perfectionist,and he did not feel he had anything perfect to say about period.”Konopka then took a position at Clarkson College, where he continued to work onperiod. But again tenure was denied. Konopka is now out of science and:
lives a few blocks away from the Caltech campus,alone in a small house half hidden by palm trees and magnolias, as anonymous asKafka’s K. He spends his days collecting butterflies now, tipping his foreheadsharply forward to peer at them over his glasses. He also collects GratefulDead tapes and photographs of local waterfalls.


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