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MR2016-07-250 for Number Theory.pdf

MR3498958 Lapkova, K. Onthe k-free values of the polynomial xyk+C. Acta Math. Hungar. 149(2016), no. 1, 190–207.

MR3498954 Mazzoli, M. Non-commutativedigit expansions for arithmetic on supersingular elliptic curves. ActaMath. Hungar. 149 (2016), no. 1, 149–159.

MR3498948 Bazzanella, D. Anote on integer polynomials with small integrals. II. Acta Math.Hungar. 149 (2016), no. 1, 71–81.

MR3498942 Miyazaki, T.; Togbé, A.; Yuan, P. Onthe Diophantine equation ax+by=(a+2)z. Acta Math. Hungar. 149(2016), no. 1, 1–9.

MR3498869 Diao, Hansheng; Liu, Ruochuan Theeigencurve is proper. Duke Math. J. 165 (2016), no. 7,1381–1395.

MR3498617 Griffin, MichaelJ.; Jameson, Marie; Trebat-Leder,Sarah On p-adicmodular forms and the Bloch-Okounkov theorem. Res. Math. Sci. 3(2016), Art. 11, 14 pp.

MR3498616 Bringmann,Kathrin; Rolen, Larry; Zwegers, Sander Onthe Fourier coefficients of negative index meromorphic Jacobi forms. Res.Math. Sci. 3 (2016), Art. 5, 9 pp.

MR3498287 Breeding,Jeffery, II; Poor, Cris; Yuen, David S. Computationsof spaces of paramodular forms of general level. J. Korean Math. Soc. 53(2016), no. 3, 645–689.

MR3498280 Lee, Sang June OnSidon sets in a random set of vectors. J. Korean Math. Soc. 53(2016), no. 3, 503–517.

MR3498111 Gallenkämper,Jonas; Heim, Bernhard; Krieg, Aloys TheMaaß space and Hecke operators.Internat. J. Math. 27 (2016), no. 5,1650039, 8 pp.

MR3492979 Wang, Bao-Wei; Wu, Jun; Xu, Jian Ageneralization of the Jarník-Besicovitch theorem by continued fractions. ErgodicTheory Dynam. Systems 36 (2016), no. 4, 1278–1306.

MR3498547 Komatsu, T.; Mező, I. Severalexplicit formulae of Cauchy polynomials in terms of r-Stirling numbers. Acta Math.Hungar. 148 (2016), no. 2, 522–529.

MR3498542 Phong, B. M. Acharacterization of the identity with functional equations. II. ActaMath. Hungar.148 (2016), no. 2, 450–465.

MR3498534 Bayad, A.; Filipin, A.; Togbé, A. Extensionof a parametric family of Diophantine triples in Gaussian integers. ActaMath. Hungar. 148 (2016), no. 2, 312–327.

MR3498158 Izadi, F.; Nabardi, K. OnSilverman's conjecture for a family of elliptic curves. Bull. IranianMath. Soc. 42 (2016), no. 2, 331–340.

MR3497996 Štampach, F. Nevanlinnaextremal measures for polynomials related to q−1-Fibonaccipolynomials.Adv. in Appl. Math. 78 (2016), 56–75.

MR3497966 Giulietti,Massimo; Quoos, Luciane; Zini, Giovanni Maximalcurves from subcovers of the GK-curve. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220(2016), no. 10, 3372–3383.

MR3497964 Mason, A. W.; Schweizer,Andreas Genuine non-congruence subgroups of Drinfeld modulargroups. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220 (2016), no. 10, 3345–3362.

MR3494801 Yang, Hai; Pei, Yuan Tai; Fu, Rui Qin TheDiophantine equation (an−1)((a+1)n−1)=x2.(Chinese) Xiamen Daxue XuebaoZiran Kexue Ban 55 (2016), no. 1, 91–93.

MR3494178 Kozioł, Karol Aclassification of the irreducible mod-p representationsof U(1,1)(Qp2/Qp). Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 66(2016), no. 4, 1545–1582.

MR3492629 Gras, Georges Les θ-régulateurs locaux d'un nombrealgébrique: conjectures p-adiques. (French)[The local θ-regulatorsof an algebraic number: p-adicconjectures] Canad. J. Math. 68 (2016), no. 3, 571–624.

MR3494486 Avni, Nir; Klopsch,Benjamin; Onn, Uri; Voll,Christopher Arithmetic groups, base change, and representationgrowth. Geom. Funct. Anal. 26 (2016), no. 1, 67–135.

MR3494135 Karaatli, Olcay Theterms of the form 7kx2 in the generalized Lucas sequencewith parameters Pand Q. Acta Arith. 173 (2016),no. 1, 81–95.

MR3494134 Faure, Henri; Lemieux,Christiane Irreducible Sobol' sequences in prime power bases. ActaArith.173 (2016), no. 1, 59–80.

MR3494133 Fuchs, Michael; Kim, Dong Han OnKurzweil's 0-1 law in inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation. ActaArith. 173 (2016), no. 1, 41–57.

MR3494132 Hooley, C. Onthe representation of numbers by quarternary and quinary cubic forms: I. ActaArith. 173 (2016), no. 1, 19–39.

MR3494131 Choie, Youngju; Lim, Subong Shimuralifting on weak Maass forms. Acta Arith. 173 (2016), no. 1,1–18.

MR3493443 Kozioł, Karol Pro-p-Iwahori invariants for SL2 and L-packets of Hecke modules. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2016, no.4, 1090–1125.

MR3490565 Hart, William B. Classinvariants from a new kind of Weber-like modular equation. Ramanujan J.40(2016), no. 2, 413–446.

MR3490564 Mouhib, A. Apositive proportion of some quadratic number fields with infinite Hilbert2-class field tower. Ramanujan J. 40 (2016), no. 2, 405–412.

MR3490563 Xia, Ernest X.W. Infinite families of congruences modulo 7 for broken3-diamond partitions.Ramanujan J. 40 (2016), no. 2, 389–403.

MR3490562 Zhou, Yajun Ramanujanseries for Epstein zeta functions. Ramanujan J. 40 (2016), no.2, 367–388.

MR3490561 Toh, Pee Choon Oncertain pairs of q-seriesidentities. Ramanujan J. 40 (2016), no. 2, 359–365.

MR3490558 Chen, William Y.C.; Hou, Qing-Hu; Sun, Lisa H.; Zhang, Li Ramanujan-typecongruences for overpartitions modulo 16. Ramanujan J. 40(2016), no. 2, 311–322.

MR3490555 Wan, J. G.; Zucker, I. J. Integralsof K and E from lattice sums. Ramanujan J. 40 (2016), no. 2,257–278.

MR3490554 Yang, Shichun; Togbé, Alain Onthe estimates of the upper and lower bounds of Ramanujan primes. RamanujanJ. 40 (2016), no. 2, 245–255.

MR3490553 Chen, Yungui; Xie, Xiaoyan; He, Bing Onsome congruences of certain binomial sums. Ramanujan J. 40(2016), no. 2, 237–244.

MR3490552 Hirschhorn,Michael D. On the 2- and 4-dissections of the Rogers-Ramanujanfunctions.Ramanujan J. 40 (2016), no. 2, 227–235.

MR3488109 Levin, MordechayB. On the lower bound of the discrepancy of Halton's sequenceI. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 354 (2016), no. 5, 445–448.

MR3494435 Maruyama, Noriko Somearithmetic properties of the CWL invariant. Topology Appl. 206(2016), 115–125.

Erdélyi, Tamás TheMahler measure of the Rudin-Shapiro polynomials. Constr. Approx. 43(2016), no. 3, 357–369.

MR3493818 Tang, Min; Ma, Xiaoyan; Feng, Min Onnear-perfect numbers. Colloq. Math. 144 (2016), no. 2,157–188.

MR3493436 Keating,Jonathan P.; Roditty-Gershon,Edva Arithmetic correlations over large finite fields. Int.Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2016, no. 3, 860–874.

MR3493299 Naika, M. S.Mahadeva; Gireesh, D. S. Congruencesfor 3-regular partitions with designated summands. Integers 16(2016), Paper No. A25, 14 pp.

MR3493297 Andrews, GeorgeE.; Deutsch, Emeric Anote on a method of Erdős and the Stanley-Elder theorems. Integers 16(2016), Paper No. A24, 5 pp.

MR3489080 Holowinsky,Roman; Munshi,Ritabrata; Qi, Zhi Hybridsubconvexity bounds for L(12,Sym2fg).Math. Z. 283 (2016), no. 1-2,555–579.

MR3489079 Böcherer,Siegfried; Das, Soumya Cuspidalityand the growth of Fourier coefficients: small weights. Math. Z. 283(2016), no. 1-2, 539–553.

MR3489074 Moy, Allen; Muić, Goran Onthe cusp forms of congruence subgroups of an almost simple Lie group. Math.Z. 283 (2016), no. 1-2, 401–417.

MR3489062 Roy, Damien Spectrumof the exponents of best rational approximation. Math. Z. 283(2016), no. 1-2, 143–155.

MR3493528 Gu, Ting; Klapper, Andrew Statisticalproperties of half--sequences. Cryptogr.Commun. 8 (2016), no. 3, 383–400.

MR3493527 Cheng, Yuan; Qi, Wen-Feng; Zheng, Qun-Xiong; Yang, Dong Onthe distinctness of primitive sequences over Z/(peq) modulo 2. Cryptogr. Commun. 8(2016), no. 3, 371–381.

MR3493426 Brent, RichardP.; Coons, Michael; Zudilin, Wadim Algebraicindependence of Mahler functions via radial asymptotics. Int. Math.Res. Not. IMRN 2016, no. 2, 571–603.

MR3493372 Freitas, Nuno Onthe Fermat-type equation x3+y3=zp. Comment. Math. Helv. 91(2016), no. 2, 295–304.

MR3493310 de Vries,Martijn; Komornik, Vilmos; Loreti, Paola Topologyof the set of univoque bases. Topology Appl. 205 (2016),117–137.

MR3492989 Wright, Thomas Factorsof Carmichael numbers and a weak k-tuplesconjecture. J. Aust. Math. Soc. 100 (2016), no. 3, 421–429.

MR3492983 Baccar, N. Setswith even partition functions and cyclotomic numbers. J. Aust. Math.Soc. 100 (2016), no. 3, 289–302.

MR3492964 Axler, Christian Newbounds for the prime counting function. Integers 16 (2016),Paper No. A22, 15 pp.

MR3492265 Yaqubi, Daniel; Mirzavaziri,Madjid; Saeednezhad,Yasin Mixed r-Stirlingnumbers of the second kind. Online J. Anal. Comb. No. 11(2016), 9 pp.

MR3491748 Dossavi-Yovo,Appolinaire; Luca, Florian; Togbé, Alain Onthe x-coordinates of Pell equations which arerep-digits. Publ. Math. Debrecen 88 (2016), no. 3-4, 381–399.

MR3491746 Komatsu, Takao; Liptai, Kálmán; Mező, István Incompletepoly-Bernoulli numbers associated with incomplete Stirling numbers. Publ.Math. Debrecen 88 (2016), no. 3-4, 357–368.

Catral, Minerva; Ford, Pari; Harris, Pamela; Miller, StevenJ.; Nelson, Dawn GeneralizingZeckendorf's theorem: the Kentucky sequence. Fibonacci Quart. 52(2014), no. 5, 68–90.

MR3479488 Birmajer, Daniel; Gil, Juan B.; Weiner, MichaelD. Convolutions of Tribonacci, Fuss-Catalan, and Motzkinsequences. Fibonacci Quart. 52 (2014), no. 5, 54–60.

MR3479487 Best, Andrew; Dynes, Patrick; Edelsbrunner,Xixi; McDonald, Brian; Miller, StevenJ.; Tor, Kimsy;Turnage-Butterbaugh,Caroline; Weinstein,Madeleine Gaussian behavior of the number of summands inZeckendorf decompositions in small intervals. Fibonacci Quart. 52(2014), no. 5, 47–53.

MR3479486 Best, Andrew; Dynes, Patrick; Edelsbrunner,Xixi; McDonald, Brian; Miller, StevenJ.; Tor, Kimsy;Turnage-Butterbaugh,Caroline; Weinstein,Madeleine Benford behavior of Zeckendorf decompositions. FibonacciQuart. 52 (2014), no. 5, 35–46.

MR3479484 Atanassov,Krassimir T.; DeFord, Daryl R.; Shannon, AnthonyG. Pulsated Fibonacci recurrences.Fibonacci Quart. 52(2014), no. 5, 22–27.

MR3479483 Anderson, PeterG. Extended Fibonacci Zeckendorf theory. FibonacciQuart. 52 (2014), no. 5, 15–21.

MR3479481 Bicknell-Johnson,Marjorie The Fibonacci Association: historical snapshots. Fibonacci Quart. 52 (2014), no. 5, 1–4.

MR3479480 Anderson, PeterG.; Ballot,Christian; Webb, William Foreword[Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers andTheir Applications]. Held at the Rochester Institute of Technology,Rochester, NY, July 20–27, 2014. Fibonacci Quart. 52 (2014),no. 5, v.

MR3495596 Tugenov, Z. T. Periodicityof a Bernoulli distribution. (Russian) Uzbek. Mat. Zh. 2013, no.2, 107–111.

MR3495114 Abraev, B.; Allakov, I. OnWaring numbers. (Russian) Uzbek. Mat. Zh. 2012, no.4, 11–18.


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