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已有 7497 次阅读 2013-5-1 10:26 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯| 水污染, 氮化硼, 清洁剂




科学家制造的这种氮化硼纳米薄片也称其为白色石墨烯,它能够吸收各种外漏油品、化学溶剂以及染料,如那些由纺织、造纸和制革企业排放的各种染色剂或者五颜六色的污染物。这类材料具有高度多孔性即比表面积很高, 能浮在水面上,但是它不会吸附水,相关研究已经在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志发表——Weiwei Lei, David Portehault, Dan Liu, Si Qin & Ying Chen. Porous boron nitride nanosheets for effective water cleaning. Nature Communications, 2013, 4, 1777. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2818Published: 30 April 2013.


虽然已经生产出了许多具有很高吸收能力的其他吸附材料,但是难以回收重复利用使其应用受到严重限制。澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin University)的陈伊恩(Ian Chen),也是此项研究论文的合作者之一,通过电子邮件告诉法新社(AFP),这种新材料和相关技术将对环境保护有重要影响,而且成本并不昂贵。


相关研究可以参考“优化纳米粒子用于商业化应用”(Optimizing nanoparticles for commercial applications——Faure, B. et al. Dispersion and surface functionalization of oxide nanoparticles for transparent photocatalytic and UV-protecting coatings, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 14 (2013) 023001. doi:10.1088/1468-6996/14/2/023001

Porous boron nitride nanosheets for effective water cleaning

Weiwei Lei,1 David Portehault,2, 3, 4 Dan Liu,1 Si Qin1 & Ying Chen1

Journal name: Nature Communications

Volume: 4,Article number: 1777DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2818Received:07 January 2013 Accepted:28 March 2013 Published:30 April 2013

Abstract:Effective removal of oils, organic solvents and dyes from water is of significant, global importance for environmental and water source protection. Advanced sorbent materials with excellent sorption capacity need to be developed. Here we report porous boron nitride nanosheets with very high specific surface area that exhibit excellent sorption performances for a wide range of oils, solvents and dyes. The nanostructured material absorbs up to 33 times its own weight in oils and organic solvents while repelling water. The saturated boron nitride nanosheets can be readily cleaned for reuse by burning or heating in air because of their strong resistance to oxidation. This easy recyclability further demonstrates the potential of porous boron nitride nanosheets for water purification and treatment.

  1. Nanostructure of porous BN nanosheets.Figure 1: Nanostructure of porous BN nanosheets.

    (a) Low-magnification SEM image of the porous BN nanosheets. Scale bar, 2 μm. The inset shows the typical white powder obtained after synthesis. Scale bar, 1 cm. (b) High-magnification SEM image revealing the porous nanosheet structure. Scale bar, 200 nm. (c) TEM image of a single nanosheet showing holes on the nanosheet, inserted selected-area electron diffraction pattern indicating a layered BN structure. Scale bar, 50 nm. (d) High-resolution TEM image of the edge folding of a nanosheet with three BN layer domains highlighted by black arrows. Scale bar, 5 nm. (e) AFM image of a nanosheet and the inserted height profiles showing typical size and thickness of a single nanosheet. (f) High-magnification AFM image and the corresponding height profiles inserted. The porous structure can be seen clearly.

  2. Oils and organic solutions absorption properties.Figure 2: Oils and organic solutions absorption properties.

    (a) Gravimetric absorption capacities of the porous nanosheets for five organic solvents and oils. (b) Comparison of the absorption capacities of the porous BN nanosheets with non-porous BN nanosheets, commercial bulk BN particles and activated carbon. (c) Photograph of the set-up for oil absorption tests with white porous BN nanosheets. (d) Photograph of porous BN nanosheets saturated with oil after 2 min of absorption, inset showing the absorption process after 20 s. (e) Photograph of burning oil-saturated porous BN nanosheets in air for cleaning purpose, inset showing the colour change after burning. (f) Photograph of the cleaned nanosheets for second oil absorption test, inset showing the absorption result after 2 min.

  3. Structural evolutions of porous BN nanosheets.Figure 3: Structural evolutions of porous BN nanosheets.

    XRD patterns of porous BN nanosheets during (a, left) used engine oil removal: before absorption (a), after absorption (b), after regeneration at 600 °C in air (c), and (b, right) congo red removal: before adsorption (a), after adsorption (b), after regeneration at 400 °C in air (c).

  4. Dyes adsorption properties.Figure 4: Dyes adsorption properties.


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1 陈楷翰

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