Fig. 1 Princeton and UCLA researchers have created a new passive climate control technology using engineered coatings that manage heat transfer by specific wavelengths, potentially offering substantial energy savings and improving comfort in buildings, especially in less affluent regions. A thermal image shows heat radiating from a building. Credit: Mandal et al/Princeton University
Fig. 2 A thermal image of buildings walls and roofs. Credit: Mandal et. al./Princeton University
据美国普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)2024年7月7日提供的消息,普林斯顿大学的研究人员与美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles简称UCLA)、美国田纳西州的橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Lab)以及美国亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的研究人员合作,已经开发出一种被动机制,可以在夏天给建筑物降温,在冬天给建筑物供暖(Princeton Scientists Develop Passive Mechanism To Cool Buildings in the Summer and Warm Them in the Winter)。研究人员设计了一种被动热调节机制,使用普通材料选择性地管理辐射热,为显著提高建筑能源效率和舒适度提供了一种可持续的方式。相关研究结果于2024年6月27日已经在《细胞报告物理科学》(Cell Reports Physical Science)杂志在线发表——Jyotirmoy Mandal, Jyothis Anand, Sagar Mandal, John Brewer, Arvind Ramachandran, Aaswath P. Raman. Radiative cooling and thermoregulation in the earth’s glow. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2024.102065. Published:June 27, 2024.
普林斯顿大学土木与环境工程(Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton)助理教授乔蒂莫伊·曼达尔(Jyotirmoy Mandal)说:“随着全球气温的升高,维持可居住建筑已成为一项全球性挑战。建筑物以辐射的形式与环境交换大部分热量,通过调整其外壳的光学特性来利用辐射在我们环境中的表现,我们可以以新的和有效的方式控制建筑物的热量。”
历史和当前的冷却技术(Historical and Current Cooling Techniques)
加州大学洛杉矶分校材料科学与工程副教授阿斯沃思·拉曼(Aaswath Raman)说:“如果我们看看希腊的圣托里尼(Santorini in Greece)或印度的焦特布尔(Jodhpur in India)等历史悠久的城市,我们会发现,通过让屋顶和墙壁反射阳光来冷却建筑物的做法已经实行了几个世纪。近年来,人们对反射阳光的凉爽屋顶涂料产生了巨大的兴趣。但冷却墙壁和窗户是一个更加微妙和复杂的挑战。”
材料创新和未来潜力(Material Innovations and Future Potential)
研究结果的影响有两个重要原因。首先,研究人员在文章中表明,许多普通和低成本的建筑材料在窄带辐射热量,并阻挡宽带热量。已经用作壁板材料的聚氟乙烯(polyvinyl fluoride)等材料,甚至更常见的塑料,都可以用于这一目的。
该项目的部分支持由施密特科学奖学金(Schmidt Science Fellowship)、阿尔弗雷德P.斯隆基金会(Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)和美国国家科学基金会(NSF - National Science Foundation)提供。
A novel, passive radiative thermoregulation mechanism for walls and windows
Buildings lose narrowband heat to the sky but exchange broadband heat with the earth
Vertical LWIR emitters stay cooler than broadband ones in hot weather and warmer in cold
Thermoregulation by this simple and static design yields untapped energy savings
Efficient passive radiative cooling of buildings requires an unimpeded view of the sky. However, vertical facades of buildings mostly see terrestrial features that become broadband-radiative heat sources in the summer and heat sinks in the winter. The resulting summertime terrestrial heat gain by buildings negates or overwhelms their narrowband longwave infrared (LWIR) radiative cooling to space, while the wintertime terrestrial heat loss causes overcooling. We show that selective LWIR emitters on vertical building facades can exploit the differential transmittance of the atmosphere toward the sky and between terrestrial objects to achieve higher summertime cooling and wintertime heating than conventionally used broadband emitters. The impact of this novel and passive thermoregulation is comparable to that of painting dark roofs white and is achievable with both novel and commonplace materials. Our findings represent new and remarkable opportunities for materials design and untapped thermoregulation of entities ranging from buildings to human bodies.
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