据瑞典林雪平大学(Linkoping University, Linköping, Sweden)2024年4月26日提供的消息,科学家们困惑了50多年,一个圣杯般的化学之谜终于解开了(Puzzling Scientists for Over 50 Years – A “Holy Grail” Chemical Mystery Has Been Solved)。
一个困扰科学界50多年的谜团终于解开了。来自瑞典林雪平大学和德国环境健康研究中心(German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany)、德国慕尼黑工业大学(Technische Universität München, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany)、美国马里兰大学环境科学中心(University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Solomons, MD, USA)以及巴西圣保罗联邦大学(Federal University of São Paulo, Santos, Brazil)的研究人员合作研究发现,一种特定类型的化学反应可以解释为什么在河流和湖泊中发现的有机物如此不易降解。他们的研究结果于2024年4月24日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Siyu Li, Mourad Harir, David Bastviken, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Michael Gonsior, Alex Enrich-Prast, Juliana Valle, Norbert Hertkorn. Dearomatization drives complexity generation in freshwater organic matter. Nature, 2024, 628: 776–781. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07210-9. Published: 24 April 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07210-9
“这是我研究领域50多年来的圣杯,”诺伯特·赫特科恩(Norbert Hertkorn)说,他曾在德国环境健康研究中心从事分析化学研究,目前在林雪平大学工作。
揭开化学转化之谜(Chemical Transformation Mystery Unraveled)
此研究小组发现,这个谜团的背后是一种被称为氧化脱芳化(oxidative dearomatization)的特殊反应。虽然这一反应在药物合成中已被广泛研究和应用,但其自然发生仍未被探索。
研究结果及技巧(Study Findings and Techniques)
研究小组检测了来自亚马逊河(Amazon River)四条支流和瑞典两个湖泊的溶解有机物。他们采用了一种叫做核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance简称NMR)的技术来分析数百万种不同分子的结构。值得注意的是,无论气候如何,溶解有机物的基本结构保持一致。
德国环境健康研究中心的科学家、该研究的第一作者李思宇(Siyu Li音译)解释说:“这项发现的关键是非常规地使用核磁共振技术,可以研究大型溶解有机分子的深层内部,从而绘制和量化碳原子周围的化学环境。”
林雪平大学环境变化教授大卫·巴斯特维肯(David Bastviken)表示,这使得有机物质保持稳定,使其能够持续很长时间,并防止其迅速以二氧化碳或甲烷的形式返回大气。
大卫·巴斯特维肯说,“这一发现有助于解释地球上大量的有机碳汇(organic carbon sinks),它减少了大气中二氧化碳的含量。”
本研究得到了亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会(Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung / Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Research Linkage Program: Connecting the diversity of DOM and CO2 and CH4 production in tropical lakes)、瑞典研究理事会{Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, FORMAS, grant no. 2021-0242; Swedish Research Council (VR) grant no. 2012-00048}、欧洲研究理事会(European Research Council简称ERC grant no. 725546)、中国奖学金委员会(Chinese Scholarship Council grant no. 201806360268 Molecular Level Characterization of Natural Organic Matter in Tropical Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems of Worldwide Relevance: Amazon Basin, Pantanal, Red Sea)、巴西基金会{Brazilian Foundations CAPES (Probal), FAPERJ (Cientista do Nosso Estado) and CNPq (Universal and Ciencias sem Fronteiras)}以及巴西CNPq机构奖学金(Brazilian Agency CNPq for a fellowship 290004/2014-4)的支持和资助。
A chemical mystery solved – the reaction explaining large carbon sinks
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one of the most complex, dynamic and abundant sources of organic carbon, but its chemical reactivity remains uncertain1,2,3. Greater insights into DOM structural features could facilitate understanding its synthesis, turnover and processing in the global carbon cycle4,5. Here we use complementary multiplicity-edited 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra to quantify key substructures assembling the carbon skeletons of DOM from four main Amazon rivers and two mid-size Swedish boreal lakes. We find that one type of reaction mechanism, oxidative dearomatization (ODA), widely used in organic synthetic chemistry to create natural product scaffolds6,7,8,9,10, is probably a key driver for generating structural diversity during processing of DOM that are rich in suitable polyphenolic precursor molecules. Our data suggest a high abundance of tetrahedral quaternary carbons bound to one oxygen and three carbon atoms (OCqC3 units). These units are rare in common biomolecules but could be readily produced by ODA of lignin-derived and tannin-derived polyphenols. Tautomerization of (poly)phenols by ODA creates non-planar cyclohexadienones, which are subject to immediate and parallel cycloadditions. This combination leads to a proliferation of structural diversity of DOM compounds from early stages of DOM processing, with an increase in oxygenated aliphatic structures. Overall, we propose that ODA is a key reaction mechanism for complexity acceleration in the processing of DOM molecules, creation of new oxygenated aliphatic molecules and that it could be prevalent in nature.
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