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已有 2075 次阅读 2024-2-23 14:54 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




An international research team has made a pivotal discovery in high-temperature superconductivity by quantifying the pseudogap pairing in fermionic lithium atoms. This discovery not only deepens our understanding of quantum superfluidity but also holds promise for enhancing global energy efficiency through advancements in computing, storage, and sensor technologies. Credit: SciTechDaily.com

据澳大利亚斯威本科技大学(Swinburne University Of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)2024221日提供的消息,中澳研究人员合作取得了高温超导中的量子突破(Quantum Breakthrough in High-Temperature Superconductivity)。相关研究结果于202427日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Xi Li, Shuai Wang, Xiang Luo, Yu-Yang Zhou, Ke Xie, Hong-Chi Shen, Yu-Zhao Nie, Qijin Chen, Hui Hu, Yu-Ao Chen, Xing-Can Yao, Jian-Wei Pan. Observation and quantification of the pseudogap in unitary Fermi gases. Nature, 2024, 626: 288–293. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06964-y. Published: 07 February 2024.

参与此项研究的有来自中国科技大学(University of Science and Technology of China简称USTC, Hefei, China)的潘建伟(Jian-Wei Pan)团队以及澳大利亚斯威本科技大学的一名研究人员。此论文可能有助于解决世界能源问题。新的实验观察量化了费米子锂原子(fermionic lithium atoms)强吸引力相互作用云中的赝能隙配对(pseudogap pairing)以及高温超导的突破。

一个由中澳科学家组成的研究小组取得了一项新发现,可能有助于解开高温超导的微观奥秘,并解决世界能源问题。上述在《自然》(Nature)杂志上发表的一篇论文中,斯威本科技大学副教授胡辉(Hui Hu音译)与中国科学技术大学(USTC)的研究人员合作,进行了一项新的实验观察,量化了费米子锂原子强吸引力相互作用云中的赝能隙配对。

量子超流动性和能量效率(Quantum Superfluidity and Energy Efficiency



揭开赝能隙之谜(Unveiling the Pseudogap Mystery


胡辉副教授解释说: “我们工作的中心目标是模拟一个简单的教科书模型,来检验赝能隙的两种主要解释之一,即使用超冷原子系统在没有超导的情况下产生的能量间隙。”

2010年曾尝试对超冷原子的赝能隙配对进行研究,但没有成功。这项新的合作实验使用了最先进的方法来制备均匀的费米云(Fermi clouds),消除不必要的原子间碰撞,并在前所未有的水平上控制超稳定的磁场。

“这些新的技术进步导致了对赝能隙的观察。在不需要调用任何特定的微观理论来拟合实验数据的情况下,我们发现在正常状态下,费米表面附近的谱权(spectral weight)被抑制。”


本研究得到了中国国家重点科技发展计划(National Key R&D Program of China grant no. 2018YFA0306501)、中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC of China grant no. 11874340)、量子科学与技术创新计划(Innovation Program for Quantum Science and Technology grant no. 2021ZD0301900)、中国科学院量子信息技术安徽计划{ Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Anhui Initiative in Quantum Information Technologies}、中国上海市科技重大专项(Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project grant no. 2019SHZDZX01)、腾讯基金会XPLORER奖(XPLORER PRIZE from Tencent Foundation)的资助或支持。


 Unlocking Quantum Superconductivity Mysteries With Ultracold Fermions.


The microscopic origin of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates remains unknown. It is widely believed that substantial progress could be achieved by better understanding of the pseudogap phase, a normal non-superconducting state of cuprates1,2. In particular, a central issue is whether the pseudogap could originate from strong pairing fluctuations3. Unitary Fermi gases4,5, in which the pseudogap—if it exists—necessarily arises from many-body pairing, offer ideal quantum simulators to address this question. Here we report the observation of a pair-fluctuation-driven pseudogap in homogeneous unitary Fermi gases of lithium-6 atoms, by precisely measuring the fermion spectral function through momentum-resolved microwave spectroscopy and without spurious effects from final-state interactions. The temperature dependence of the pairing gap, inverse pair lifetime and single-particle scattering rate are quantitatively determined by analysing the spectra. We find a large pseudogap above the superfluid transition temperature. The inverse pair lifetime exhibits a thermally activated exponential behaviour, uncovering the microscopic virtual pair breaking and recombination mechanism. The obtained large, temperature-independent single-particle scattering rate is comparable with that set by the Planckian limit6. Our findings quantitatively characterize the pseudogap in strongly interacting Fermi gases and they lend support for the role of preformed pairing as a precursor to superfluidity.


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2 王涛 郑永军

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