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已有 6102 次阅读 2024-1-14 20:45 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦





Fig. 1 Research by Keck Medicine of USC indicates that regular hearing aid use among adults with hearing loss correlates with a 24% reduced risk of mortality. The study suggests potential health benefits and highlights the need for better access to hearing care.


Fig. 2 Janet Choi, MD, MPH, is an otolaryngologist with Keck Medicine of USC and lead researcher of the study showing that hearing aids reduce the risk of death by almost 25%. Credit: Ricardo Carrasco III


美国南加州大学(University Of Southern California简称USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA2024113日提供的消息表明,助听器可将死亡风险降低近25%,使使用者更长寿(Live Longer: Hearing Aids Reduce the Risk of Death by Almost 25%)。

南加州大学凯克医学(Keck Medicine of USC)的研究表明,听力损失的成年人定期使用助听器与死亡率降低24%相关。这项研究提出了潜在的健康益处,并强调了更好地获得听力保健的必要性。

一项新的研究表明,助听器可以将死亡风险降低近25%。研究显示,听力损失影响了大约4000万美国成年人,但只有十分之一需要助听器的人使用助听器。但是,根据USC凯克医学202413日发表在《柳叶刀健康长寿》(The Lancet Healthy Longevity)杂志上的一项新研究,那些不使用助听器但应该使用助听器的人可能想把佩戴助听器作为他们的新年决心之一。详见Janet S Choi, Meredith E Adams, Eileen M Crimmins, Frank R Lin, Jennifer A Ailshire. Association between hearing aid use and mortality in adults with hearing loss in the USA: a mortality follow-up study of a cross-sectional cohort. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 2024, 5(1): e66-e75. DOI: 10.1016/S2666-7568(23)00232-5. Available online 3 January 2024. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666756823002325

参与此项研究的除了来自美国南加州大学的研究人员之外,还有来自美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA)以及美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院(Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA)的研究人员。

使用助听器的好处(Benefits of Hearing Aid Use

该研究的首席研究员、凯克医学的耳鼻喉科医生、公共卫生硕士珍妮特·崔(Janet S Choi, Fig. 2)说:“我们发现,听力损失的成年人经常使用助听器的死亡率比从不佩戴助听器的人低24%。这一结果表明,助听器可以起到保护人体健康和防止过早死亡的作用。”


研究方法及结果(Research Methodology and Findings)

珍妮特·崔和她的同事们利用1999~2012年间美国国家健康与营养检查调查(National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)编制的数据,确定了近1万名20岁及以上的成年人,他们完成了听力测量评估(一种用于测量听力能力的测试),并填写了有关助听器使用情况的问卷。研究人员对他们的死亡率进行了平均10年的跟踪调查。

共有1863名成年人被确定患有听力损失。其中237人是经常使用助听器的人,他们每周至少戴一次助听器,每周戴5个小时,或者一半的时间,还有1483人被确定为从不使用助听器。报告每月佩戴设备少于一次或频率较低的受试者被归类为非定期用户(non-regular users)。



潜在的原因和未来的方向(Potential Reasons and Future Directions







Hearing loss has been identified as an independent risk factor for negative health outcomes and mortality. However, whether rehabilitation with hearing aid use is associated with lower mortality is currently unknown. This study aimed to examine the associations of hearing loss, hearing aid use, and mortality in the USA.


In this cross-sectional, follow-up study, we assessed 9885 adults (age 20 years and older) who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 1999 and 2012 and completed audiometry and hearing aid use questionnaires (1863 adults with hearing loss). Main measures included hearing loss (speech-frequency pure-tone average) and hearing aid use (never users, non-regular users, and regular users). Mortality status of the cohort was linked to the National Death Index up to Dec 31, 2019. Cox proportional regression models were used to examine the association between hearing loss, hearing aid use, and mortality while adjusting for demographics and medical history.


The cohort consisted of 9885 participants, of which 5037 (51.0%) were female and 4848 (49.0%) were male with a mean age of 48.6 years (SD 18.1) at baseline. The weighted prevalence of audiometry-measured hearing loss was 14.7% (95% CI 13.3–16.3%) and the all-cause mortality rate was 13.2% (12.1–14.4) at a median 10.4 years of follow-up (range 0.1–20.8). The rate of regular hearing aid use among adults with hearing loss was 12.7% (95% CI 10.6–15.1). Hearing loss was an independent risk factor associated with higher mortality (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.40 [95% CI 1.21–1.62]). Among individuals with hearing loss, the adjusted mortality risk was lower among regular hearing aid users in comparison with never users (adjusted HR 0.76 [0.60–0.95]) accounting for demographics, hearing levels, and medical history. There was no difference in adjusted mortality between non-regular hearing aid users and never users (adjusted HR 0.93 [0.70–1.24]).


Regular hearing aid use was associated with lower risks of mortality than in never users in US adults with hearing loss when accounting for age, hearing loss, and other potential confounders. Future research is needed to investigate the potential protective role of hearing aid use against mortality for adults with hearing loss.


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