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重新定义分子制造:TiO2如何为绿色合成铺平道路 精选

已有 5061 次阅读 2024-1-3 20:57 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察

重新定义分子制造: TiO2如何为绿色合成铺平道路



Fig. 1 Researchers have introduced an innovative method for creating heterocyclic compounds using TiO2 and visible light, offering a more sustainable and cost-effective approach compared to traditional high-energy processes. Credit: SciTechDaily.com


Fig. 2 A team of researchers now presents an eco-friendly and innovative approach for the blue light-promoted synthesis of heterocyclic thiochromenopyrroledione derivatives catalyzed by titanium dioxide. Credit: Professor Yutaka Hitomi from Doshisha University

据《科技日报》(scitechdaily)网站202412日报道来自日本同志社大学(Doshisha University)的消息,研究人员提出了一种新的二氧化钛催化策略,用于在蓝光下合成硫色素吡咯二酮衍生物(thiochromenopyrroledione derivatives)。



创新合成方法(Innovative Synthesis Method

然而,现在来自日本(Japan)和孟加拉国(Bangladesh)的一组研究人员提出了一种简单而有效的方法来克服这些挑战。相关研究结果于20231115日已经在《高级合成与催化》(Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis)杂志网站发表——Pijush Kanti RoySayuri OkunakaHiromasa TokudomeYutaka Hitomi. Blue Light-Promoted Synthesis of Thiochromenopyrroledione Derivatives via Titanium Dioxide-Catalyzed Dual Carbon–Carbon Bond Formation with Thioanisole and Maleimide Derivatives. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2023, 365(24): 4556-4561. DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202301021. First published: 15 November 2023. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adsc.202301021


该研究由日本同志社大学科学与工程研究生院应用化学系(Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University)人見穣(Yutaka Hitomi)教授领导,同志社大学博士候选人Pijush Kanti Roy,日本东京都市大学(Tokyo City University)副教授奥中さゆり(Sayuri Okunaka)和东陶株式会社研究所(Research Institute, TOTO Ltd.)的弘优徳留  Hiromasa Tokudome)博士共同撰写。

二氧化钛在有机合成中的作用(The Role of TiO2 in Organic Synthesis

二氧化钛作为驱动有机反应的光催化剂已经引起合成化学家们的注意有一段时间了。然而,许多这样的过程需要紫外线来触发反应。但在这项研究中,研究小组发现,在厌氧条件下,含硫有机化合物,如硫苯甲醚衍生物(thioanisole derivatives),当受到蓝光照射时,与马来酰亚胺衍生物(maleimide derivatives)反应形成碳碳双键(C=C),产生新的杂环有机化合物。


实验步骤和结果(Experimental Procedures and Findings

研究人员选择了54-取代的硫苯甲醚和4N -取代的马来酰亚胺进行环化或成环反应。研究小组用蓝光(波长λ> 420 nm)照射起始材料,但未观察到任何反应。然而,在反应体系中引入TiO2后,合成了20种不同的中高产率的硫色素吡咯二酮衍生物(thiochromenopyrroledione derivatives)。

他们发现,在蓝光照射12 h内,甲基苯基硫醚(thioanisole)和N -苄基马来酰亚胺(N-benzylmaleimide)之间的反应形成了一种产率为43%的硫色素吡咯二酮衍生物(thiochromenopyrroledione derivative),接近理论最大产率50%

研究小组还观察了反应中的取代基效应,以了解相应的机理方面。从结果来看,他们假设反应是通过甲基苯基硫醚(thioanisole)向TiO2导带进行电荷转移的。此外,他们认为蓝光照射触发了甲基苯基硫醚的单电子氧化,这进一步通过去质子化引发了α-硫代烷基自由基(α-thioalkyl radicals)的产生。

研究的潜力和影响(Potential and Impact of the Research




本工作由日本科学技术(Japan Science and Technology 简称JST)的资助(PRESTO Grant Number JPMJPR17S8)以及JSPS KAKENHI的资助(JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22K05360)



Under anaerobic conditions, thioanisole derivatives bearing a thiomethyl group participated in dual carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions with maleimide derivatives in the presence of titanium dioxide. Blue light irradiation facilitated these reactions, producing thiochromenopyrroledione derivatives and nearly equimolar quantities of succinimide derivatives. Specifically, a thiochromenopyrroledione derivative formed from thioanisole and N-benzylmaleimide was achieved with a 43% yield after 12 hours of blue light exposure (>420 nm), approaching its theoretical maximum yield of 50%. Without titanium dioxide, the reaction remained dormant. Our investigations with five varieties of 4-substituted thioanisoles and four N-substituted maleimides as precursors resulted in the synthesis of 20 distinct thiochromenopyrroledione derivatives with moderate to high yields. From observed substituent effects, we postulate that this reaction proceeds through a charge transfer from thioanisole to the conduction band of titanium dioxide during blue light irradiation, initiating the one-electron oxidation of thioanisole and subsequent generation of α-thioalkyl radicals via deprotonation.


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