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科学家发现了制造像塑料但导电性像金属的材料制法 精选

已有 5212 次阅读 2022-10-27 15:47 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




A group of scientists with the University of Chicago have discovered a way to create a material that can be made like a plastic, but conducts electricity more like a metal. Above, members of the Anderson lab at work. Credit: John Zich/University of Chicago

据美国芝加哥大学(University of Chicago20221026日报道,芝加哥大学的一组科学家们发现了一种可以制造得像塑料但导电性更像金属的材料的方法(Scientists discover material that can be made like a plastic but conducts like a metal)。上图是约翰·安德森(John S. Anderson)实验室的成员们在工作。

芝加哥大学的科学家们发现了一种制造材料的方法,这种材料可以像塑料一样制造,但导电性能更像金属。这项研究结果于20221026日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Jiaze Xie, Simon Ewing, Jan-Niklas Boyn, Alexander S. Filatov, Baorui Cheng, Tengzhou Ma, Garrett L. Grocke, Norman Zhao, Ram Itani, Xiaotong Sun, Himchan Cho, Zhihengyu Chen, Karena W. Chapman, Shrayesh N. Patel, Dmitri V. Talapin, Jiwoong Park, David A. Mazziotti, John S. Anderson. Intrinsic glassy-metallic transport in an amorphous coordination polymer. Nature (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05261-4. Published: 26 October 2022. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05261-4

此研究论文展示了如何制造一种分子碎片杂乱无章,但仍能很好地导电的材料。参与此项研究的除了来自美国芝加哥大学的研究人员之外,还有来自美国纽约州石溪大学(Stony Brook University, New York, USA)、美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA)以及韩国高等科学技术学院(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Dajeon, South Korea)的研究人员。

这违反了我们已知的所有电导率规律——对科学家(scientist)来说,这有点像看到一辆汽车在水上行驶,时速仍为70英里(70 mph约为112 km/h)。但是,这一发现也可能是非常有用的;如果你想发明一些革命性的东西,通常首先要从发现一种全新的材料开始。

芝加哥大学化学副教授、该研究的通讯作者约翰·安德森说:“原则上,这项研究开启了一种全新材料的设计思路,这些材料导电、易于成型、在日常条件下非常坚固。”“从根本上说,它为一种极其重要的材料技术群提供了新的可能性,”该论文的第一作者谢嘉泽(Jiaze Xie音译,22届博士生,现在美国普林斯顿大学)说。

“没有可靠的理论来解释这个问题”('There isn't a solid theory to explain this' 













这项工作得到了美国陆军研究室(Army Research Office under grant no. W911NF-20-1-0091)、美国能源部(US Department of Energy简称DOE)、科学办公室、基础能源科学办公室(US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under award no. DE-SC0019215)、美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation for financial support under award nos CHE-1905290, CHE-1856684, and CHE-2155082)、美国能源部基础能源科学项目(US DOE Basic Energy Sciences under award no. DE-SC0012702)以及美国国家科学基金资助项目(National Science Foundation under award no. DMR-2011854)的支持或资助。


Unusual material could improve the reliability of electronics and other devices


Conducting organic materials, such as doped organic polymers1, molecular conductors2,3 and emerging coordination polymers4, underpin technologies ranging from displays to flexible electronics5. Realizing high electrical conductivity in traditionally insulating organic materials necessitates tuning their electronic structure through chemical doping6. Furthermore, even organic materials that are intrinsically conductive, such as single-component molecular conductors7,8, require crystallinity for metallic behaviour. However, conducting polymers are often amorphous to aid durability and processability9. Using molecular design to produce high conductivity in undoped amorphous materials would enable tunable and robust conductivity in many applications10, but there are no intrinsically conducting organic materials that maintain high conductivity when disordered. Here we report an amorphous coordination polymer, Ni tetrathiafulvalene tetrathiolate, which displays markedly high electronic conductivity (up to 1,200 S cm−1) and intrinsic glassy-metallic behaviour. Theory shows that these properties are enabled by molecular overlap that is robust to structural perturbations. This unusual set of features results in high conductivity that is stable to humid air for weeks, pH 0–14 and temperatures up to 140 ℃. These findings demonstrate that molecular design can enable metallic conductivity even in heavily disordered materials, raising fundamental questions about how metallic transport can exist without periodic structure and indicating exciting new applications for these materials.


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