据新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University简称NTU)2022年10月6日报道,该校的研究人员开发了一种低成本的装置,可以利用微风般柔和的风能,并将其储存为电能(Inexpensive device that can harvest energy from a light breeze and store it as electricity)。
当暴露在风速低至2 m/s的风中时,该设备可以产生3 V的电压,并产生高达290 μW的电力,这足以为商用传感器设备供电,也足以将数据发送到移动电话或计算机。
这种轻便耐用的设备被称为风力收获机(wind harvester),它还将任何未使用的电能转移到电池中,在无风的情况下,可以将其存储到动力设备(power devices)中。
科学家们表示,他们的发明有可能取代电池为发光二极管(light emitting diode简称LED)灯和结构健康监测传感器(structural health monitoring sensors)供电。这些用于城市结构,如桥梁和摩天大楼,以监测其结构健康状况,提醒工程师注意不稳定或物理损坏等问题。
该设备的尺寸只有15 cm×20 cm,可以很容易地安装在建筑物的侧面,非常适合城市环境( urban environments),如新加坡郊区,在雷雨天气以外,平均风速小于2.5 m/s。相关研究结果发表在2022年9月份的《机械系统与信号处理》(Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing)杂志上,其实早在2022年4月下旬,就已经在其网站发表——Chaoyang Zhao, Guobiao Hu, Yaowen Yang. A cantilever-type vibro-impact triboelectric energy harvester for wind energy harvesting. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 177: 109185. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.109185. Available online 23 April 2022. Published 1 September 2022, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0888327022003429
领导该项目的NTU土木与环境工程学院(NTU's School of Civil and Environmental Engineering简称CEE)结构工程师杨耀文(Yang Yaowen音译)教授表示:“作为一种可再生清洁能源,风力发电吸引了广泛的研究关注。我们的研究旨在解决缺乏小型能量采集器的问题,以实现更具针对性的功能,例如为小型传感器和电子设备(electronic devices)供电。我们开发的设备还可以作为小型锂离子电池的潜在替代品,因为我们的风力收获机是自给自足的,只需要偶尔维护,并且不使用重金属,因为对重金属如果处理不当,可能会造成环境问题。”
这项创新引起了业界的兴趣。NTU研究团队也在努力将他们的发明商业化。这项研究提出了一项可以帮助减少电子废物并找到替代能源的创新,反映了NTU致力于减轻我们对环境的影响,这是NTU通过其《NTU2025年战略计划》(NTU 2025 strategic plan)寻求解决的四大人类挑战之一。
借风扬帆(Riding the wind)
该设备旨在以低成本、低损耗利用高效风能。其主体由一种高度耐用的聚合物——纤维环氧树脂(fiber epoxy)制成,其主要附件与风相互作用,并由廉价材料制成,如铜、铝箔和聚四氟乙烯,一种耐用的聚合物,也称为特氟龙(Teflon)。
在实验室测试(laboratory tests)中,NTU开发的收获机可以在4 m/s的风速下持续为40个LED供电。它还可以触发传感器设备,并为其提供足够的电源,以无线方式将室温信息发送到移动电话。这表明,收获机不仅可以发电来持续为设备供电,还可以存储足够的多余电荷,以便在无风的情况下让设备长时间供电。
世界上最大的流量电池储能站并网(World's largest flow battery energy storage station connected to grid)
• A novel cantilever structure is proposed for galloping energy harvesting based on the triboelectric mechanism.
• An aero-electro-mechanical model is formulated to investigate the dynamics of the harvester.
• Effects of the system parameters on the energy harvesting performance are comprehensively analyzed.
• The developed aero-electro-mechanical model is experimentally validated.
This paper presents a novel wind energy harvester utilizing galloping effect coupled with triboelectric-based energy conversion to convert the flow-induced structural vibration into electricity. The proposed harvester comprises a host cantilever beam, a stopper, and a middle plate with one rotation degree of freedom. The triboelectric layers and electrodes are placed in between the surface of the stopper and middle plate. A bluff body is fixed at the free end of the host beam to induce galloping vibration, which drives the middle plate to contact with the stopper periodically, thus generating electricity due to the triboelectric-based conversion mechanism. The proposed harvester can harness energy from wind velocity as low as 2 m/s depending on the selection of cantilever beams. A distributed coupled aero-electro-mechanical model is formulated to investigate the dynamic behavior of the harvester. The impact between the middle plate and stopper is found to have a significant influence on the energy generation performance of the harvester. Rigid impact could cause irregular and impulsive separation of contact surfaces, leading to sporadic voltage output. An optimal configuration is determined by selecting proper parameters of the stopper, bluff body, and gap distance in the design of the harvester. The proposed model shows good accuracy for modeling a moderate impact-engaged triboelectric harvester working on contact and separation mode. The fabricated harvester prototypes can produce a root mean square voltage of 12.8 V with a maximum power of 290 μW at wind velocity of 10 m/s. Even at low wind velocity, such as 6 m/s, the maximum power can reach up to 196 μW, demonstrating the promising energy scavenging capability of the proposed harvester.
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