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用蚂蚁代替杀虫剂保护农作物 精选

已有 5773 次阅读 2022-8-22 18:02 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:科普集锦



据物理学家组织网(Phys.org2022819日报道,用蚂蚁代替杀虫剂保护农作物(Replacing pesticides with ants to protect crops)。一个隶属于巴西多个机构的研究团队与一位西班牙同事和另一位美国同事合作,发现证据表明蚂蚁可以作为多种作物的天然杀虫剂。

相关研究结果于2022817日已经在《英国皇家学会会刊B:生物科学》(Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences)杂志网站发表——Diego V. AnjosAlejandro TenaArleu Barbosa Viana-JuniorRaquel L. CarvalhoHelena Torezan-SilingardiKleber Del-Claro, Ivette Perfecto. The effects of ants on pest control: a meta-analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Published:17 August 2022, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2022.1316. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2022.1316.

参与此项研究的有来自巴西乌贝兰迪亚联邦大学(Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil)、巴西圣保罗大学(Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil);西班牙瓦伦西亚诺农业研究所(Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias简称IVIA, Moncada, Spain)、以及美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)等机构的研究人员。


在过去的几十年里,世界各地的农民已经转向商用杀虫剂来提高作物产量( crop yields),减少以作物为食的昆虫数量可以产生更多的产品。不幸的是,之前的研究表明,这种杀虫剂可能会产生一些显著的副作用,例如减少传粉者、污染以及担心杀虫剂中的化学物质会对食用作物的人产生什么影响。因此,世界各地的研究人员开始研究使用天然杀虫剂的可能性。其中一种自然的方法是使用蚂蚁(ants)——它们不去管庄稼,取而代之的是以破坏植物的昆虫为食。

利用蚂蚁控制害虫(control pests)有着悠久的历史,例如,中国的柑橘种植者几个世纪以来一直在利用蚂蚁控制果树(fruit trees)害虫。在这项新的研究中,研究人员想知道其他研究人员在研究蚂蚁作为天然杀虫剂的使用时发现了什么。为了找到答案,他们搜索了已发表的有关该主题的研究论文,发现其中52篇涉及研究如何利用蚂蚁来控制害虫,涉及17种不同类型的作物。




甜食贿赂蚂蚁是农作物结出果实的关键(Sweet bribes for ants are key to crops bearing fruit, study shows


Environmental impacts of conventional agriculture have generated interest in sustainable agriculture. Biological pest control is a fundamental tool, and ants are key players providing ecological services, as well as some disservices. We have used a meta-analytical approach to investigate the contribution of ants to biological control, considering their effects on pest and natural enemy abundance, plant damage and crop yield. We also evaluated whether the effects of ants are modulated by traits of ants, pests and other natural enemies, as well as by field size, crop system and experiment duration. Overall (considering all meta-analyses), from 52 studies on 17 different crops, we found that ants decrease the abundance of non-honeydew-producing pests, decrease plant damage and increase crop yield (services). In addition, ants decrease the abundance of natural enemies, mainly the generalist ones, and increase honeydew-producing pest abundance (disservices). We show that the pest control and plant protection provided by ants are boosted in shaded crops compared to monocultures. Furthermore, ants increase crop yield in shaded crops, and this effect increases with time. Finally, we bring new insights such as the importance of shaded crops to ant services, providing a good tool for farmers and stakeholders considering sustainable farming practices.


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1 郑永军

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