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新型有机晶体管使高性能移动设备实现更高密度的电路集成成为可能 精选

已有 6857 次阅读 2022-5-20 07:23 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 A new organic anti-ambipolar transistor has been developed that is capable of performing any one of the five logic gate operations by adjusting the input voltages to its dual gates. It could be used to develop electrically reconfigurable logic circuits, which may be key to the development of high-performance mobile devices.


Fig. 2 Organic dual-gate anti-ambipolar transistor designed to perform an AND logic gate operation. Credit: Ryoma Hayakawa National Institute for Materials Science

据日本国立材料科学研究所(National Institute For Materials Science简称NIMS2022516日提供的消息,新型有机晶体管使高性能移动设备实现更高密度的电路集成成为可能(New Organic Transistor Enables Higher Density Circuit Integration for High-Performance Mobile Devices)。相关研究结果于2022210日已经在《先进材料》(Advanced Materials)杂志网站发表——Ryoma Hayakawa, Kosuke Honma, Shu Nakaharai, Kaname Kanai, Yutaka Wakayama. Electrically Reconfigurable Organic Logic Gates: A Promising Perspective on a Dual-Gate Antiambipolar Transistor. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(15): 2109491. First published: 10 February 2022. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202109491. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.202109491.因此,2022310日在NIMS 网站就有相关报道报道:Development of an Organic Transistor Enabling Higher Density Circuit Integration

仅使用单个晶体管构建多个逻辑电路(multiple logic circuits)。

日本国立材料科学研究所 (NIMS) 和东京理科大学(Tokyo University of Science)成功开发了一种有机反双极晶体管(organic anti-ambipolar transistor),通过调节双栅极输入电压,可以执行五种逻辑门操作(AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR)中的任何一种。这种具有多个逻辑门功能的轻量级晶体管可用于开发电可重构逻辑电路(reconfigurable logic circuits——这可能是开发高性能移动设备的关键(见Fig. 1)。

随着物联网 (Internet of Things简称IoT) 成为现实,预计需要处理的数据量将猛增。这将需要轻量级、高性能的移动数据处理设备。具有有机晶体管的有机集成电路是开发此类设备的潜在改变游戏规则的技术。然而,由于与现有的微加工技术(microfabrication technologies)不兼容,这些电路的集成密度(integration density)一直很低。

为了解决这个问题,该研究小组开发了一种有机双栅极反双极晶体管(organic dual-gate anti-ambipolar transistor),通过设计它可以在栅极电压超过某个阈值时降低其漏极电流,从而能够执行双输入逻辑门操作(two-input logic gate operations)。上述图2Fig. 2)是早川龙马国立材料科学研究所(Ryoma Hayakawa National Institute for Materials Science)提供的,设计用于执行AND逻辑门操作的有机双栅极反双极晶体管。

当输入电压施加到晶体管的顶栅和底栅(top and bottom gates)时,它会产生一个输出信号即漏极电流(drain current)。当调整输入电压时,该晶体管在室温下展示了作为五种不同类型的二输入逻辑门的能力。现有的集成电路技术需要4个晶体管组成一个NAND电路,12个晶体管组成一个XOR电路。


这项工作是在 NIMS-东京理科大学联合研究生院框架下,与另一个题为开发有机负电阻晶体管以显著提高有机电路的集成密度(Development of an organic negative resistance transistor in an effort to significantly increase the integration density of organic circuits的项目{主要研究者:若山裕Yutaka Wakayama),项目编号:19H00866} JSPS 科学研究资助(A{ JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)}资助。



Electrically reconfigurable organic logic circuits are promising candidates for realizing new computation architectures, such as artificial intelligence and neuromorphic devices. In this study, multiple logic gate operations are attained based on a dual-gate organic antiambipolar transistor (DG-OAAT). The transistor exhibits a Λ-shaped transfer curve, namely, a negative differential transconductance at room temperature. It is important to note that the peak voltage of the drain current is precisely tuned by three input signals: bottom-gate, top-gate, and drain voltages. This distinctive feature enables multiple logic gate operations with “only a single DG-OAAT,” which are not obtainable in conventional transistors. Five logic gate operations, which correspond to AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and XOR, are demonstrated by adjusting the bottom-gate and top-gate voltages. Moreover, varying the drain voltage makes it possible to reversibly switch two logic gates, e.g., NAND/NOR and OR/XOR. In addition, the DG-OAATs show a high degree of stability and reliability. The logic gate operations are observed even months later. The hysteresis in the transfer curves is also negligible. Thus, the device concept is promising for realizing multifunctional logic circuits with a simple transistor configuration. Hence, these findings are expected to surpass the current limitations in complementary metal−oxide−semiconductor devices.


上一篇:Science: 一种快速、高效、选择性的海水净化膜
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