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传感器的突破为地下世界地图的突破性进展铺平了道路 精选

已有 5254 次阅读 2022-2-25 10:10 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




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据英国伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)2022223日提供的消息,伯明翰大学来自英国国家传感器和定时量子技术中心(UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Timing 研究人员,利用量子技术找到了一个隐藏在地下的物体,这是人们期待已久的里程碑,对工业、人类知识和国家安全有着深远的影响。相关研究结果于2022223日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Ben StrayAndrew LambAisha KaushikJamie VovroshAnthony RodgersJonathan WinchFarzad HayatiDaniel BoddiceArtur StabrawaAlexander NiggebaumMehdi LangloisYu-Hung LienSamuel LellouchSanaz RoshanmaneshKevin RidleyGeoffrey de VilliersGareth BrownTrevor CrossGeorge TuckwellAsaad FaramarziNicole MetjeKai BongsMichael Holynski. Quantum sensing for gravity cartography. Nature, Published: 23 February 2022. Volume 602, pages 590–594. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04315-3https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04315-3

此研究成果是世界上第一个非实验室条件下的量子重力梯度仪(quantum gravity gradiometer)。量子重力梯度仪是根据英国国防部和UKRI资助的重力先驱项目(Ministry of Defense and in the UKRI-funded Gravity Pioneer project)的合同而开发的,它被用来在真实世界条件下发现地下1米的户外隧道。它赢得了一场将这项技术推广到国外的国际竞赛。



伯明翰大学冷原子物理学主任、英国量子技术传感器与计时中心首席研究员卡伊·邦格斯教授(Professor Kai Bongs)说:“这是传感领域的‘爱迪生时刻(Edison moment)’,它将改变社会、人类理解和经济。”



由伯明翰大学的原子干涉测量学(Atom Interferometry at Birmingham)的负责人、也是这项研究的通讯作者迈克尔·霍林斯基博士(Dr. Michael Holynski)和他在伯明翰大学的团队开发的传感器是一种重力梯度仪。为了在该领域成功应用量子技术,他们的系统克服了振动和其他各种环境挑战。

这项成功的检测是与伯明翰大学工程学院的尼科尔·梅特杰(Nicole Metje)教授领导的土木工程师合作实现的,这是一个长期发展项目的顶点,从一开始就与最终用户紧密联系在一起。


RSK的地球科学和工程主任乔治·塔克韦尔教授(Professor George Tuckwell)说:“探测诸如矿井、隧道和不稳定的地面等地表条件,对我们设计、建造和维护房屋、工业和基础设施至关重要。这项新技术所代表的改进能力可以改变我们测绘地面和交付这些项目的方式。”

这项突破是伯明翰大学、环境、工程和可持续性解决方案提供商RSK、英国国防部的国防科学与技术实验室(Defense Science and Technology Laboratory, part of the UK Ministry of Defense)和技术公司Teledyne e2v之间合作完成的。这项工作得到了英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC, EP/M013294/1EP/T001046/1)和英国创新(Innovate UK, 104613)的支持,梯度仪是根据与英国国防部的合同建造的,作为英国国家量子技术计划(UK National Quantum Technologies Programme)的一部分。


原子干涉量子传感器的实际应用(Real-world applications for atom interferometric quantum sensors


The sensing of gravity has emerged as a tool in geophysics applications such as engineering and climate research1,2,3, including the monitoring of temporal variations in aquifers4 and geodesy5. However, it is impractical to use gravity cartography to resolve metre-scale underground features because of the long measurement times needed for the removal of vibrational noise6. Here we overcome this limitation by realizing a practical quantum gravity gradient sensor. Our design suppresses the effects of micro-seismic and laser noise, thermal and magnetic field variations, and instrument tilt. The instrument achieves a statistical uncertainty of 20 E (1 E = 10−9 s−2) and is used to perform a 0.5-metre-spatial-resolution survey across an 8.5-metre-long line, detecting a 2-metre tunnel with a signal-to-noise ratio of 8. Using a Bayesian inference method, we determine the centre to ±0.19 metres horizontally and the centre depth as (1.89 −0.59/+2.3) metres. The removal of vibrational noise enables improvements in instrument performance to directly translate into reduced measurement time in mapping. The sensor parameters are compatible with applications in mapping aquifers and evaluating impacts on the water table7, archaeology8,9,10,11, determination of soil properties12 and water content13, and reducing the risk of unforeseen ground conditions in the construction of critical energy, transport and utilities infrastructure14, providing a new window into the underground.


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