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已有 5231 次阅读 2021-12-22 21:44 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




The aftermath of a 2010 tsunami in Chile, which was analyzed in a new study in JGR Solid Earth. Earlier warnings made possible by the study of tsunami-generated magnetic fields could better prepare coastal areas for impending disasters. Credit: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

据美国地球物理联合会(American Geophysical Union简称AGU20211221日报道,海啸的磁场在海平面变化之前就可以被探测到(Tsunamis' magnetic fields are detectable before sea level change


此项新的研究为利用海啸磁场来预测海啸波浪高度提供了现实世界的证据,使用的数据来自两个真实事件:2009年萨摩亚海啸(tsunami in Samoa)和2010年智利海啸(tsunami in Chile),这两个事件都有必要的数据集。相关研究结果于202110月中旬已经在美国地球物理联合会(AGU)的《地球物理研究:固体地球》(Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth)杂志网站发表——Zhiheng Lin, Hiroaki Toh, Takuto Minami. Direct Comparison of the TsunamiGenerated Magnetic Field With Sea Level Change for the 2009 Samoa and 2010 Chile Tsunamis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, First published: 18 October 2021, 126(11): e2021JB022760. DOI: 10.1029/2021JB022760. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022760

该研究证实,海啸产生的磁场在海平面变化之前到达,其强度可以用来估计海啸的波浪高度。磁场早到的时间与水深有关,但研究人员在研究结果中发现,在4800 m深的海洋中,磁场早到的时间大约比海平面变化早1min。如果将这些信息纳入海啸风险模型,就可以提供更早的灾害预警,从而有可能挽救生命。

日本京都大学(Kyoto University)的地球物理学家、此研究论文的第一作者林志恒(Zhiheng Lin音译)说:“这是非常令人兴奋的,因为在之前的研究中,我们没有观察到海平面的变化。我们对海平面变化进行了观测,我们发现观测结果与我们的磁数据以及理论模拟一致。”


没有参与这项研究的美国科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)地磁研究人员Neesha Schnepf说:“他们做了一些基本需要做的事情。我们需要一项研究,将磁场数据与压力数据带来的海平面变化进行比较,我很确定他们是第一个真正比较磁场数据与压力数据带来的海平面变化的人,所以这肯定非常有用。”




Neesha Schnepf:“我认为实际的目标是,如果你模拟海啸的能力有了很大的提高,你就可以更好地预测哪些地区可能需要预警,以及它可能会袭击某些地方的严重程度。”


Earthquake depth impacts potential tsunami threat


The motion of conductive seawater by tsunamis can generate magnetic fields in the presence of the background geomagnetic main field. Previous studies found that, using the tsunami-generated seafloor magnetic field, it is possible to predict the propagation direction and wave height prior to the actual arrivals of tsunamis. This study correlates the tsunami magnetic field and the tsunami sea level change using observed data and three-dimensional simulations of the 2009 Samoa and 2010 Chile tsunamis. Our direct comparison of the tsunami observed magnetic field and tsunami sea level change illustrate that the vertical tsunami magnetic component, bz, arrived earlier than the sea level change. The “initial rise” signal in the observed horizontal tsunami magnetic component, bh, which was arrived even earlier than bz also is found by combing the observation with the three-dimensional simulations. We further examine the precision of conversion of the tsunami magnetic field to the sea level change and find that the magnetic field derived tsunami sea levels are as precise as those obtained from differential pressure gauge data. However, our simulation shows that existing tsunami source models are incompatible with our tsunami magnetic data. Therefore, it is necessary to include magnetic field derived tsunami sea level changes to improve those source models.


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