Scientists at the University of Texas at Austin have developed a new sodium metal anode for rechargeable batteries (left) that resists the formation of dendrites, a common problem with standard sodium metal anodes (right) that can lead to shorting and fires. Images were taken with a scanning electron microscope. Credit: Yixian Wang/University of Texas at Austin.
据美国德州大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin简称UT Austin)2021年12月6日报道,UT Austin的研究人员创造了一种新的钠基电池材料,这种材料高度稳定,能够像传统锂离子电池一样快速充电,并且能够比目前的电池技术提供更多的能量。相关新闻报道详见:Sodium-based Material Yields Stable Alternative to Lithium-ion Batteries。UT Austin的相关研究结果于2021年10月22日已经在《先进材料》(Advanced Materials)杂志网站发表——Yixian Wang, Hui Dong, Naman Katyal, Hongchang Hao, Pengcheng Liu, Hugo Celio, Graeme Henkelman, John Watt, David Mitlin. A Sodium–Antimony–Telluride Intermetallic Allows Sodium‐Metal Cycling at 100% Depth of Discharge and as an Anode‐Free Metal Battery. Advanced Materials, First published: 22 October 2021. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202106005. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202106005
UT Austin最近取得的两项钠电池进展之一是,这种新材料解决了树枝晶问题,并能像锂离子电池一样快速充电。该团队2021年10月下旬已经在《先进材料》杂志网站上发表了他们的研究结果。
设计这种新材料的科克雷尔工程学院沃克机械工程与应用研究实验室(Cockrell School of Engineering's Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Research Laboratory)的教授大卫·米特林(David Mitlin)说:“我们基本上是同时解决了两个问题。通常情况下,充电越快,这些树枝晶就会长得越多。所以如果你抑制树枝晶生长,你就要更快地充电和放电,只有这样电池才会安全一些。”
UT Austin化学系和奥登计算工程与科学研究所(Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences)的格雷姆·亨克尔曼(Graeme Henkelman)教授,利用计算机模型从理论角度解释了这种材料为何具有独特的特性。格雷姆·亨克尔曼说:“这种材料也很令人兴奋,因为理论上金属钠阳极的能量密度是所有钠阳极中最高的。”
大卫·米特林很看好这项新发明以及UT Austin的其他发明,包括一种新的固态电解质,可以促进能量存储,这意味着钠电池可能很快就能满足不断增长的固定能量存储需求。
当可充电电池充电时,离子(如锂或钠)从一个被称为阴极的组件移动到另一个被称为阳极的组件。当电池被用来发电时,离子从阳极回到阴极。这种新的阳极材料被称为碲化钠锑(NaSbTe)金属间化合物(sodium antimony telluride intermetallic)-钠金属复合材料简称NST-Na,它是通过将薄片金属钠卷到碲化锑粉末上,将其折叠起来,并重复多次而制成的。
这个过程的结果是钠原子的分布非常均匀,这使得它比现有的金属钠阳极更不可能形成树枝晶或表面腐蚀。这使得电池更加稳定,充电速度更快,堪比锂离子电池(lithium-ion battery)的充电速度。它也比现有的钠离子电池具有更高的能量容量。
该研究的两位主要作者、现任和前任大卫·米特林实验室研究生王义贤(Yixian Wang)和董慧(Hui Dong)分别制造了这种材料。由约翰·瓦特(John Watt)领导的洛斯·阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos National Laboratory)的同事们描述了它的特性。该研究的其他作者是郝洪昌(Hongchang Hao音译)、刘鹏程(Pengcheng Liu音译)和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的纳曼·凯泰尔(Naman Katyal)。大卫·米特林、王义贤及董慧已经和UT Austin一起申请了一项关于新型金属钠阳极材料的制造、结构和功能的专利。
Making sodium-ion batteries that last
Repeated cold rolling and folding is employed to fabricate a metallurgical composite of sodium–antimony–telluride Na2(Sb2/6Te3/6Vac1/6) dispersed in electrochemically active sodium metal, termed “NST-Na.” This new intermetallic has a vacancy-rich thermodynamically stable face-centered-cubic structure and enables state-of-the-art electrochemical performance in widely employed carbonate and ether electrolytes. NST-Na achieves 100% depth-of-discharge (DOD) in 1 m NaPF6 in G2, with 15 mAh cm−2 at 1 mA cm−2 and Coulombic efficiency (CE) of 99.4%, for 1000 h of plating/stripping. Sodium-metal batteries (SMBs) with NST-Na and Na3V2(PO4)3 (NVP) or sulfur cathodes give significantly improved energy, cycling, and CE (>99%). An anode-free battery with NST collector and NVP obtains 0.23% capacity decay per cycle. Imaging and tomography using conventional and cryogenic microscopy (Cryo-EM) indicate that the sodium metal fills the open space inside the self-supporting sodiophilic NST skeleton, resulting in dense (pore-free and solid electrolyte interphase (SEI)-free) metal deposits with flat surfaces. The baseline Na deposit consists of filament-like dendrites and “dead metal”, intermixed with pores and SEI. Density functional theory calculations show that the uniqueness of NST lies in the thermodynamic stability of the Na atoms (rather than clusters) on its surface that leads to planar wetting, and in its own stability that prevents decomposition during cycling.
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