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已有 4390 次阅读 2021-12-6 21:33 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




 The waves capture the phase space mix of a chaotic map after several stages of stretching and folding of the originally arranged colors arranged in a complicated pattern. A branched flow generated by a random potential with different characteristic length scales in the horizontal and vertical directions. The lightning-like branched current generated by a random potential with different characteristic length scales in the horizontal and vertical directions. Credit: Harvard University

据美国哈佛大学(Harvard University2021123日提供的消息,漫威超级英雄电影《黑豹》(Black Panther)的神秘背景瓦坎达(Wakanda)是一些不那么神秘的技术的发源地。一个坚不可摧的地幔(mantle)可能还不可能,但瓦坎达悬浮的高速列车可以利用超导体将其变成现实。现在,一项关于电子行为的新发现可能代表着迈向超级强大世界的一步。研究人员发现了前所未见的电子行为,可帮助科学家为增压技术创造超级导线(Never-before-seen electron behavior could help scientists create superwires for supercharged technology)。


在发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences简称PNAS)上的一项研究中,来自哈佛大学和芬兰坦佩雷大学(Tampere University in Finland)的一组研究人员首次描述了电子可以通过二维高度结构化材料的意想不到的路径:这条路径被称为分支流(branched flow)。详见Alvar Daza, Eric J. Heller, Anton M. Graf, Esa Räsänen. Propagation of waves in high Brillouin zones: Chaotic branching flow and stable superconductors, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, October 5, 2021, 118 (40): e2110285118. DOI: 10.1073 / pnas.2110285118. https://www.pnas.org/content/118/40/e2110285118.参与此项研究的除了来自哈佛大学和芬兰坦佩雷大学的研究人员之外,还有来自西班牙雷·胡安·卡洛斯大学物理系(Departamento de Física, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)的研究人员。


埃里克·海勒(Eric J. Heller)小组成员、该研究的第一作者、前物理学博士后álvar Daza Esteban说:“分支流在各种3D、混沌系统中都可以看到,比如气体、海啸,甚至光通过肥皂泡的反弹。”álvar Daza Esteban继续说,“但是,没有人期望在2D周期系统中看到分支流。”



阿伯特和詹姆斯·劳伦斯(Abbott and James Lawrence)的化学教授和物理学教授、上述论文的合著者埃里克·里克·海勒(Eric “Rick” Heller)说:“人们正在努力制造超级线程,使其尽可能完美,无缺陷和光滑。但是实际上这基本上是行不通的。”


挑战在于控制分支流。有些超导体是在声子(phonons)帮助电子配对时工作的。由于配对后的电子群可以像超级导线一样运动在一起,配对科学家利用超冷温度或极端压力来强迫这些配对。这两种情况在实验室外使用仍然风险太大。但如果科学家学会了控制新发现的分支流,他们就不需要声子;他们甚至可以通过定制的超导体(custom superconductors)来制造电子。



二维晶格中分支流的发现挑战了当前的理论,埃里克·里克·海勒将其等同于第一辆汽车,取名为Ts模型(Model Ts)。他说:“他们不是百分之百错,但你可以驾驶特斯拉(Tesla)。”或者很快在火车上盘旋。


New design of quantum units promises a regular flow of tangled electrons as needed


Waves propagating through random media can accumulate in strong branches, intensifying fluctuations and powerful phenomena such as tsunamis. However, branched flow is not restricted to the large scale, and here, we find surprisingly that branched flow is not restricted to random media. We show that quantum waves living in the high Brillouin zones of periodic potentials also branch. Moreover, some of these branches do not decay as in random media but remain robust indefinitely, creating dynamically stable channels that we call superwires. The waves in these stable branches have enough energy to surmount the channel potential and go elsewhere, but classically, nonlinear dynamics keeps them confined within the channel. These results have direct experimental consequences for superlattices and optical systems.


We report unexpected classical and quantum dynamics of a wave propagating in a periodic potential in high Brillouin zones. Branched flow appears at wavelengths shorter than the typical length scale of the ordered periodic structure and for energies above the potential barrier. The strongest branches remain stable indefinitely and may create linear dynamical channels, wherein waves are not confined directly by potential walls as electrons in ordinary wires but rather, indirectly and more subtly by dynamical stability. We term these superwires since they are associated with a superlattice.


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