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研究人员首次产生了原子和分子的涡旋光束 精选

已有 5312 次阅读 2021-12-2 22:32 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察



Snap1.jpg Fig. 1 vortex

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers generate, for the first time, a vortex beam of atoms and molecules


Fig. 2  (Left) An example of a nano-grating design with transmitting (black) and blocking (white) areas that were used to shape the supersonic helium beam into vortices of helium atoms. (Right) Constructed image of all the collision events captured by the camera at the end of the four-and-a-half-meter-long experimental setup. The “donut” shapes are evidence that the atoms have been shaped to spin as a vortex after passing the grating. Credit: Weizmann Institute of Science


Fig. 3 The four-and-a-half-meter-long experimental setup starting with the supersonic beam of helium atoms aimed at the nanometric forked gratings, which generate atomic vortex beams that are then captured by the detector and photographed. Credit: Weizmann Institute of Science 

据以色列魏兹曼科学院(Weizmann Institute of Science20211130日提供的消息,涡旋(Vortices)可能会让人联想到漩涡和龙卷风,它们旋转着水和空气,但它们也可以以更小的规模存在。在《科学》(Science)杂志上发表的一项新研究——Alon LuskiYair SegevRea DavidOra BittonHila NadlerA. Ronny BarneaAlexey Gorlach, Ori CheshnovskyIdo Kaminer, Edvardas Narevicius. Vortex beams of atoms and molecules, Science, 1 Sep 2021, 373 (6559): 1105-1109. DOI: 10.1126/science.abj2451. http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.abj2451,是来自魏茨曼科学院的研究人员,以及来自以色列理工学院(Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)和以色列特拉维夫大学(Tel Aviv University)的合作者,首次创造了由单个原子构成的漩涡。这些涡流可以帮助回答关于亚原子世界内部工作的基本问题,并可用于增强各种技术,例如为原子显微镜提供新的功能。


在魏茨曼科学院化学和生物物理部系Edvardas Narevicius教授研究小组刚刚完成了博士学位研究的亚伊尔·塞格夫(Yair Segev)说:“在与以色列理工学院(Technion)的伊多·卡米纳教授(Prof. Ido Kaminer)的理论辩论中,我们提出了一个想法,通过一个实验来产生单个原子的漩涡。”


然而,角动量的最基本性质,它表征了自然产生的大大小小的旋涡,在量子尺度(quantum scale)上呈现出不同的扭曲。不像经典物理学中的等价物,量子粒子不能有角动量的任何值;相反,它们只能接受离散部分或“量子(quanta)”中的值。另一个区别是,涡旋粒子(vortex particle)携带其角动量的方式不是作为一个刚性的、旋转的螺旋桨,而是作为一种围绕自己的运动轴流动和旋转的波。

这些波的成形和操纵方式类似于防浪堤用来引导海岸附近海水的流动,但规模要小得多。Edvardas Narevicius教授团队的博士生阿隆·鲁斯基(Alon Luski)说:“通过在原子的路径上设置物理障碍,我们可以操纵其波的形状,使其形成各种形式。”

阿隆·鲁斯基和亚伊尔·塞格夫与来自他们小组的雷亚·戴维(Rea David)一起领导了这项研究,他们与来自特拉维夫大学的同事合作开发了一种指导原子运动的创新方法。他们创造了纳米“防浪堤”( nanometric "breakwaters")的图案,称为光栅微小陶瓷圆盘(gratings—tiny ceramic discs),直径几百纳米,带有特定的狭缝图案。当这些缝隙被排列成叉状(fork-like shape)时,每一个通过它们的原子就像一个通过物理障碍的波,通过这种方式获得角动量,并形成一个旋转的漩涡。这些“纳米叉(nano-forks)”是由魏茨曼科学院化学研究支持部的奥拉·比顿博士(Ora Bitton)和希拉·纳德勒(Hila Nadler)博士专门为本次实验开发的纳米制造工艺生产的。

为了产生和观察原子涡流,研究人员将超音速氦原子束对准这些分叉光栅。在到达光栅之前,光束通过一个由窄缝组成的系统,这些狭缝阻挡了一些原子,只传输那些表现得更像大浪的原子——那些更适合被光栅塑造的原子。当这些“波浪”原子("wavy" atoms)与“叉(forks)”相互作用时,它们就形成了漩涡,探测器记录并拍摄它们的强度。

这就产生了一个由数百万旋涡氦原子与探测器碰撞而形成的甜甜圈形状的图像。亚伊尔·塞格夫说:“当我们看到甜甜圈形状的图像时,我们知道我们已经成功地创造了这些氦原子的漩涡。”就像风暴的“眼”,这些“甜甜圈”的中心代表着每个原子漩涡最平静的空间,那里的波强度为零,所以那里没有原子。Edvardas Narevicius就是解释说:“‘甜甜圈’是一系列不同的涡旋光束的指纹。”




除了提供一种研究物质基本性质的新方法外,原子旋涡光束(atomic vortex beams)还可能在一些技术应用中得到应用,如原子显微镜。旋转的原子与任何被研究的材料之间的相互作用可能会导致发现该材料的新特性,为许多未来的实验增加重要的,以前无法获得的数据。


Vortex beams of nonelementary particles

The discovery of photon and electron vortex beams carrying orbital angular momentum (as a result of a twisting wave front) has led to appreciable advances in optical imaging, optical and electron microscopy, communications, quantum optics and micromanipulation, and more advances are expected. In an effort to extend this progress to other types of beams, Luski et al. demonstrate the production of vortex beams of helium atoms and dimers formed from supersonic beams with large coherence lengths diffracted off of specifically nanofabricated gratings with fork dislocations (see the Perspective by Kornilov). Vortex beams made of nonelementary particles with internal degrees of freedom represent a direct manifestation of quantum mechanics on macroscopic scale, and their production paves the way for many long-awaited applications. —YS


Angular momentum plays a central role in quantum mechanics, recurring in every length scale from the microscopic interactions of light and matter to the macroscopic behavior of superfluids. Vortex beams, carrying intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM), are now regularly generated with elementary particles such as photons and electrons. Thus far, the creation of a vortex beam of a nonelementary particle has never been demonstrated experimentally. We present vortex beams of atoms and molecules, formed by diffracting supersonic beams of helium atoms and dimers off transmission gratings. This method is general and could be applied to most atomic and molecular gases. Our results may open new frontiers in atomic physics, using the additional degree of freedom of OAM to probe collisions and alter fundamental interactions.


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