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已有 2763 次阅读 2021-11-1 21:35 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察



据物理学家组织网(phys.org20211029日报道,一组来自X- Alphabet的“月球探测器工厂(moonshot factory)”、谷歌和世卫组织/联合国儿童基金会联合监测项目(WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme)、数据,分析,计划和监控部门(Division of Data, Analytics, Planning and Monitoring)、联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)的研究人员,开发了一种模型,它显示一个假设的装置,利用太阳能从空气中收集水,可能为世界各地十亿人解决饮水问题。

获得安全管理的饮用水(safely managed drinking water简称SMDW)仍然是一项全球性挑战,影响着22亿人。太阳能驱动的连续循环大气水收集(atmospheric water harvesting 简称AWH)设备可以通过分散从空气中提取水来加速进展,但低的单位产水量(specific yields简称SY)和低的白天相对湿度(relative humidity简称RH)对它们的性能(以每天产出多少升水为单位)提出了问题。然而,据我们所知,尽管热带地区的条件有利,但没有任何分析绘制出AWH的全球潜力。研究者展示了AWH可以为10亿人提供SMDW。使用谷歌地球引擎(Google Earth Engine)进行的评估引入了一个假设的1m2的设备,在30%-90% RH的情况下,SY轮廓分别为0.2-2.5 L/kWh(对于2 m2的设备,SY轮廓为0.1-1.25 L/kWh)。这种装置可以达到每人每天平均5升饮用水的目标。研究者还绘制了现有设备和新的吸附剂类别的影响潜力,这表明这些目标可以通过持续的技术发展,并在热力学限制内实现。相关研究结果于20211027日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Jackson LordAshley ThomasNeil TreatMatthew ForkinRobert BainPierre DulacCyrus H. BehrooziTilek MamutovJillia FongheiserNicole KobilanskyShane WashburnClaudia TruesdellClare Lee, Philipp H. Schmaelzle. Global potential for harvesting drinking water from air using solar energy. Nature, 2021. Volume 598, pages 611–617. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03900-w. Published: 27 October 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03900-w

在此论文中,该小组描述了进入他们的模型的因素,以及它对设备发展的可能影响,这些设备旨在应对为全世界人民提供安全饮用水的全球挑战(Model suggests a billion people could get safe drinking water from hypothetical harvesting device)。

正如研究人员指出的,全球大约有22亿人在获得安全饮用水方面面临挑战。他们指出,尽管在受影响最严重的国家正在努力建造脱盐工厂(desalination plants。随着正在进行的建造更多发电厂的努力,另一种方法可能会被采用来填补同时使用小型便携式设备,利用太阳能从空气中吸取水。谷歌母公司Alphabet的团队正在研究这样一种设备,但发现很难实现每升水生产成本一美分($0.01/LH2O)的目标。最近,他们将该项目开源(open-source),以便该领域的其他人可以继续在此基础上进行深入研究。



New solar desalination device improves efficiency by suppressing heat loss 


Access to safely managed drinking water (SMDW) remains a global challenge, and affects 2.2 billion people1,2. Solar-driven atmospheric water harvesting (AWH) devices with continuous cycling may accelerate progress by enabling decentralized extraction of water from air3,4,5,6, but low specific yields (SY) and low daytime relative humidity (RH) have raised questions about their performance (in litres of water output per day)7,8,9,10,11. However, to our knowledge, no analysis has mapped the global potential of AWH12 despite favourable conditions in tropical regions, where two-thirds of people without SMDW live2. Here we show that AWH could provide SMDW for a billion people. Our assessment—using Google Earth Engine13—introduces a hypothetical 1-metre-square device with a SY profile of 0.2 to 2.5 litres per kilowatt-hour (0.1 to 1.25 litres per kilowatt-hour for a 2-metre-square device) at 30% to 90% RH, respectively. Such a device could meet a target average daily drinking water requirement of 5 litres per day per person14. We plot the impact potential of existing devices and new sorbent classes, which suggests that these targets could be met with continued technological development, and well within thermodynamic limits. Indeed, these performance targets have been achieved experimentally in demonstrations of sorbent materials15,16,17. Our tools can inform design trade-offs for atmospheric water harvesting devices that maximize global impact, alongside ongoing efforts to meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with existing technologies.


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