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已有 5641 次阅读 2021-8-7 21:52 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 Researchers at University of Pennsylvania and Argonne National Laboratory have made the most direct observation of a key intermediate, a carbon-centered radical, formed during the breakdown of hydrocarbons during combustion and in the atmosphere. This benchmark study could help researchers design fuels that burn more efficiently in the future.


Fig.2 A diagram showing how the oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOC) can consume and regenerate OH radicals. An alkyl radical (R•) reacts with oxygen to produce an alkylperoxy radical (ROO•), which undergoes an internal hydrogen shift to produce the carbon-centered hydroperoxyalkyl radical (•QOOH). This intermediate “switch yard” is a key intermediate step that controls how the reaction proceeds. (Image: Marsha Lester group)

据美国宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania202187日提供的消息,该校的研究人员与美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory)的研究人员合作,对燃烧和大气中碳氢化合物分解过程中形成的一种关键中间产物进行了最直接的观察(Identifying an elusive molecule key to combustion chemistry)。相关研究结果已经在《科学》(Science)杂志网站发表——Anne S. Hansen, Trisha Bhagde, Kevin B. Moore III, Daniel R. Moberg, Ahren W. Jasper, Yuri Georgievskii, Michael F. Vansco, Stephen J. Klippenstein, Marsha I. Lester. Watching a hydroperoxyalkyl radical (•QOOH) dissociateScience,  06 Aug 2021: Vol. 373, Issue 6555, pp. 679-682. DOI: 10.1126/science.abj0412. 这项以碳为中心的自由基的证据可能有助于未来燃料的设计,使其更有效地燃烧。

上述图2显示挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds简称VOC)的氧化如何消耗和再生OH自由基的图解。一个烷基自由基(R•)与氧反应生成一个烷基过氧自由基(ROO•) ROO•通过内部氢移位生成以碳为中心的氢过氧烷基自由基(•QOOH)。这个中间开关场(intermediate “switch yard”)是控制反应进行的关键中间步骤。


许多VOCs的氧化反应是一致的,但在原型反应(prototypical reaction)中形成的特定化学中间体以前未被直接观察到。其中一种中间体被认为是反应结果的关键驱动因素:以碳为中心的自由基QOOH的形成。这里,“Q”表示含有高度活性的未配对电子的碳原子的任何化学基团,“OOH”表示过氧化氢基团。

通讯作者、宾夕法尼亚大学化学教授玛莎·莱斯特(Marsha I. Lester)说,虽然研究人员多年来一直假设这种QOOH中间体,但它很难观察到,因为它的存在时间是短暂的,降解很快。玛莎·莱斯特说:“这个中间产物是一个‘开关场’,控制着各种可能发生的后续步骤,这些步骤对这种化学物质的传播非常重要。但是我们还没有直接观察到典型的QOOH中间体,所以关于这个化学反应网络是如何发生的还缺少一些关键的部分。”

现在,玛莎·莱斯特实验室的实验学家和阿贡国家实验室Stephen J. Klippenstein 实验室的理论家发表了迄今为止对QOOH最直接的观察。宾夕法尼亚大学博士后Anne Hansen和研究生Trisha Bhagde使用新型红外光谱激光收集QOOH的“指纹”,先进的冷却设备研究不缩合的反应,以及创新的合成策略,确定了QOOH,跟踪其降解,并观察在氧化过程中形成的化学产物。


阿贡国家实验室的Stephen J. Klippenstein 说:“多年来,我们一直在基于假设的QOOH分子进行预测,但不知道它们有多好。实验结果表明,它们存在一些我们可以修复的缺陷。”该团队修改了理论模型,使预测和实验结果现在非常精确。



该团队还在进行实验,以观察中间体与以碳为中心的自由基上的不同化学取代基的变化。玛莎·莱斯特说,这些发现对基础科学和应用科学都有意义。对这种化学成分的彻底了解可以使未来的研究人员设计出更有效燃烧的更好的燃料,这是一个“激进的”命题("radical" proposition),因为许多领域的研究人员都试图解决持续的气候危机。


Spectral fingerprint of stabilized •QOOH

Carbon-centered radicals containing the hydroperoxy group, commonly denoted as •QOOH, are elusive but are among the most critical intermediate species for kinetic modeling of hydrocarbon oxidation in various atmospheric and combustion processes. Their direct experimental observation is a long-standing challenge, with only one successful previous attempt. Using a combination of infrared activation spectroscopy and ultraviolet laser–induced fluorescence detection, Hansen et al. directly characterized the vibrational structure of a •QOOH intermediate in isobutane oxidation, collisionally stabilized and isolated, and followed its dissociative evolution under infrared activation with time and energy resolution. High-level electronic structure calculations revealed an important role of heavy-atom tunneling in this process.

Science, abj0412, this issue p. 679


A prototypical hydroperoxyalkyl radical (•QOOH) intermediate, transiently formed in the oxidation of volatile organic compounds, was directly observed through its infrared fingerprint and energy-dependent unimolecular decay to hydroxyl radical and cyclic ether products. Direct time-domain measurements of •QOOH unimolecular dissociation rates over a wide range of energies were found to be in accord with those predicted theoretically using state-of-the-art electronic structure characterizations of the transition state barrier region. Unimolecular decay was enhanced by substantial heavy-atom tunneling involving O-O elongation and C-C-O angle contraction along the reaction pathway. Master equation modeling yielded a fully a priori prediction of the pressure-dependent thermal unimolecular dissociation rates for the •QOOH intermediate—again increased by heavy-atom tunneling—which are required for global models of atmospheric and combustion chemistry.


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