Fig. 3: Flow diagram for gene and functional variant inference.
Fig. 4: Interaction of proteins in the germ cell development and chromosomal segregation pathways.
据美国宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院(Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania)2021年7月29日提供的消息,该校的研究人员与其他单位的研究人员合作,确定了更多遗传性睾丸癌的遗传标记(Consortium identifies more genetic markers for inherited testicular cancer)。一项对近20万名男性进行的荟萃分析(meta-analysis)显示,有22个新的基因位点可能易患遗传性睾丸生殖细胞肿瘤(testicular germ cell tumors简称TGCT)——已知与该癌症相关的区域数量增加了40%。相关研究结果于2021年7月23日已经在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)网站发表--——John Pluta, Louise C. Pyle, Kevin T. Nead, Rona Wilf, Mingyao Li, Nandita Mitra, Benita Weathers, Kurt D’Andrea, Kristian Almstrup, Lynn Anson-Cartwright, Javier Benitez, Christopher D. Brown, Stephen Chanock, Chu Chen, Victoria K. Cortessis, Alberto Ferlin, Carlo Foresta, Marija Gamulin, Jourik A. Gietema, Chiara Grasso, Mark H. Greene, Tom Grotmol, Robert J. Hamilton, Trine B. Haugen, Russ Hauser, Michelle A. T. Hildebrandt, Matthew E. Johnson, Robert Karlsson, Lambertus A. Kiemeney, Davor Lessel, Ragnhild A. Lothe, Jennifer T. Loud, Chey Loveday, Paloma Martin-Gimeno, Coby Meijer, Jérémie Nsengimana, David I. Quinn, Thorunn Rafnar, Shweta Ramdas, Lorenzo Richiardi, Rolf I. Skotheim, Kari Stefansson, Clare Turnbull, David J. Vaughn, Fredrik Wiklund, Xifeng Wu, Daphne Yang, Tongzhang Zheng, Andrew D. Wells, Struan F. A. Grant, Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts, Stephen M. Schwartz, D. Timothy Bishop, Katherine A. McGlynn, Peter A. Kanetsky, Katherine L. Nathanson, The Testicular Cancer Consortium. Identification of 22 susceptibility loci associated with testicular germ cell tumors. Nature Communications, Volume 12, Article number: 4487 (2021). Published: 23 July 2021. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24334-y. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-24334-y
这项多机构荟萃分析由来自国际睾丸癌联盟(TEsticular CAncer Consortium简称TECAC)的研究人员进行,由宾夕法尼亚大学艾布拉姆森癌症中心(Penn's Abramson Cancer Center)副主任、宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院(Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania)乳腺癌相关研究的珀尔·贝瑟(Pearl Basser)教授凯瑟琳·内桑森(Katherine L. Nathanson)医学博士领导。
生殖细胞肿瘤(TGCT)占睾丸癌病例的95%。TGCT是美国和欧洲20-39岁白人男性中最常见的癌症。在过去的25年里,白人男性的病例数量持续上升,最近在拉丁裔男性中也有所上升。尽管有重要证据表明这些肿瘤的易感性是遗传性的,CHEK2是唯一致病变异与癌症风险相关的中等外显基因(moderate penetrance gene)。
全基因组关联研究(Genome-wide association studies简称GWAS)更成功,发现了与疾病风险相关的常见变异。凯瑟琳·内桑森和TECAC团队利用该方法在染色体上找到了位点,这些位点包含与生殖细胞肿瘤(germ cell tumors)风险增加相关的变异。
在最新的研究中,TECAC研究人员分析了10156例睾丸生殖细胞肿瘤病例和179683例对照者的遗传数据,这些病例是迄今为止生殖细胞肿瘤(TGCT)最大的全基因组关联研究(GWAS)。这项研究发现了22个新的基因位点(22 novel loci)。作者指出,综合考虑,这些结果可以解释44%的父子间患睾丸癌的家族风险。与多基因风险评分中位数(median score)的男性相比,多基因风险评分高的男性(在第95百分位)患病风险也增加了6.8倍。
除了新位点的统计意义外,该研究还证明了与疾病易感性相关的两个生物学途径,即男性生殖细胞发育和细胞分裂期间的染色体分离(chromosomal segregation)。当这些途径出错时,就会导致TGCT肿瘤的发生。作者们写道:“我们的研究结果进一步理解了TGCT的遗传结构,增强了对男性生殖细胞发育生物学的理解,并突出了对TGCT特别重要的生物学途径。重要的是,我们已经建立了一种多基因风险评分,可以识别出患病风险最高的男性,这可能会应用于有其他风险因素的男性,如隐睾(undescended testes)或不育(infertility),以作为早期检测和疾病缓解的目标。”
接下来,研究人员将开始进一步调查在拉丁裔男性中观察到的TGCT病例的增加,以及在大多数白人男性中观察到的基因变异是否也存在于该人群中。另外,凯瑟琳·内桑森和莫菲特癌症中心(Moffitt Cancer Center)的彼得·凯恩茨基(Peter A. Kanetsky)博士是这项研究的共同通讯作者。上述介绍,仅供参考。欲了解更多信息敬请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。
Study sheds new light on inherited testicular cancer risk
Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) are the most common tumor in young white men and have a high heritability. In this study, the international Testicular Cancer Consortium assemble 10,156 and 179,683 men with and without TGCT, respectively, for a genome-wide association study. This meta-analysis identifies 22 TGCT susceptibility loci, bringing the total to 78, which account for 44% of disease heritability. Men with a polygenic risk score (PRS) in the 95th percentile have a 6.8-fold increased risk of TGCT compared to men with median scores. Among men with independent TGCT risk factors such as cryptorchidism, the PRS may guide screening decisions with the goal of reducing treatment-related complications causing long-term morbidity in survivors. These findings emphasize the interconnected nature of two known pathways that promote TGCT susceptibility: male germ cell development within its somatic niche and regulation of chromosomal division and structure, and implicate an additional biological pathway, mRNA translation.
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