恽之玮(Zhiwei Yun)人称“恽神”,2000年他满分获得第41届IMO金牌并保送北大;本科生期间,数学专业课19门100分,7门99分,其中不乏大一时便已修过的高级课程;大一上学期学完抽象代数,大三读完哈茨霍恩的《代数几何》,看理论书籍感觉就像阅读小说;每天研究10小时以上的数学而不觉疲倦……恽之玮回忆道:“我的大学生活很快乐,因为可以用所有的时间来学数学,而且是向深度学习。”2004年毕业后,恽之玮到美国普林斯顿大学攻读博士学位。2012年时,年仅30岁的恽之玮因其在“表示论,代数几何和数论等方向诸多基本性的贡献”获得SASTRA拉马努金奖。恽之玮,2004年毕业于北京大学数学科学学院,获学士学位。2009年获美国普林斯顿大学博士学位。2012年至2016年历任美国斯坦福大学助理教授、副教授,耶鲁大学教授,2018年起任美国麻省理工学院教授,是ICM2018大会的8位北大邀请报告人之一。更多信息看
文献标题 | 作者 | 年份 | 来源出版物 | 施引文献 |
The fundamental lemma of Jacquet and Rallis | Yun, Z., Gordon, J. | 2011 | Duke Mathematical Journal | 16 |
Kloosterman sheaves for reductive groups | Heinloth, J., Ngô, B.-C., Yun, Z. | 2013 | Annals of Mathematics | 13 |
Global springer theory 开放访问 | Yun, Z. | 2011 | Advances in Mathematics | 13 |
Motives with exceptional Galois groups and the inverse galois problem | Yun, Z. | 2014 | Inventiones Mathematicae | 11 |
On koszul duality for Kac-Moody groups | Bezrukavnikov, R., Yun, Z. | 2013 | Representation Theory | 10 |
Integral homology of loop groups via langlands dual groups | Yun, Z., Zhu, X. | 2011 | Representation Theory | 7 |
Macdonald formula for curves with planar singularities | Maulik, D., Yun, Z. | 2014 | Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik | 6 |
Galois representations attached to moments of Kloosterman sums and conjectures of Evans | Yun, Z., Vincent, C. | 2015 | Compositio Mathematica | 5 |
Weights of mixed tilting sheaves and geometric Ringel duality | Yun, Z. | 2009 | Selecta Mathematica, New Series | 5 |
The spherical part of the local and global Springer actions | Yun, Z. | 2014 | Mathematische Annalen | 3 |
Langlands duality and global Springer theory | Yun, Z. | 2012 | Compositio Mathematica | 3 |
Geometric representations of graded and rational Cherednik algebras | Oblomkov, A., Yun, Z. | 2016 | Advances in Mathematics | 2 |
Shtukas and the Taylor expansion of L-functions | Yun, Z., Zhang, W. | 2017 | Annals of Mathematics | 1 |
Z/m-graded lie algebras and perverse sheaves, I | Lusztig, G., Yun, Z. | 2017 | Representation Theory | 1 |
Goresky-MacPherson calculus for the affine flag varieties | Yun, Z. | 2010 | Canadian Journal of Mathematics | 1 |
Z/m-graded lie algebras and perverse sheaves, II | Lusztig, G., Yun, Z. | 2017 | Representation Theory | 0 |
Epipelagic representations and rigid local systems | Yun, Z. | 2016 | Selecta Mathematica, New Series | 0 |
袁新意(Xinyi Yuan),北京大学2000级,2000年国际数学奥林匹克金牌获得者,2008年博士毕业那年第一个获美国克雷研究所研究奖的华人,现任美国加州大学伯克利分校数学系教授。 |
文献标题 | 作者 | 年份 | 来源出版物 | 施引文献 |
Big line bundles over arithmetic varieties | Yuan, X. | 2008 | Inventiones Mathematicae | 45 |
On volumes of arithmetic line bundles | Yuan, X. | 2009 | Compositio Mathematica | 19 |
The Gross-Kohnen-Zagier theorem over totally real fields | Yuan, X., Zhang, S.-W., Zhang, W. | 2009 | Compositio Mathematica | 6 |
Relative Noether inequality on fibered surfaces 开放访问 | Yuan, X., Zhang, T. | 2014 | Advances in Mathematics | 5 |
Effective bound of linear series on arithmetic surfaces | Yuan, X., Zhang, T. | 2013 | Duke Mathematical Journal | 5 |
On the averaged Colmez conjecture | Yuan, X., Zhang, S.-W. | 2018 | Annals of Mathematics | 4 |
The arithmetic Hodge index theorem for adelic line bundles | Yuan, X., Zhang, S.-W. | 2017 | Mathematische Annalen | 3 |
The gross-zagier formula on Shimura curves ( Book) | Yuan, X., Zhang, S.W., Zhang, W. | 2012 | 2 | |
The Gross-Zagier formula on Shimura curves ( Book) | Yuan, X., Zhang, S.-W., Zhang, W. | 2012 | 2 | |
Volumes of arithmetic Okounkov bodies | Yuan, X. | 2015 | Mathematische Zeitschrift | 1 |
Genus periods, genus points and congruent number problem | Tiant, Y., Yuan, X., Zhang, S.-W. | 2017 | Asian Journal of Mathematics | 0 |
Effective bounds of linear series on algebraic varieties and arithmetic varieties | Yuan, X., Zhang, T. | 2015 | Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik | 0 |
Effective bound of linear series on arithmetic surfaces | Yuan, X., Zhang, T. | 2013 | Duke Mathematical Journal | 0 |
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