据物理学家组织网(Phys.org)2017年8月16日转载美国化学会主办的杂志ACS Nano的消息,美国赖斯大学(Rice University)的科学家研究发现,氮化硼(boron nitride) 泡沫可以吸收CO2,图1就是用聚乙烯醇进行处理之后的六方氮化硼(hexagonal-boron nitride简称h-BN)的泡沫块,已经证明它能够吸附其自身重量三倍多的CO2。
Fig. 1 Blocks of hexagonal-boron nitride foam treated with polyvinyl alcohol proved able to adsorb more than three times its weight in carbon dioxide. The reusable material was created at Rice University. Credit: Ajayan Research Group/Rice University
美国赖斯大学的材料科学家已经从二维六方氮化硼(h-BN)薄片创造出一种可以吸收CO2的轻泡沫。他们发现冻干的h-BN在液体中分解后可以将其转变成大规模的泡沫。但是向混合物中添加少量的聚乙烯醇( polyvinyl alcohol简称PVA)之后,可以使其转变为一种更稳定和更有用的材料。根据赖斯大学进行此项研究的材料科学家普里克尔·阿杰安(Pulickel Ajayan)的介绍,此种泡沫具有高度多孔,而且其属性可以进行调控,可以应用于空气过滤器以及作为气体吸收材料。相关研究结果于2017年8月3日已经在美国化学学会主办的杂志ACS Nano网站上发表——Peter Samora Owuor, Ok-Kyung Park, Cristiano F. Woellner, Almaz S. Jalilov, Sandhya Susarla, Jarin Joyner, Sehmus Ozden, LuongXuan Duy, Rodrigo Villegas Salvatierra, Robert Vajtai, James M. Tour, Jun Lou, Douglas Soares Galvão, Chandra Sekhar Tiwary, Pulickel M. Ajayan. Lightweight Hexagonal Boron Nitride Foam for CO2 Absorption.(点击可以下载原文) ACS Nano,Publication Date (Web): August 3, 2017. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b03291.
参加此项研究的除了美国赖斯大学化学系、材料科学与纳米工程系的研究人员之外,还有韩国全北国立大学(Chonbuk National University)、美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos National Laboratory)以及巴西坎皮纳斯州立大学(State University of Campinas)的科学家。研究者指出,聚乙烯醇在其中的作用其实就是一种粘合剂,它被加入到含有h-BN薄片的溶液中进行混合,当将混合液冻干时,聚乙烯醇与h-BN微片结合自排列成一种格子。此步过程是可拓展的。此项研究的合作者、也是美国赖斯大学的博士后研究者钱德拉·谢卡尔·特瓦利(Chandra Sekhar Tiwary)说:“即使少量PVA发挥作用,也有助于使h-BN薄片之间连接在一起而导致泡沫变得僵硬起来,但是,其表面积并未受到影响,几乎没有丝毫改变。”
在分子动力学模拟(molecular dynamics simulations)过程中,此泡沫会吸附其自身重量的340%的CO2。被吸附的CO2气体可以通过蒸发使其从吸附材料中解析出来,此吸附材料可以多次重复使用。压缩试验结果表明,反复使用2000次此泡沫竟然变得更加坚硬。
Fig. 2 A microscope image shows the high surface area of hexagonal-boron nitride foam glued together with polyvinyl alcohol. The tough, light foam can be used to soak up carbon dioxide or as a material to shield biological tissues from lasers. Credit: Ajayan Research Group/Rice University
模拟工作是由合著者、巴西坎皮纳斯州立大学和美国赖斯大学联合培养的博士后研究者克里斯蒂亚诺·沃尔勒( Cristiano Woellner)作为模拟实验的指导。克里斯蒂亚诺·沃尔勒说:“实验与理论计算相结合对于了解h-BN与粘合剂组成的力学响应是非常重要的,通过模拟可以是实验研究者提前了解他们将如何对其混合体系进行改进。”
Fig.3 A molecular dynamics simulation shows polyvinyl alcohol molecules of carbon (teal), oxygen (red) and hydrogen (white) binding two-dimensional sheets of hexagonal-boron nitride (blue and yellow). The reusable material created at Rice University can sequester more than three times its weight in carbon dioxide. Credit: Ajayan Research Group/Rice University
Graphene foam gets big and tough: Nanotube-reinforced material can be shaped, is highly conductive
Boron nitride foam soaks up carbon dioxide
Weak van der Waals forces between inert hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) nanosheets make it easy for them to slide over each other, resulting in an unstable structure in macroscopic dimensions. Creating interconnections between these inert nanosheets can remarkably enhance their mechanical properties. However, controlled design of such interconnections remains a fundamental problem for many applications of h-BN foams. In this work, a scalable in situ freeze-drying synthesis of low-density, lightweight 3D macroscopic structures made of h-BN nanosheets chemically connected by poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) molecules via chemical cross-link is demonstrated. Unlike pristine h-BN foam which disintegrates upon handling after freeze-drying, h-BN/PVA foams exhibit stable mechanical integrity in addition to high porosity and large surface area. Fully atomistic simulations are used to understand the interactions between h-BN nanosheets and PVA molecules. In addition, the h-BN/PVA foam is investigated as a possible CO2absorption and as laser irradiation protection material.
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