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锌-空气电池:三管齐下可彻底改变反复充电特性 精选

已有 11088 次阅读 2017-8-16 17:45 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:海外观察| 电催化剂, 锌-空气电池, 充电特性



据悉尼大学(University of Sydney2017815提供的消息,悉尼大学的研究员已经开发出可以反复充电放电的-空气电池(详见图1)。

Fig 1 University of Sydney researcher holds up a rechargeable zinc-air battery. Credit: The University of Sydney




2017814在《先进材料》( Advanced Materials杂志网站上发表了悉尼大学University of Sydney和南洋理工大学Nanyang Technological University化学工程研究人员合作撰写的一篇论文阐述了一种新的三步法来克服这以难题。详见Li Wei, H. Enis Karahan, Shengli Zhai, Hongwei Liu, Xuncai Chen, Zheng Zhou, Yaojie Lei, Zongwen Liu, Yuan Chen. Amorphous Bimetallic Oxide-Graphene Hybrids as Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries(点击可以下载原文). Advanced Materials, First published: 14 August 2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201701410.

根据来自悉尼大学工程和信息技术学院(University of Sydney's Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies)的领导作者陈Yuan Chen音译教授介绍,为了从头构建可充电锌-空气电池他们的新方法可以用来创建双功能氧电催化剂陈教授说:“迄今为止,充电锌-空气电池已经昂贵的贵金属铂和铱氧化物等用作为催化剂。相比之下,我们的方法可以产生一系列新的高性能和低成本的催化剂


论文的第一作者、悉尼大学化学与生物分子工程学院的魏丽博士Dr Li Wei音译新催化剂开发的-空气电池试验已经证明具有良的可充电性(excellent rechargeability),包括放电/充电循环周期超过60次,时间为120小时但是其电池功下降不足10%。陈教授补充说我们正在解决对我们社会而言,实现更可持续的金属-空气电池的基础性技术挑战


Breakthrough enables safer alternative to lithium-ion batteries

Zinc-air batteries: Three-stage method could revolutionise rechargeability


Metal oxides of earth-abundant elements are promising electrocatalysts to overcome the sluggish oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction reaction (OER/ORR) in many electrochemical energy-conversion devices. However, it is difficult to control their catalytic activity precisely. Here, a general three-stage synthesis strategy is described to produce a family of hybrid materials comprising amorphous bimetallic oxide nanoparticles anchored on N-doped reduced graphene oxide with simultaneous control of nanoparticle elemental composition, size, and crystallinity. Amorphous Fe0.5Co0.5Ox is obtained from Prussian blue analog nanocrystals, showing excellent OER activity with a Tafel slope of 30.1 mV dec−1 and an overpotential of 257 mV for 10 mA cm−2 and superior ORR activity with a large limiting current density of −5.25 mA cm−2 at 0.6 V. A fabricated Zn–air battery delivers a specific capacity of 756 mA h gZn−1 (corresponding to an energy density of 904 W h kgZn−1), a peak power density of 86 mW cm−2 and can be cycled over 120 h at 10 mA cm−2. Other two amorphous bimetallic, Ni0.4Fe0.6Ox and Ni0.33Co0.67Ox, are also produced to demonstrate the general applicability of this method for synthesizing binary metal oxides with controllable structures as electrocatalysts for energy conversion.


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