LSU Department of Physics & Astronomy Assistant Professor Ivan Agullo's new research advances knowledge of a classical theory of electromagnetism. Credit: LSU
然而,尽管电荷(electric charges)存在,但是在自然界从未观察到磁荷(magnetic charges)。如果不存在磁荷,对称性也就荡然无存。为了解开此谜成为促使物理学家搜索磁荷或磁单极子(magnetic charges, or magnetic monopoles)研究的动力源泉。然而,迄今为止有关磁荷或磁单极子的搜索一直尚未有人获得成功。不过伊凡·阿格洛和他的同事们可能已经发现了为什么尚未获得成功的原因。伊凡·阿格洛说:“无论磁单极子存在与否重力都会损坏对称性。这种结论是令人震惊的。最重要的就是在宇宙的基层不可能存在对称性,因为在宇宙的基层重力无处不在。”重力和量子效应一起扰乱了电磁对偶性(electric-magnetic duality)或电磁场的对称性。伊凡·阿格洛和他的同事们通过考虑先前理论发现这种现象,先前理论解释了宇宙中其它类型粒子如费米子(fermions)中的这种现象,再将其用于电磁场中的光子。
The source-free Maxwell action is invariant under electric-magnetic duality rotations in arbitrary spacetimes. This leads to a conserved classical Noether charge. We show that this conservation law is broken at the quantum level in the presence of a background classical gravitational field with a nontrivial Chern-Pontryagin invariant, in parallel with the chiral anomaly for massless Dirac fermions. Among the physical consequences, the net polarization of the quantum electromagnetic field is not conserved.