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29 Jan. 2009

已有 3495 次阅读 2009-2-2 06:49 |个人分类:英国留学|系统分类:人物纪事

In the morning, Charle told something about Wale’s history. For example, the Prince of Wales is not ,in fact, Welsh. Rugby is officially the national sport of Wales. It’s very intersting that she gave us some Welsh Cake, it’s very delicious. As a homework, I wrote Recipe of Making Chinese Dumpling (Stuffed with pork and celery).

At 6:30, we went to Cardiff to watch the Spring Festival evening. It’s a very brilliant. In a word, today is a memorable day. When we came back campus, it’s almost 11pm.

Some photoes we can share are just as follows.

Before the evening, I’m standing aside stage, where stduents from Chinese Confucious School practising song about “Molihua”



Vice mayor of Cardiff is giving a speech.

The first program is lion-dancing



Student Singer



 Fan Dancing

Traditional Chinese Opera

Two Students are performing a wonderful comic dialogue.


Performing koto

Wonderful fingertip ballet


The last chorus



上一篇:28 Jan. 2009
下一篇:30 Jan. 2009
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