在水一方分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/zico 复杂网络、推荐系统、社会标签……



已有 7347 次阅读 2011-10-5 14:30 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:论文交流| 博士, 目录, 毕业论文

题目:Statistical Mechanics of Social Tagging Networks: Structure, Dynamics and Function
Abstract v
Resumé vi
Publications vii
Acknowledgments ix
1 Introduction
1.1 Characteristics of Complex Networks
1.1.1 Small-World Property
1.1.2 Scale-Free Property
1.1.3 Community Structures
1.2 Emergence and Structures of Social Tagging Networks
1.2.1 The Origin of Semiotic Classification
1.2.2 From Tags to Folksonomy: Framework of Concept
1.2.3 How Folksonomy Works: Online Applications
1.2.4 From Graph to Hypergraph: A New Structure
2 Dynamics and Models of Social Tagging Networks
2.1 Semiotic Dynamics and Linguistic Evolution
2.1.1 Methods
2.1.2 Results
2.1.3 Conclusions
2.2 Self-Organization in Social Tagging Systems
2.2.1 Model
2.2.2 Results
2.2.3 Conclusions
2.3 Evolutionary Hypergraph Model
2.3.1 Model
2.3.2 Results
2.3.3 Conclusions
2.4 Conclusions and Outlook
3 Function & Applications of Social Tagging
3.1 Evaluation Metrics
3.1.1 Metrics of Accuracy
3.1.2 Metrics of Diversity
3.2 Tag-Aware Recommendation Models
3.2.1 Network-based Models
3.2.2 Tensor-based Models
3.2.3 Topic-based Models .
3.3 Conclusions and Outlook
4 Discussions and Prospectives
Curriculum Vitae
Declaration of originality


上一篇:基于社会化标签的推荐系统综述-JCST 数据挖掘和社区发现专刊
收藏 IP: 134.21.136.*| 热度|

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