The Atmospheric Sciences Division of Brookhaven National
Laboratory has an immediate opening of research associate
position. The position requires a Ph.D. in Atmospheric
Sciences or related field. Experience in two or more of the following
areas are preferred: radiative transfer, cloud physics and climate
modeling. Skills in data mining, applied mathematics, and statistics
are also desirable. Close interactions with scientists both from BNL
and willingness to work in a team environment are expected. This
position will primarily focus on developing new methods to account for
small-scale cloud variability in large-scale models. Under the
direction of D. Huang (dhuang@bnl.gov), Environmental Sciences Department. When
applying for a position, please add the contact and email address of
at least three references in the Reference box located on the
application page. BNL policy states that Research Associate
appointments may be made to those who have received their doctoral
degrees within the past five years.
招聘多个博士后: 大气科学及遥感方向下一篇: