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已有 3014 次阅读 2016-3-24 04:10 |个人分类:美国万象|系统分类:海外观察| 失误, 耶鲁医院





根据美国有线新闻网(CNN)今天的报道,有一位病人控告耶鲁新港医院的医生在为她动手术时,摘除错了她的部位。 这篇报道是由资深医学记者伊利莎白.科恩(Elizabeth Cohen)所写。

本文的中文部分只是这篇报道的中心内容, 不是完整的翻译。 我将这篇报道的有关原文拷贝如下,读者可以自己看原文。 我与大家分享这个新闻是因为我希望大家不要迷信现代医学,在发现医疗事故后, 要通过正常的途径讨回公道, 而不是搞医闹。

这篇新闻报道的中心主要意思是,一位60岁的女病人(DeborahCraven)因为第八根肋骨有癌症前期病灶,去年在耶鲁新港医院动手术, 但是,医生们将她的第七根肋骨摘除。由此,她必须进行第二次手术来摘除应该摘除的部分。

医院方面上周发表声明:“我们已经认识到所犯的错误,我们已经通知病人,并且已经向病人道歉, 我们还立即向康涅狄格州的卫生部做了报告”。

但是病人的律师说病人没有得到这样的道歉, 并且说她的一位医生企图掩盖这个失误。

病人的另一位医生对病人说, 因为第一次手术没有摘除足够的部分,所以,要进行第二次手术。

病人的律师在一份新闻发布稿中写道:“要病人在同一天接受第二次手术,又没有真正的医学理由要重复手术, 这本身就是一个明显的欺骗”。

各位读者, 你们是否赞同这位律师的说法呢?

Patient accuses Yale doctors of cover-up, removing wrong bodypart

A patient has filed a lawsuitagainst Yale New Haven Hospital for allegedly removing part of the wrong ribduring surgery and then trying to cover up the mistake.

Deborah Craven, 60, had surgery lastyear to remove part of her eighth rib because of a precancerous lesion -- butinstead, doctors removed part of her seventh rib, according to the complaint filed in Connecticut Superior Court. She hadto undergo a second surgery to remove the correct portion, the complaint said.


"We recognized that an errorwas made, we informed and apologized to the patient, and we immediatelyreported it to the Connecticut Department of Health," according to thestatement Yale issued last week.


But Craven's lawyer said she neverreceived such an apology and said one of her surgeons tried to cover up themistake.


The mistake was discovered whenCraven complained of pain after her surgery on May 18. An X-ray was performed,and Dr. Anthony Kim, an assistant professor of surgery at Yale, informed Cravenand her husband that the wrong rib had been removed, according to Craven'slawyer, Joel Faxon.


But Faxon said that five minutes later,Dr. Ricardo Quarrie told the couple something very different.


According to the complaint, Quarrietold the couple that the surgeons "had not removed enough rib during thesurgery and, for that reason, she would need to undergo another surgery."


"Making the patient undergoanother surgery the same day, without owning up to the real medical reason forthe repeat surgery is just plain deceitful," Faxon wrote in a pressrelease



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