来自剑桥的John Todd认为这可能正好可以解释某些类型呈季节性高发这一现象。炎症在类风湿性关节炎,一型糖尿病和心脏病等疾病中具有重要作用,英国的冬季正是这类疾病高发的季节。
伦敦国王学院表观遗传学教授Tim Spector则认为另外一个重要因素是肠道微生物,肠道微生物也随季节发生改变,这种变化可能与我们饮食随季节的变换有关。
伦敦国王学院的Tim Hubbard教授关注的是这类季节变换在进化上的意义,认为在史前时期,炎症状态随季节变化可能有助于抵抗感染;另外一类随季节显著变化的基因是代谢相关基因,可想而知,这有助于帮助人类储存能量以抵御食物稀缺,而又无处躲藏御寒的冬季。而人类文明发展到今天,我们多数再也不必在冬日里承受饥寒交迫了,可我们基因对低温的反应却依旧,这恰恰成了某些现代生活方式所致疾病的一个风险因素。
文题:Widespreadseasonal gene expression reveals annual differences in human immunity andphysiology
摘要:seasonalvariations are rarely considered a contributing component to human tissuefunction or health, although many diseases and physiological process displayannual periodicities. Here we find more than 4,000 protein-coding mRNAs inwhite blood cells and adipose tissue to have seasonal expression profiles, withinverted patterns observed between Europe and Oceania. We also find thecellular composition of blood to vary by season, and these changes, whichdiffer between the United Kingdom and The Gambia, could explain the geneexpression periodicity. With regards to tissue function, the immune system hasa profound pro-inflammatory transcriptomic profile during European winter, withincreased levels of soluble IL-6 receptor and C-reactive protein, riskbiomarkers for cardiovascular, psychiatric and autoimmune diseases that havepeak incidences in winter. Circannual rhythms thus require further explorationas contributors to various aspects of human physiology and disease.
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