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Boston, the hub of the sports world

已有 9092 次阅读 2011-6-17 05:27 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察| div, quot, amp, layer_logi

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Boston,because of its high concentration of institutions of higher learning (80+college and universities) and her position in American history, carries thenickname of “the hub of the US”.

Professionalsports are big business in the US. Major daily newspapers have special section ofthe paper and the radio-TV stations have regular programs each day devoted tothe local and national sport teams. “SportsIllustrated” is a well known weekly nation-wide magazine specializing insport reporting. Sports fans in the US are fanatics in their life long devotionto teams from their home town even though they may now live thousands of milesaway. The four major sports that are the year round features of all US TVstations are, American Football, Baseball,Basketball and Hockey. Boston has all four types of professional teamswhich in their long history have won all kinds of championships. Many sportslegends from these teams and the players have become part of the national lores and fabricsof America. Because of this crowding, the other world sport, soccer, never canquite gain the same popularity in the US.   Duringthe past decade, the four Boston teams have all again won national and arguablyworld championships in Football (twice), Baseball (twice after a drought of 86years), Basketball, and Hockey (last night after 39 years). Thus, the citydeservedly may call herself – the hub of the sports world http://hubbub.wbur.org/2011/06/16/bostons-decade-of-dominance . The feeling of euphoriafor a citizens of Boston last night were an emotional high. A city wide paradeis scheduled for Saturday (6/18) to honor the winning Hockey team, The BostonBruins.

Myfavorite viewing sports are baseball and American football. But last night Iwas sitting at the edge of my seat for 3 hours watching the championship hockeygame and cheering for Boston.


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