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Can Money Buy Happiness?

已有 7528 次阅读 2017-11-18 06:15 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

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Money cannot buy happiness. This is well known.  But it can buy TIME which can lead to happiness according to a  HBS study published in the Nov-Dec 2017 issue of the Harvard Magazine.


This certainly makes sense since rich or poor everyone has  only 24  hours a day. In fact the richer you are there are more  demands on your time and hence “time” becomes more valuable to  you.  Using money to buy time such as hiring servants to clean your house, assistants to help you manage, etc. gave you extra time to spend with your family, to take a vacation,  etc which otherwise  will not be possible. This certainly  tends to make you happy.  For example, one of my greatest joy in retirement is lying in  bed  watching my favorite late movie on TV knowing full well  that I do not have a breakfast business meeting to go next morning – a luxury of time which my retirement saving enables  me to do. Of course, the study also find that one can get use to the  extra time money can buy. After a while, not having to clean the house  becomes  an entitlement no longer the same pleasure when your experienced  it the first time. Thus, the TIME your buy will bring happiness  only if  it is something you do not regularly have. Thus, used the TIME  you buy  with money wisely and creatively. BE HAPPY!

In the same issue, there is also an article about how Harvard goes  about to search  for her next President – a position that will  become vacant next July.  The considerations that the search  committee goes and is going  through represent a good example on  how to pick a leader.  One cannot help wish that in a democracy we can pick a political  leader the same way in an election. https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2017/11/harvard-corporation-bill-lee-perspectives?utm_source=Harvard+Magazine+eNews&utm_campaign=2751478f43-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_11_17&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d59fecc95b-2751478f43-85101929


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