Coulomb's law,库仑定律 | Physics | Charles Augustin de Coulomb法国 |
Law of Charles and Gay-Lussac(frequently called Charles's law)查理- 盖·吕萨克定律 | Thermodynamics | Jacques Charles,法国, and Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac,法国 |
Clifford's theorem Clifford's circle theorems | Algebraic geometry, Geometry | William Kingdon Clifford,英国 |
Curie's law,居里定律 | Physics | Pierre Curie,法国 |
Curie–Weiss law,居里-外斯定律 | Physics | Pierre Curie,法国, and Pierre-Ernest Weiss,法国 |
D'Alembert's paradox D'Alembert's principle,达朗伯原理 | Fluid dynamics, Physics | Jean le Rond d'Alembert,法国 |
Dalton's law of partial pressure道尔敦分压定律 | Thermodynamics | John Dalton,英国 |
Darcy's law,达西定律 | Fluid mechanics | Henry Darcy,法国 |
De Bruijn–Erdős theorem | Mathematics | Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn ,荷兰,and Paul Erdős,匈牙利 |
De Morgan's law,摩根定律 | Logic | Augustus De Morgan,英国 |
Dermott's law底摩特定律 | Celestial mechanics | Stanley Dermott,不详 |
Descartes' theorem,笛卡尔定理 | Geometry | René Descartes,法国 |
Dirac equation,狄拉克方程 Dirac delta function Dirac comb Dirac spinor Dirac operator See also: List of things named after Paul Dirac | Mathematics, Physics | Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac,英国 |
Drake equation,德雷克方程 | Cosmology | Frank Drake,美国 |
Doppler effect,多普勒效应 | Physics | Christian Doppler,奥地利 |
Ehrenfest's theorem埃伦费斯特定理 | Quantum mechanics | Paul Ehrenfest,荷兰 |
Einstein's general theory of relativity Einstein's special theory of relativity爱因斯坦相对论 See also: List of things named after Albert Einstein | Physics | Albert Einstein,德国 |
Erdős–Anning theorem See also: List of things named after Paul Erdős | Mathematics | Paul Erdős,匈牙利, and Norman H. Anning,加拿大 |
Erdős–Beck theorem | Mathematics | Paul Erdős and József Beck,生于匈牙利 |
Erdős–Gallai theorem | Mathematics | Paul Erdős and Tibor Gallai,匈牙利 |
Erdős–Kac theorem | Mathematics | Paul Erdős and Mark Kac,波兰-美国 |
Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem | Mathematics | Paul Erdős, Ke Zhao, 柯召(中国)and Richard Rado,德国-英国 |
Erdős–Nagy theorem | Mathematics | Paul Erdős and Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy,匈牙利 |
Erdős–Rado theorem | Mathematics | Paul Erdős and Richard Rado,德国-英国 |
Erdős–Stone theorem | Mathematics | Paul Erdős and Arthur Harold Stone,英国 |
Erdős–Szekeres theorem | Mathematics | Paul Erdős and George Szekeres,匈牙利-澳大利亚 |
Erdős–Szemerédi theorem | Mathematics | Paul Erdős and Endre Szemerédi,匈牙利-美国 |
Euclid's theorem,欧几里德定理 | Number theory | Euclid,古希腊 |
Euler's theorem,欧拉定理 See also: List of things named after Leonhard Euler | Number theory | Leonhard Euler,瑞士 |
Faraday's law of induction法拉第感应定律 Faraday's law of electrolysis | Electromagnetism Chemistry | Michael Faraday,英国 |
Faxén's law | Fluid dynamics | Hilding Faxén,瑞典 |
Fermat's principle,费马大定理 Fermat's last theorem Fermat's little theorem | Optics Number theory Number theory | Pierre de Fermat,法国 |
Fermi paradox,费米能级 Fermi's golden rule Fermi acceleration Fermi hole Fermionic field Fermi level See also: List of things named after Enrico Fermi | Cosmology, Physics | Enrico Fermi,意大利 |
Fick's law of diffusion菲克扩散定律 | Thermodynamics | Adolf Fick,德国 |
Fitts's law菲茨定律 | Ergonomics | Paul Fitts,美国 |
Fourier's law,傅里叶定律 | Thermodynamics | Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier,法国 |
Gauss's law,高斯定律 Gauss's law for magnetism Gauss's principle of least constraint Gauss's digamma theorem Gauss's hypergeometric theorem Gaussian function See also: List of things named after Carl Friedrich Gauss | Mathematics, Physics | Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss,德国 |
Gibbs–Helmholtz equation,吉布斯-亥姆霍兹公式 | Thermodynamics | Josiah Willard Gibbs, 美国,Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz德国 |
Gödel's incompleteness theorems,哥德尔不完备性定理 | Mathematics | Kurt Gödel,奥地利-美国 |
Graham's law格雷姆定律 | Thermodynamics | Thomas Graham,英国 |
Grimm's law,格林法则 | Linguistics | Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm,格林兄弟,德国 |
Gustafson's law古斯塔夫森定律 | Computer science | John L. Gustafson,美国 |
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle海森伯不确定性原理 | Theoretical physics | Werner Heisenberg,德国 |
Hellmann–Feynman theorem赫尔曼-费恩曼定理 | Physics | Hans Hellmann德国, Richard Feynman,美国 |
Henry's law,亨利定律 | Thermodynamics | William Henry,英国 |
Hertz observations,赫兹观察 | Electromagnetism | Heinrich Hertz,德国 |
Hess's law赫士定律 | Thermodynamics | Germain Henri Hess,瑞士-俄罗斯 |
Hilbert's basis theorem Hilbert's axioms,希尔伯特公理 Hilbert function Hilbert's irreducibility theorem Hilbert's syzygy theorem Hilbert's Theorem 90 Hilbert's theorem | Mathematics | David Hilbert,德国 |
Hohenberg–Kohn theorem | Quantum mechanics | Pierre Hohenberg,法国-美国, and Walter Kohn,奥地利-美国 |
Helmholtz's theorems,亥姆霍兹定理 Helmholtz theorem Helmholtz free energy Helmholtz decomposition Helmholtz equation Helmholtz resonance | Thermodynamics Physics | Hermann von Helmholtz,德国 |
Hooke's law,胡克定律 | Physics | Robert Hooke,英国 |
Hopkinson's law霍普金森定律 | Electromagnetism | John Hopkinson,英国 |
Hubble's law,哈勃定律 | Cosmology | Edwin Hubble,美国 |
Hund's rules洪特规则 | Atomic physics | Friedrich Hund,德国 |
Huygens–Fresnel principle惠更斯-弗雷斯涅尔原理 | Optics | Christiaan Huygens ,荷兰,and Augustin-Jean Fresnel,法国 |
Joule's laws焦耳定律 | Physics | James Joule,英国 |
Jurin's law朱林定律 | Physics | James Jurin。英国 |
Kasha's rule卡莎规则 | Photochemistry | Michael Kasha,美国 |
Kepler's laws of planetary motion开普勒行星运动定律 | Astrophysics | Johannes Kepler,德国 |
Kirchhoff's laws,基尔霍夫定律 | Electronics, thermodynamics | Gustav Kirchhoff,德国 |
Kopp's law柯普定律 | Thermodynamics | Hermann Franz Moritz Kopp,德国 |
Lagrangian point Lagrange reversion theorem Lagrange polynomial Lagrange's four-square theorem Lagrange's theorem,拉格朗日定理 Lagrange's theorem (group theory) Lagrange invariant Lagrange multiplier See also: List of things named after Joseph-Louis Lagrange | Mathematics, Astrophysics | Joseph-Louis Lagrange,法国 |
Lamm equation,兰姆方程 | Chemistry, Biophysics | Ole Lamm,瑞典 |
Langmuir equation,朗缪尔方程 | Surface Chemistry | Irving Langmuir,美国 |
Laplace transform,拉普拉斯变换 Laplace's equation Laplace operator Laplace distribution Laplace invariant Laplace expansion Laplace principle Laplace limit See also: List of things named after Pierre-Simon Laplace | Mathematics Physics Probability Theory Statistical mechanics | Pierre-Simon Laplace,法国 |
Le Chatelier's principle勒夏特列原理 | Chemistry | Henri Louis le Chatelier,法国 |
Leibniz's law,莱布尼茨定律 | Ontology | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,德国 |
Lenz's law,楞次定律 | Physics | Heinrich Lenz,俄罗斯 |
Leonard–Merritt mass estimator | Astrophysics | Peter Leonard, 不详,David Merritt,美国 |
l'Hôpital's rule罗必达法则 | Mathematics | Guillaume de l'Hôpital,法国 |
Mach principle,马赫原理 Mach reflection | Physics | Ernst Mach,奥地利 |
Marconi's law,马可尼定律 | Radio technology | Guglielmo Marconi,意大利 |
Markovnikov's rule马尔科夫尼科夫规则 | Organic chemistry | Vladimir Markovnikov,俄罗斯 |
Maupertuis' principle莫佩尔蒂原理 | Mathematics | Pierre Louis Maupertuis,法国 |
Maxwell's equations,麦克斯韦方程 Maxwell relations | Electrodynamics Thermodynamics | James Clerk Maxwell,英国 |
Mendelian inheritance/Mendel's laws,孟德尔遗传规律 | Genetics | Gregor Mendel,奥地利 |
Metcalfe's law梅特卡夫定律 | Network theory | Robert Metcalfe,美国 |
Mikheyev–Smirnov–Wolfenstein effect米赫耶夫–斯米尔诺夫–沃尔芬斯坦效应 | Particle physics | Stanislav Mikheyev,苏联, Alexei Smirnov苏联, andLincoln Wolfenstein,美国 |
Milner–Rado paradox | Mathematical logic | Eric Charles Milner ,英国,and Richard Rado,德国-英国 |
Minkowski's theorem,闵可夫斯基定理 | Number theory | Hermann Minkowski,德国 |
Mitscherlich's law米切利希定律 | Crystallography Condensed matter physics | Eilhard Mitscherlich,德国 |
Moore's law,摩尔定律 | Computing | Gordon Moore,美国 |
Nash embedding theorem Nash equilibrium,纳什平衡 | Topology Game Theory | John Forbes Nash,美国 |
Nernst equation,能斯特方程 | Electrochemistry | Walther Nernst,德国 |
Newton's law of cooling Newton's law of universal gravitation Newton's laws of motion牛顿运动定律 See also: List of things named after Isaac Newton | Thermodynamics Astrophysics Mechanics | Isaac Newton英国 |
Noether's theorem,诺特定理 | Theoretical physics | Emmy Noether,女,德国 |
Nurgaliev's law | Demography | Nurgaliev I.S.,不详 |
Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem奈奎斯特-香农采样定理 | Information theory | Harry Nyquist, 瑞典-美国,Claude Elwood Shannon,美国 |
Occam's razor,奥肯剃刀 | Philosophy of science | William of Ockham,英国 |
Ohm's law,欧姆定律 | Electronics | Georg Ohm,德国 |
Osipkov–Merritt model | Astrophysics | Leonid Osipkov,不详,, David Merritt,美国 |
Ostwald dilution law奥斯瓦稀释定律 | Physical chemistry | Wilhelm Ostwald,俄罗斯-德国 |
Paley–Wiener theorem | Mathematics | Raymond Paley,英国, and Norbert Wiener,美国 |
Pareto distribution,帕累托分布 Pareto efficiency Pareto index Pareto principle | Economics | Vilfredo Pareto,意大利 |
Pascal's law,帕斯卡定律 Pascal's theorem | Physics Geometry | Blaise Pascal,法国 |
Pauli exclusion principle,泡利不相容原理 | Quantum mechanics | Wolfgang Pauli,瑞士-美国 |
Peano axioms皮亚诺公设 | Foundational mathematics | Giuseppe Peano,意大利 |
Planck's law,普朗克定律 | Electromagnetism | Max Planck,德国 |
Poincaré–Bendixson theorem | Mathematics | Henri Poincaré,法国, and Ivar Otto Bendixson,瑞典 |
Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem | Mathematics | Henri Poincaré,法国, George David Birkhoff, 美国,andErnst Witt,德国 |
Poincaré–Hopf theorem | Mathematics | Henri Poincaré,法国, and Heinz Hopf,德国 |
Poincaré recurrence theorem Poincaré conjecture,彭加勒猜想 Poincaré lemma See also: List of things named after Henri Poincaré | Mathematics | Henri Poincaré,法国 |
Poiseuille's law泊肃叶定律 | Fluidics | Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille,法国 |
Poisson distribution,泊松分布 Poisson's equation See also: List of things named after Siméon Denis Poisson | Statistics Calculus | Siméon Denis Poisson,法国 |
Price's theorem | Natural selection | George R. Price,美国 |
Ptolemy's theorem,托勒密定理 | Geometry | Ptolemy,埃及 |
Pythagorean theorem,毕达哥拉斯定理 | Geometry | Pythagoras。古希腊 |
Raman scattering,拉曼散射 | Physics | Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman,印度 |
Rado's theorem | Discrete mathematics | Richard Rado,德国-英国 |
Ramanujan–Nagell equation See also: List of things named after Srinivasa Ramanujan | Mathematics | Srinivasa Ramanujan,印度, and Trygve Nagell,挪威 |
Raoult's law拉乌尔定律 | Physical chemistry | François-Marie Raoult,法国 |
Riemann zeta function Riemann hypothesis Riemann integral Riemann lemma Riemannian manifold黎曼流形Riemann sphere Riemann theta function See also: List of things named after Bernhard Riemann | Number theory, analysis, geometry | Bernhard Riemann,德国 |
Rolle's theorem,罗尔定理 | Differential calculus | Michel Rolle,法国 |
Saha ionization equation萨哈电离方程 | Plasma physics | Meghnad Saha,印度 |
Schrödinger equation薛定谔方程 | Physics | Erwin Schrödinger,奥地利 |
Sérsic's law | Astrophysics | J. L. Sérsic,不详 |
Snell's law,斯涅尔定律 | Optics | Willebrord van Roijen Snell,荷兰 |
Sokolov–Ternov effect索克洛夫-特诺夫效应 | Particle Physics | Arsenij Sokolov俄罗斯, and Igor Ternov,俄罗斯 |
Sommerfeld–Kossel displacement law | Spectroscopy | Arnold Sommerfeld ,德国,and Walther Kossel,德国 |
Stefan–Boltzmann law | Thermodynamics | Jožef Stefan ,奥地利,and Ludwig Boltzmann,奥地利 |
Stokes' law,斯托克斯定理 | Fluid mechanics | George Gabriel Stokes,爱尔兰 |
Stoletov's law斯托列托夫定律 | Photoelectric effect | Aleksandr Stoletov,俄罗斯 |
Tarski's undefinability theorem Tarski's axioms,塔斯基定理 See also: List of things named after Alfred Tarski | Mathematical logic, Geometry | Alfred Tarski,波兰-美国 |
Thales' theorem泰勒斯定理 | Geometry | Thales,古希腊 |
Titius–Bode law提丢斯-波得定则 | Astrophysics | Johann Daniel Titius,德国, and Johann Elert Bode,德国 |
Torricelli's law,托里拆利定律 | Physics | Evangelista Torricelli,意大利 |
Umov effect | Physics | Nikolay Umov,俄罗斯 |
Van der Waals equation,范德瓦尔斯方程 | Chemistry | Johannes Diderik van der Waals荷兰 |
Vlasov equation | Plasma physics | Anatoly Vlasov,俄国 |
Von Neumann bicommutant theorem Von Neumann entropy von Neumann paradox冯.诺依曼悖论 Von Neumann ergodic theorem Von Neumann universe Von Neumann neighborhood Von Neumann's trace inequality See also: List of things named after John von Neumann | Mathematics, Quantum mechanics | John von Neumann,匈牙利-美国 |
Weinberg–Witten theorem,温伯格-威滕定理 | Quantum Gravity | Steven Weinberg,美国 and Edward Witten,美国 |
Weyl character formula See also: List of things named after Hermann Weyl | Mathematics | Hermann Weyl,德国 |
Wien's law,维恩定律 | Physics | Wilhelm Wien,德国 |
Wiener–Khinchin theorem | Mathematics | Norbert Wiener,美国 and Aleksandr Khinchin,苏联 |
Young–Laplace equation,杨-拉普拉斯方程 | Fluid dynamics | Thomas Young,英国, and Pierre-Simon Laplace,法国 |
Zipf's law,齐夫定律 | Linguistics | George Kingsley Zipf,美国 |