英文专著书名: The quantum measurement effect of interaction without interaction,
出版社: Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany
After the gravitational waves from a binary black holemerger were discovered by LIGO and Virgo in 2016, the detections ofgravitational waves with other methods are necessary and urgent. When we studythe designs for detecting gravitational waves with an atomic beam, we propose anew quantum measurement effect of interaction without interaction for an atomicbeam. This book deeply demonstrates quantum measurements and interpretations ofquantum mechanics, provides the methods for controlling the mechanical motionsof a charged particle by using quantum measurements and presents the quantummeasurement effects of interaction without interaction for quantum entanglementdynamics and for an atomic beam. The book also sketches the gravitational wavedetector with two non-interfered atomic beams based on the quantum measurementeffect. The new quantum measurement effect can be verified with now techniques,so the book will attract experimental physicists and also attract anyone who isinterested in quantum measurements and the philosophies of quantum mechanics.
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