3/16/2020 第一天
回家的路上听车上的广播,正好听到旧金山湾区6个县联合发布的声明“shelter in place"。就是“庇护令”,这个翻译不知道是否准确。
"Among those remaining open are grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants for delivery only and hardware stores. Most workers are ordered to stay home, with exceptions including health care workers; police, fire and other emergency responders; and utility providers such as electricians, plumbers, and sanitation workers."
“Shelter in place" 目前的有效期是三个星期。可是根据之前国内的经验,恐怕是要持续很长一段时间。
大部分美国人民都是live paycheck by paycheck。 低收入阶层的老百姓,家里可能1000美元的余钱都拿不出。那么多店铺关门了,不知道他们怎么生活。希望不要出什么大的乱子。
According to a statement from the City of San Francisco, essential activities (exemptions to the shelter-in-place order) include:
Tasks essential to maintain health and safety, such as obtaining medicine or seeing a doctor;
Getting necessary services or supplies for themselves or their family or household members, such as getting food and supplies, pet food, and getting supplies necessary for staying at home;
Engaging in outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking, or running provided that you maintain at least six feet of social distancing;
Performing work providing essential services at an Essential Business or Essential Government function (defined below);
Caring for a family member in another household;
Caring for elderly, minors, dependents, persons with disabilities, or other vulnerable persons.
Exemptions. Individuals may leave their place of residence to operate an essential business, including:
Healthcare operations, including home health workers;
Essential Infrastructure, including construction of housing and operation of public transportation and utilities;
Grocery stores, farmers’ markets, food banks, convenience stores;
Businesses that provide necessities of life for economically disadvantaged individuals and shelter facilities;
Pharmacies, health care supply stores, and health care facilities;
Gas stations and auto repair facilities;
Garbage collection;
Hardware stores, plumbers, electricians, and other service providers necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences and other essential businesses;
Educational institutions, for the purposes of facilitating distance learning;
Laundromats, dry cleaners, and laundry service providers;
Businesses that ship or deliver groceries, food, and goods directly to residences;
Childcare facilities providing services that enable essential employees to go to work;
Roles required for any Essential Business to “maintain basic operations,” which include security, payroll, and similar activities.
They may also leave their home to perform an essential government function:
This includes all services needed to ensure the continuing operation of the government agencies and provide for the health, safety and welfare of the public.
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