Review Article
Bo Zhou, Yasuro Funaki, Hisashi Horiuchi, and Akihiro Tohsaki, Nonlocalized clustering and evolution of cluster structure in nuclei, Front. Phys. 15(1), 14401 (2020), arXiv: 1905.00788
(64 pages)
周波等人与合作者通过发展一种新的α凝聚THSR(Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Röpke)波函数,提出了一种具有非局域化结团特点的微观波函数,并对具有20个核子,结构复杂的20Ne(α+16O)的结团结构进行了理论研究。通过完全的变分计算,20Ne的基态能量、基态宇称反转双重转动带结构等可观测量都在理论上得到了精确描述。结果表明,原子核结团在原子核内做相对自由的非局域化运动,而非传统意义上的局域化运动。作者进一步提出了容器模型来描述原子核结团的非局域化运动,这种新的理论框架超越了传统的微观结团模型。如下图所示,它将不同的α和16O结团限制在一个尺寸为β的容器中,来描述复杂的结团运动。为了得到相同的描述效果,在传统的模型中,需要使用结团间距参数{R1, R2, …},并叠加数目巨大的不同局域化波函数才能得以近似的描述。这样,作者提出了原子核结团运动关联的新理解,同时发展了一个更有效的描述原子核结团结构的理论工具。
Nonlocalized clustering and evolution of cluster structure in nuclei
Bo Zhou1,2, Yasuro Funaki3, Hisashi Horiuchi4, Akihiro Tohsaki4
1 Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0817, Japan
2 Department of Physics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan
3 College of Science and Engineering, Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama 236-8501, Japan
4 Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
E-mail: bo@nucl.sci.hokudai.ac.jp, funaki@riken.jp, horiuchi@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp, tohsaki@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp
1 Introduction
2 Hoyle state and gas-like structure of clusters
2.1 3α condensate-like structure of the Hoyle state
2.1.1 Reduced α-decay width and S-wave dominant structure of the Hoyle state
2.1.2 α-condensate-like character and the THSR wave function of Hoyle state
2.1.3 Equivalence of the 3α THSR wave function to 3α RGM/GCM wave functions
2.1.4 Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the Hoyle state
2.1.5 Breathing-like excitation of the Hoyle state
2.2 4α condensate-like state in 16O
2.2.1 4α OCM calculation
2.2.2 4α THSR calculation
3 Characters of the THSR wave function
3.1 Shell-model limit of the THSR wave function
3.2 Equivalence of projected prolate and oblate THSR wave functions
3.3 Negative-parity THSR wave function
3.4 Single-particle property of the THSR wave function of 13C
4 Localized vs. nonlocalized clustering
4.1 Inversion-doublet bands in 20Ne and their description by the THSR wave function
4.1.1 Energy curve by the hybrid-Brink–THSR wave function
4.1.2 Equivalence between the 16O+α THSR wave function and 16O+α RGM/GCM wave functions
4.2 Localized clustering from the inter-cluster Pauli principle
5 Container model of cluster dynamics
5.1 Nuclear size as the generator coordinate for the evolution of cluster structure and extension of the THSR wave function
5.2 One-dimensional gas of α clusters – α-linear-chain structure
5.3 Rich spectra of 3α states above the Hoyle state in 12C
5.3.1 Positive-parity states in 12C
5.3.2 Container picture for the 3- and 4- states in 12C
5.4 Variety of cluster states in 16O
5.5 Application to other nuclear systems
5.5.1 Neutron-rich isotopes of beryllium
5.5.2 Λ-hypernuclei
5.6 More generalization and manipulation of the THSR wave function
5.6.1 Two-center THSR wave function
5.6.2 Cluster systems with different size variables
5.6.3 Monte Carlo integration in the THSR wave function
5.6.4 New development of analytical treatment of the THSR wave function
6 Evolution of cluster structure
6.1 Duality property of mean-field states and formation of cluster states
6.1.1 Duality property of shell-model states with good SU(3) symmetry
6.1.2 Formation of cluster states from mean-field state with duality property
6.1.3 Observed large monopole transition strengths between ground state and cluster states
6.2 Pauli-allowed states of many-cluster systems
6.2.1 Two-cluster Pauli-forbidden states and many-cluster Pauli-allowed states
6.2.2 Many-cluster Pauli-allowed state and evolution of cluster structure
6.3 Container model and evolution of cluster structure
7 Summary
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