谷氨酸(glutamic acid, COOH-CH2-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH)是构成蛋白质的氨基酸之一,是人体重要的营养物质。谷氨酸具有“分子识别”功能,其中的羧基(-COOH)可以优先吸附Ca2+,促进涂层界面的磷灰石形核。
在本工作中,使用共沉淀与水热相结合的方法在镁合金表面制备出镁铝碳酸根水滑石,然后通过在聚谷氨酸(poly-γ-glutamic acid,PGA)溶液中浸渍不同时间,冷冻干燥后得到水滑石/聚谷氨酸复合涂层。
在Hank’s溶液浸泡过程中,由于聚谷氨酸中羧基的“分子识别”作用,样品表面逐渐有缺钙型羟基磷灰石生成。此外,聚谷氨酸的也表现出对NIH 3T3细胞良好的生物相容性。因此,LDH/PGA-30复合涂层具有良好的耐蚀性,较好的诱导成骨能力和生物相容性,在修复外科中有良好的应用前景。
论文题目为“Biocorrosion resistance and biocompatibility of Mg–Al layered double hydroxide/poly-L-glutamic acid hybrid coating on magnesium alloy AZ31”,发表在《Progress in Organic Coatings》(IF 4.467, 147 (2020) 105746). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.porgcoat.2020.105746。第一作者为山东科技大学研究生吴威,通讯作者为张芬副教授、曾荣昌教授。
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the preparation of LDH/PGA coating
Fig. 2 FE-SEM images of (a) LDH coating, (b) LDH/PGA-10 coating, (c) LDH/PGA-20 coating, (d)LDH/PGA-30 coating, (e) LDH/PGA-60 coating and (f) corresponding EDS spectra of all coatings
Fig. 3 XPS survey spectra of (a) LDH/PGA-30 coating, (b) C 1s peaks, (c) N 1s peaks, (d) O 1s peaks, (e) Mg 2p peaks and (f) Al 2p peaks
Fig. 4 Polarization curves of (a) AZ31 substrate, (b) LDH coating, (c) LDH/PGA-10 coating, (d) LDH/PGA-20 coating, (e) LDH/PGA-30 coating and (f) LDH/PGA-60 coating
Fig. 5 (a) Nyquist plots and (b, c and d) enlarged Nyquist plots, impedance diagrams in Bode coordinates (e) impedance modulus and (f) phase angle of AZ31 substrate and coated samples. Equivalent circuits for (g) AZ31 substrate and (h) coated samples
Fig. 6 OD values (a) and Cell viability (b) of NIH 3T3 cultured in different extracts prepared with negative control, AZ31 substrate, LDH coated sample and LDH/PGA-30 coated sample for 1 and 3 days
Fig. 7 Fluorescent images of NIH 3T3 cells after cultured for 1 day (upper) and 3 days (lower) in extracts of (a) (e) negative control, (b) (f) AZ31 substrate, (c) (g) LDH coated sample and (d) (h) LDH/PGA-30 coated sample
Fig. 8 Schematic illustrations of the corrosion mechanism of the LDH coating and the LDH/PGA-30 coating
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