[求助] 风力发电机的
风速、风向、功率 3 个对应时间的时间序列
(1)“风速-功率”关系,2015 IEEE,Pai Li,Fig.4
(2)“风速-功率”关系,2015 PNAS,Lee M. Miller,Fig.2.(A)
(3)“风速-功率”关系,2014 Lawrence,Wayne Miller,第4幅图
我想知道这些带子里有没有进一步的规律性,所以想找到相同时间点的测量得到的风速、风向、功率的3个时间序列。希望时间分辨率小于1分钟的水平(time resolution ≤ 1 min)。风速变化范围最好能够达到 0~16m/s。
(4)赵瑜,等人,2013,图2 某风场日风速曲线
(5)赵瑜,等人,2013,图3 某风场单台风机日输出功率曲线
[1] 赵瑜,周玮,于芃,等.风电有功波动功率调节控制研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2013,33(13):85-91
[2] Li Pai, Guan Xiaohong, Wu Jiang, et al. Modeling dynamic spatial correlations of geographically distributed wind farms and constructing ellipsoidal uncertainty sets for optimization-based generation scheduling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2015, 6(4): 1594-1605.
[3] Miller L M, Brunsell N A, Mechem D B, et al. Two methods for estimating limits to large-scale wind power generation[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015, 112(36): 11169-11174.
[4] Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Arnie Heller, april 2014, Predicting Wind Power with Greater Accuracy
Researchers are combining fieldwork, advanced simulation, and statistical analysis to help wind farm and electric power grid operators.
Wind turbine manufacturers typically provide operators with a simple “power curve,” which shows power from the turbine as primarily the cube of hub-height wind speed. However, Livermore researchers are showing that power curves frequently err by ± 20 percent of actual power output, as seen in this plot of observed power versus wind speed at a northern California wind farm. The color map relates atmospheric stability conditions to reported power-output observations.
[5] Eastern Wind Dataset
The Eastern Wind Dataset contains modeled wind farm data points for the eastern United States for 2004, 2005, and 2006. It is intended for use by energy professionals such as transmission planners, utility planners, project developers, and university researchers who perform wind integration studies and estimate power production from hypothetical wind plan.
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