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TTU论文《A non-canonical example to support that P≠NP》刊出

已有 6591 次阅读 2011-12-5 22:32 |系统分类:科研笔记| equal, not, example, non-canonical, DTM

TTU论文《A non-canonical example to support that P is not equal to NP》已经刊出
       俺在2011-06-05《TTU 拟录用论文致谢》里预告发表的英文论文“A non-canonical example to support that P is not equal to NP”,今天接到 27400281(Transactions of Tianjin University,TTU,EI核心期刊)编辑部电话,可以领取纸质期刊了。
       期待15个月的英文论文终于刊出了,2011, 17(6): 446-449。
Volume 17, Number 6, 446-449, DOI: 10.1007/s12209-011-1593-5

A non-canonical example to support P is not equal to NP 


EI Compendex Web:  20120714762933



       The more unambiguous statement of the P versus NP problem and the judgement of its hardness, are the key ways to find the full proof of the P versus NP
problem. There are two sub-problems in the P versus NP problem. The first problem is classifications of different mathematical problems (languages), and the second is the distinction between a non-deterministic Turing machine (NTM) and a deterministic Turing machine (DTM). The process of an NTM can be a power set of the corresponding DTM, which proves that the states of an NTM can be a power set of the corresponding DTM. If combining this viewpoint with Cantor’s theorem, it is shown that an NTM is not equipotent to a DTM. This means that “generating the power set P(A) of a set A” is a non-canonical example to support that P is not equal to NP.


       “The process of a NTM can be the power set of a DTM”, the main idea for this paper, was reported orally by the author in his report “From the hierarchy of NP to the classification of supercomputer” in the Student Academic Symposium of Graduate School to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Tianjin University, October, 1995. The key viewpoints of his oral report can be seen in his Chinese paper “conception of the second class computer”, which published in the Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology, 2011, 6(4): 368-374.

       “The 3-SAT can have a nonplanar graphic structure, but 2-SAT has definitely a planar graphic structure” was reported orally also, which has no relation to the viewpoints of this paper.

       “The classification of supercomputer” in the report was published in the journal of “Philosophy Research” in 1999, (4). Our paper names “The second class mathematics (intelligence mathematics) to simulate human intelligence and its philosophical research”, which is in Chinese characters. Our viewpoints in Philosophy Research paper are the generalization of “PNP”, they are not repetitions to this paper.

[1] 《TTU 拟录用论文致谢
[2] 《A FULL PROOF to the P versus NP problem


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